26 Replies to “Le Pen”

  1. She made many great points that are all true. Obama and his so-called “coalition” are only half halfheartedly fighting international Islamic terrorism and their western domestic allies. They are treating WW III as a police action.
    The only initial question I have that came to mind is that in her partial list of countries actually fighting terrorism she did not mention Israel. What is Le Pen’s attitude toward Israel?

  2. Just wait til Turkey descends into full scale civil war. Which, if I had to predict, will occur before June 2016. Then the real merde will hit the fan.

  3. *
    “sid vicious says… Just wait til Turkey descends into full scale civil war.”
    sid, sid… like just about everybody else who’s really being honest, i don’t give two f@cks if turkey explodes, cracks and flies off into an alternate universe.
    what scares me is nail bombs decimating the jam-packed hubs of major canadian cities… and what pm sunni ways won’t do about it.
    never happen, you say?
    two words… boston… marathon.

  4. Marine has commented on the Nazi’s treatment as “a detail” … but has sought to gain support from jewish people and shown the divestment community as not welcome within her party. Much of her public commentary has been strictly anti muslim as of late.
    So, it’s somewhat divided, I don’t know if she still sees the historical record as small, compared to what is currently occurring in Europe.

  5. I think that was her dad Jean-Marie.
    Marine has, I believe, the perspective of the bright child which stands in contrast with the likes of Trudeau or Bush, spoiled little imbeciles.

  6. *
    “”France’s National Front leader calls Canada’s refugee plan ‘madness’.”
    and after the first jihadi incident the cbc will be calling her “prescient.”

  7. Um, given the current exodus of Jews from Europe, and more particularly France, do you think it really matters?

  8. Duh.
    This is how the UN and our Libtard government will screen these “refugees”.
    Oh yes he has perfect up to date documents.So easy to screen these wonderfully documented gentlemen.
    Shame all those scruffy christians and Yizeshs (Ya see zee?) did not bother to be so organized.

  9. Strong’s the king pen. He is the puppetmaster for the Liberal Party and the globalists. What will the do now that their brains are gone?

  10. “(Marine) has sought to gain support from jewish people …”
    Telling schoolkids to eat pork or go hungry will make that a little difficult.

  11. Based on the comments to this news on the CBC twitter site we are not the only ones who think that Mo was the originator or at least a major driving force behind the biggest science fraud in the history of the world and blended it with Marxism.

  12. Oh man, thank you! I was feeling a bit down with Google pushing the climate agenda right on their homepage today – you cheered me up enormously!
    As I said to my son the other day WRT the climate conference: one well-placed bomb, and the whole problem goes bye- bye.
    Again, just in case any of our thick resident trolls are reading: YEAH, I’d like to see everyone at the climate conference blown into little tiny pieces. Frankly, given where the Islamic State (and the entire Arab world for that matter) gets their money, can’t think why we haven’t already seen it.

  13. The much-touted increase in anti-semitism in Europe is due to the increase in muslims in Europe. The former is always touted by the MSM as proof of our evil ways but the latter is never mentioned.

  14. Madame Le Pen made many good points. CBC wanted to make her look extreme, but that backfired, for some of us. Trudeau’s pledge to bring in 25K refugees from Syria is, indeed, complete madness and could be quite dangerous in future, depending upon whom they choose. The UN has many other deserving people from other areas, where people are persecuted for no reason, people who would be eventually better citizens.
    Actually, North America has benefitted greatly from Jewish immigrants, so I have personally never understood anti-Semitism. If there are any Jewish Syrians, I hope they will skip to the top of the list of people who could eventually be good citizens. Ditto with Coptic Christians and other persecuted groups. Those people do share so-called Canadian values, which are actually now quite diverse and/or polarized.
    We know that the proposed, appropriately undisclosed, vetting process must be extremely flawed, if the normal process can take up-to-two years, but that was before the passport-creation fraud in Turkey etc. became a huge business, especially this year!
    I am hoping that CSIS and any unbiased CSBA, CISI and immigration officials (I hope there are still some) will give our PM-IN-TRAINING-PANTS some scary advice. So far, it appears that it may have worked a bit, as he is back-tracking to the possible goals suggested by the CPC, refugees already in progress before the writ was dropped. They will want to use any viably vetted refugees to get the numbers up.
    As for the next batches, I remain VERY AFRAID! We do not need a bunch of people, like the Khadrs and Kurdis who go all media-political against legitimate and sensible governments. How will it be in the suburbs of our big cities with gangs of young Syrians who end up disappointed with Canada and lash out, as has happened in Europe, and in Canada before? They will be a minority, but we are importing a LOT of future trouble for no reason, as some Syrians actually DO NOT believe in the equal rights that are in our Constitution. There is NO WAY TO VET THEM! And the pathetic Supreme Court agrees that this is all OK – we are swearing in a man to citizenship, who will renounce his allegiance to the Queen shortly after, with court approval. At least this guy is up front; some supposed refugees will lie, as permitted by the Koran.
    As I pay for my own dental and pharmaceuticals, I will be reminded that refugees, but not my children nor grandchildren, get these benefits for free, and theirs are paid by me. As well, my children can not afford a family-sized home, despite the fact that I have given them a lot of money. Now, I have to pay, not only for housing unproductive Canadians, but new refugees by government fiat. Nothing left for me and my 8th generation Canadian family!
    All those charities like the Sierra Club and Tides should have their charitable status deleted. If they want to pay for the new refugees and globull warming, pay!
    I hate most activists, but I do hope that they ruin the Paris Summit!

  15. “I hate most activists, but I do hope that they ruin the Paris Summit!”
    Well, they’re certainly off to a good start: yesterday, climate-change protestors trashed the impromptu memorials to the victims of 13 November at the Place de la République while scuffling with police.
