38 Replies to “Pollspotting!”

  1. CTV Calgary has a poll “should Canada continue air strikes against ISIS?” so far it is 80% yes. Regina, Saskatoon and Calgary all let me vote.

  2. Didn’t the Mumbai, Kenya, Charlie Hebdo, evidence factor into the original decision to support this policy. The Prime Minister doesn’t need to extend deadlines, he needs to be forced to show his work.

  3. Thanks for posting the poll. Obviously Mr. Kool is not as popular as what he sees in the mirror!!

  4. Would this not then become the policy of the best Prime Minister in Canadian history, Stephen Harper?
    Buyer’s remorse yet?

  5. The left is in denial about radical Islam the way they were in denial about the nazis prior to operation Barbarossa when they clung to the Molotov Ribbentrop pact.

  6. Saw Empty hair swallow dry spit today he was so nervous while being questioned at the G20 …I swear I saw the face of a guy who was thinking “This is not going to be as fun as I thought”.
    He’s more than not ready. He does not have what it takes. Period. Like Paul Martin, he will didder, his government will be incoherent and frustrating to all because Trudeau is simply not qualified for the job. Watch his cabinet split and the whole thing implode.
    A spoiled rich brat like Belinda Stronach, he will soon hate his job.
    I would not be surprised he resigns after his four years or less.

  7. Carry on with the 25K.
    If something goes wrong then Justin owns it.
    Interestingly, 25 states in the U.S. have said they don’t want them.

  8. “We cannot have our decisions driven by fear.” says Notley. Wow, she is proving even worse than I imagined. What an ignorant ideologue.
    Um Ms. Notley, don’t let fear stop you from hugging that grizzly cub. Don’t let fear prevent you from stepping in front of that speeding car. Don’t let fear stop you from jumping out of a plane without a parachute. Don’t let fear stop you from leaping off the Bow tower on your next visit to Calgary.
    As Orwell said, some ideas are so stupid only progressives could believe them. What is wrong with people that they can swallow and happily regurgitate this crap? Are they impaired or has the propaganda rendered them retarded?
    Prog politicians can say these idiotic things because they are never called on the foolishness by an even more idiotic media. It is the reality of Muslim aggression, rape, and murder that drives a rather sensible fear and gives rise to the correct desire to not bring these barbarians here.
    Anyone have tar and feathers handy? We need to park a boiling vat in front of her office.

  9. Today is November 16. January 1, 2016 is about 45 days from now. If they start tomorrow, they will need to process roughly 555 ‘refugees’ per day to make the 25,000 limit by Jan 1.
    Will never happen. Probably process and then bring in 250 and then blame Harper for their failure to complete their promise.

  10. That might be the same clip that I saw a few minutes ago. I’ve got to say he looked terrible: unshaved, sleep-deprived, clearly anxious to leave the stage, bordering on incoherent. This is shaping up to be a disaster.
    It should be obvious by now that his handlers had him make dozens of commitments during the campaign for no reason other than political advantage. The one that’s biting us right now is the refugee promise. The number and the deadline that he produced were entirely arbitrary, calculated only to make him look caring and generous in comparison with the cold-hearted Harper, but without the slightest thought about common sense.
    Canada now has the government it deserves.

  11. If we must do this foolishness, I suggest the breakdown of assigning these refugees/migrants to Provinces and Territories be the same as our breakdown of Senators to Provinces and Territories. That should be “fair”, hmmm?

  12. This is what I wrote on another thread:
    I think all 25,000 of these refugees should be directed to every LIEberal ridding. I would be great to see 12,000 of these people in the Maritimes ( they voted 100% LIEberal) I wonder how 3,000 will survive north of the provinces … Yukon, NWT and Nunavut … and there are only about 27 LIEberal riddings in Western Canada … the rest – 10,000 – can go to Quebec and Ontario.This will solve a lot of problems.

  13. By the way, considering there are several million people on the move over there right now, and lots more than that to come, 25,000 is really less than 1% of the needy, effectively zero percent, one way or the other it’s effectively meaningless, a token gesture of no real world significance, and considering that we are in an accelerating serious economic decline… ah nobody cares what I think…enjoy the decline…

  14. http://atlantic.ctvnews.ca
    Don’t forget Atlantic Canada! The slightest pin prick will make it bleed red for days down there.
    The question is more to do with Brad Wall then Trudeau, and 79% agree it’s prudent or worth considering

  15. Constipated Lefty Simi Sara on CKNW in Vanc, today was tut tuting Brad Wall today.. That station has gone full on prog over the years. .

