Renegade Regulator

Restore CSA;

The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) is about to announce their new CEO. This new hire replaces Ash Sahi, the former CEO that RestoreCSA managed to chase out the door late last year. Since Sahi’s firing, the CSA has been run by a committee of executives and, as everyone knows, the best way to efficiently and decisively run any organization is through an unwieldy, bureaucratic committee.

5 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. I learned about 25 years ago to NEVER buy anything with a CSA sticker on it. And I still don’t.

  2. The CSA is a hopelessly useless and corrupt organization. We paid them a small fortune to certify one of our products and after 2 years of frustration and delays we were told that they had lost our file.
    They then wanted us to pay the fee again and start over.
    Thankfully we found TUV and have never looked back. TUV is certified to test to meet the standards equal to CSA and are fantastic to deal with.

  3. The new Minister will say nothing. Just like the last one did.
    What a lost opportunity. The Conservatives did NOTHING on this file for their entire time in office, and the Liberals certainly won’t do a damn thing about it either. If anything they’ll just pack it with some cronies.

  4. Hell no, the new minister will say, “we will clean this up”
    Then transfer the worst thieves over to Revenue Canada or the new gun registry, where their extortion skills will be fully utilized.
    Then appoint a whole bunch of troughers to whom the minister is personally indebted, to be the CSA board.
    Win win by the kleptos and PS Knight gets paid to go away, so the fraud and extortion that is CSA will continue on for decades more.
