31 Replies to “I’m Going As Batman”

  1. Frankenstein, naturally…!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. What a perfect commentary on the niqab BS. This and David Menzies’ burqa.
    Now I’m a little ticked I’ve already voted in today’s advance poll. Maybe I’ll hang around the local polling station on the 19th, handing out similar Canadian cultural symbols for those wishing to vote.

  3. Beheading will be next, I tell you. It’s a part of a religious tradition therefore is OK with the insane multi-culti clause of our constitution. Of course, the beheaders do not behead themselves; they generally prefer to behead those who follow non-beheading belief systems.

  4. I voted at the advance poll today too. Wish I had thought of something like this. I did, however, have to provide photo ID (in the form of my driver’s license) and so did the 92 year-old mother of my girlfriend whom I took with me. We were both the whitest people in the place so I guess it’s a requirement for white folk only.

  5. I also voted at the advance poll for the first time in my life. Previously I used to wait until election day. When the crowd I had brought in my suv reached the voting table we created an instant lineup. Each and every one of us delivered a vote for the local Conservative candidate which will certainly help the cause. As I surveyed the people in the other lines, I noticed a few that were surely NDP or Green supporters. Sometimes you can just tell.

  6. I will be challenging my drivers license photo as well this way i will never pay another ticket ever again .

  7. Well, we will be voting tomorrow, for the Conservatives.
    Over my street clothes, I personally will be wearing a Winston S. Churchill mask and a Toronto Blue Jays uniform. In mid-identification, I plan to whip off the Blue Jays uniform, and break into an excerpt from “their finest hour” speech, to wit:
    “…and then, quite suddenly, quite unexpectedly, our terrible foe[s] collapsed before us, and we were so glutted with victory, that, in our folly, we threw it away.”

  8. So what was the point in showing my license, having my face checked with the picture, signing my signature on the voting record when I voted today?
    I applaud the courage of any person like this woman and the Menzies who expose this mockery of our electoral system.

  9. I can only hope for my childrens sake that the Canadian public can see through the Hair Lisperer and Angry Tom. This is only a one way street for any thinking voter. Justy will mandate burkas and hezzbollas or whatever the other tents are called and Angry Tom will make sure when we all have no jobs we will be ordered to sew hijabs and yassir headscarves. Vote for you children Canada..

  10. From the comments I read in The Journal de Montreal people are either so disgusted that they are going to vote Conservative or they see Canada’s inability to defend its basic values as another reason for Quebec to separate.

  11. I voted at the local Elections Canada office on Oct.1st, figured my wife and I would be the only ones there, quelle surprise! There must have been ten people voting,and more coming in as we left.
    Cost me six bits for parking,though if Justin wins I’ll apply for a refund.

  12. I voted in rural Alberta.
    I asked what would happen if I wore a Burka.
    The DRO said I would have to show my face.
    But this was in a whisper…….

  13. How about wearing a KKK hood on top of a niqab, a Confederate flag bikini top and assless leather chaps, carrying a pencil case “clock” in one hand and a bottle of Jack in the other? (Extra points if you have lots of body hair). Court jester slippers would be appropriate footwear.
    While waiting in line to receive your ballot, sing a few lines of “Always look on the bright side of life” from Monty Python’s Meaning of Life with an occasional outburst of “Allahu Akbar”.
    Canadian elections are about to become the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It’s the price you pay for keeping up the candy assed “Canadians are oh so nice and inclusive” meme.

  14. We all know that separation is nothing more than a bluff. As for voting Conservative … we can only hope that is reality. A few seats in Quebec would certainly help the cause.

  15. *
    i’ve read elsewhere that the part of the niqab woman’s story the sjws and cbc’ers don’t want you to hear is that her family, parents as well as spouse, are freaked out by her (pun intended) crusade.
    her father is apparently an academic who flipped out when she started wearing the head bag as a teenager. her husband just grits his teeth and goes along with it, presumably to avoid her going full jihadi on him at home.
    the socialist politicians, lapdog media and rainbows & unicorn judiciary are the only sheeple who are choosing to support this idiocy.
    hopefully people are pissed off enough about this to draw a line in the sand when they vote… and if wearing a mask underlines those concerns, i say go for it.

