7 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. I was there a couple of summers back. Warsaw is a beautiful and vibrant city, particularly the old town area. Almost the entire city had to be rebuilt after the second world war, including most of the old town, so very few of the buildings one sees there are the originals, untouched.

  2. Beautiful!
    The one building displayed quite often in this video sure seems to be an example of Stalinist architecture, or also known as Stalinist Empire style and as Socialist Classicism.

  3. It’s the Palace of Culture and Science, completed in 1955. It was a “gift” from Stalin to Poland.
    It was originally named for him too, but his name was dropped during “destalinization”.

  4. Thanks. We saw a number of buildings with that type of architectural design in Moscow, most striking of which was Moscow University.

  5. Ken, the standing joke made by one of the tour guides when we were there was,
    Q: Where does one get the best view of Warsaw
    A: From the top of the Palace of Culture and Science
    Q: Why is that the best view
    A: Because it’s the one place in Warsaw where you can’t see the Palace of Culture and Science.
