8 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Move along folks nothing to see here. Nothing to worry about either. Uncle Tom and the Hair Apparent know the real inside story,and they have both promised to spend your hard earned carbon tax dollars wisely. You know you can count on that……right?

  2. It bothers me that these scientists are constantly surprised that the ecosystem adapts. Coral has been around for millions of years and seen atmospheric and oceanic CO2 levels many times higher than today… and coral is flourishing.
    The same scientists that are terrorized by pine trees dying in the south, when there weren’t pine trees in British Columbia 20,000 years ago because there was a mile thick of ice.
    Things move north and south with the temperature, if it does warm again, or cool again the plants and animals will move accordingly. People are terrified of a single degree of warming, it was 10C cooler 12,000 years ago, the plants and animals flourish when it is warmer.

  3. We will all be better off once the ice returns. Yummy, nutritious ice. Yes, once Canada is again the world leading in “country most covered by ice”, all will be well for the next 50,000 years.

  4. Ocean acidity is supposed to be correlated with CO2 levels, but CO2 levels were five times higher during the Devonian age (renown for its reefs) that they are today.
    Thus the discovery that corals can withstand wide ranges of pH levels does not surprize me.

  5. Well, seeing as how coral is made up of calcium carbonate, I’d say they NEED CO2 to build.

  6. Not to mention the cool brachiopods, crinoids, trilobites and other fossils, including – ta da – corals.

  7. the various eco-freak groups sending out their junk mail uring you to sign some dumb petition or mail their dumb little postcards to the various political hacks to fight a nonexitent thing called GLOBAL WARMING/CLIMATE CHANGE as well as asking you to send them $500 to Save the Polarbears