  16. We already figured that Kate was underneath the Batgirl costume, especially when she was riding a motorcycle 🙂

  17. I like Hair Lisperer.
    But, I prefer to call Angry Tom the Furry Faced F***.

  18. The problem wasn’t the confederate bandana. The problem was that he was aggressive and uttering threats, specifically while wearing the bandana to hide his identity. He was being deliberately provocative.
    By comparison Zunera Ishaq was not uttering threats, just the citizenship oath. And she had visually confirmed her identity before the ceremony. See the difference?
    Now if you want to wear your little mask, you go right ahead. Just cooperate with election officials as best you can and we’ll all get through this just fine. And in a few years this silliness will all blow over and Canada will continue on.

  19. Canada could be a lot different all right and not in a few years. All criticisms of extremist Islam will not be allowed and sites like this will no longer exist. Still it will be somewhat amusing to see progressives living in a country where more and more no go zones forbid alcohol, women showing anything, homosexual and music.

  20. Actually, this may be a far better response to our ridiculous judiciary than expensive legal appeals or new legislation. There should be a regular parade of Star Wars regalia, Klan hoods, IRA balaclavas, Guy Fawkes masks, Ninja Turtles, Crusader armour, Jacques Plante or Gerry Cheevers hockey masks, and maybe most frightening, Joe Clark masks. We will abide by the rules of our learned judges, but we can make manifest what we think of them.

  21. John
    It was only aggressive according to the Liberals. Funny how the Green Party candidate didn’t see it as problem. You need to learn how to watch the news and don’t just believe the Liberal supporters that they chose to put on camera. Did they interview others that didn’t see a problem and choose not to put them in the story?

  22. Great that your prickly hit-and-run logic made its way in here again. Either you are a masochist, or an agitator/ troll. You couldn’t be as blind and dumb as your commentary blatantly reflects. Then maybe….The depths of shallowness you project Is unrivalled in this place. But I’ll bet if I’m wrong about the s–t-disturbing, I can’t imagine that you’d fancy your line of reasoning will someday take hold and make us all see the light. Because your take can be found ubiquitously, shredding and exposing it, is raison d’être around here. So dumb!

  23. *
    well, when we all finally have to convert to the one true religion (“peace be upon his name”) i will simply have to grow my beard a little longer and, sigh… find another couple of wives. i will miss bbq’d ribs, alcohol and the heart-warming sight of women’s legs in the summer… not to mention free speech, but it’s less painful than being hung from a lamp post.
    mrs neo, on the other hand, will have to give up shorts, t-shirts and, well… baring her face, and driving, and going out in public without a male escort, and talking to any other man, yadda, yadda.
    i have promised, as per the koran, not to beat her with a stick thicker than my thunb but she seems spectacularly unimpressed, muttering something about, “you’ll have to sleep sometime.” maybe imam fred has some advice about that.
    oh well… brave new medieval world. i’ll see all my new bros down at the public execution ground for daily “crap on the great satan parades”… that’s the former hockey complex for all you islamo-newbies.

  24. I actually did that, since I wear the hat and boots everyday anyway, all I had to add was wrap-around sunglasses in place of the mask.
    At one time I had a batch of nickel coated brass for reloading, the calibre was wrong – 10mm auto instead of .45 long colt, but nobody would have noticed that if I was using one as “silver bullet” ID. LOL. So I used my PAL instead, and let the lady at the desk point out that it doesn’t have an address (I had my drivers liscence handy)

  25. How on earth anyone could ever vote for the CPC in this election is shocking. Thinking about that gives me stomach cramps and a bad case of the runs. They are nothing more than a band of thieves. The hilarious part is that anything less than a conservative majority will send Haper our on his ass, which actually is a break for him because he should be incarcerated. Enjoy the last week of Harper