  16. All noted polls running between 82 and 86 % in keeping so called refugees out. Once again the people can see the impending problems and the leadership is blind.

  17. So why is it that the U.S., with a population roughly 10 times that of Canada, is only accepting 10,000 Syrian refugees yet Justine wants Canada to accept 25,000 or roughly 25 times that of the U.S.? So the Liberals are loonier than the Obama administration? Hard to believe.

  18. Notley wants thousands for two reasons:
    1) They always vote as far left as possible; and
    2) They’re the only kind of men that think she’s attractive.

  19. Get a load of some of the commentary on social media that equate safety concerns with being too right wing. Progs truly are mentally ill.

  20. It was not unlike Chrétien one-upping the other nations when he said Canada would cut their emmissions even more than other nations. Progressives have a child like obsession with wanting to appear to be the super nice guys to (as the saying goes), “put us on the map”. It’s the progs that need the constant pats on the heads to feel validated.

  21. In a recent discussion with some truly committed progressives, I asked; “if this is such a good idea, would you sponsor one or a family into your home until adequate resettlement was established”?
    Not a one of them would agree to such a commitment.
    This is standard practice from the left.

  22. Strange but I have yet to hear an Imam or Muslim group denounce the Muslim Paris attacks. Why is it when A Muslim is attacked it is a hate crime but when Muslims kill hundreds according to Obama and Trudeau it is just a criminal act.

  23. Trudeau will proceed with this. Liberals do not reconsider their beliefs in the face of inconvenient facts. They simply dismiss the facts and denounce anyone stating the facts as ‘un-Canadian’. Witness Obama denouncing those who only want to bring Syrian Christians into America as ‘un-American’.
    The world is run by madmen & fools. Canadians will DIE because of this treasonous policy. What happened in Paris, in London, in Madrid, WILL happen in Toronto within this generation.

  24. At CTV Montreal the question is; should Canada withdraw its fighter jets
    no is winning at 1219 ( yes 661 )

  25. I’m surprised that CTV hasn’t “corrected” the “technical difficulties” that have produced an “inaccurate” result. On the other hand, maybe they figure if people vent their rage on an online poll, they will calm down and offer no resistance when the policy is put into practice.

  26. “…Trudeau will proceed with this. Liberals do not reconsider their beliefs in the face of inconvenient facts. .”
    I would bet money Trudeau will proceed.
    That is the biggest problem with them, reality and facts mean nothing to them. Their unicorn and rainbow dreams are what matters.
    …Scary to think such a dreamer is in charge of Canada

  27. I wonder, are their scientific polls coming from CTV and CBC, asking Canadians what their views are on the Libs’ refugee policy in the wake of the terror attacks? Most certainly, when both CTV and CBC suspected a sea change in public opinion against the fmr. CPC gov’t’s policies, the polls were none-stop, sometimes several per week, with one news anchor or another with the lede: “A new poll shows support continues to decline for the Conservative gov’t’s policy to…”
    Now, it takes a few days to survey 1,000 Canadians (or whatever the sample size happens to be), but is this currently being done in the wake of the Paris attack? Have either CTV or CBC or both paid to have these polls commissioned or, as I suspect, knowing that the results could only be bad for PMJT, will they not bother to do so?
    CTV and CBC should not be allowed to get away with using their websites to conduct online surveys — and to say that that is enough — as the results are often more reflective of their fan base than the results of a scientific poll would yield.
    If we don’t hear the names “Nanos”, “Ipsos-Reid”, or “Harris-Decima” by week’s end then I guess I’ll have my answer.

  28. What would we do without LIVs? My sister in law, who very enthusiastically supported Prime Minister Awesome’s Amateur Hour, is now circulating Wall’s petition to stop Syrian “refugees”.

  29. The U.S. has indicated that they are having huge problems vetting Syrian refugees. There are no government records they can access, they cannot verify criminal records, citizenship , birthplace etc. They are saying they cannot even verify peoples correct names. In effect they are simply asking them interview questions. They have admitted they cannot properly vet the refugees. If that is the case, then how is Canada vetting them?
    this is a recipe for disaster.

  30. Our PM et al ignore this “advice” at their peril. Neither the mediocracy nor the unintelligentsia will rope them out if this blows up. BTW, when nearly 90% answer yes to the idea of just taking a second look at this refugee plan, it doesn’t matter much if it was scientific.

  31. Just a pointer. Rather than directly clicking on the pole link, right click, copy the link location and paste it into a new tab, then hit return. This (I think) stops the poll site from seeing the link from SDA.
