47 Replies to “Red Rose Country”

  1. You voted them in. I thought you Canadians were smarter and more educated than this. I guess all the American draft dodgers are going to get you after all! If you move away, don’t move down here. You need to Hamlet it. “Take up arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them.”

  2. The biggest thing we need to change is the public’s suspicion of business, including farmers, especially the city dwellers who don’t know the difference between a family farm and the pork rinds they buy at the store. We should be suspicious of government – look at this heavy handed approach. It’s based on a case where a worker was killed, the farm was sued and went broke? There you go justice served.
    355 deaths at 42,000 farms in 20 years. Some emergency requiring immediate and draconian government action.
    Government leads to statism which often leads to collectivism, but always leads to a lower standard of living and more coercion.
    It was a big mistake by all to think the voter was stupid enough in sufficient numbers to vote in statists whom they knew, or should have known, would increase their taxes, make them less free and thus poorer across the board and thus less safe, later guaranteeing that with international terrorism appeasement.
    Instead the LIV turned their suspicious eye unto “business,” despite legion examples of failure of government “investment” via productive taxpayer dollar, simply because they were told to by statists, unionists and mediocrats. A pox on the LIV who expect others’ to pay for their personal and collective mistakes because they’ve lost the ability to think for themselves or manage their own affairs.
    This cannot keep happening or we are looking at a massive economic haircut very soon in our standard of living, without a doubt as productivity is siphoned out of the economy for idiotic government like this and discussed idiocy in ON to require homesellers to pass an “energy audit.”

  3. So the protest voters thought the safer vote was the nap…..cuz the wildrose was too scary. Stunning. I live in a sea of stupidity – and I am drowning.

  4. Just wait until they bring in the corporate capital tax. Google that one. It’s a NDP wet dream tax that actually punishes companies for having assets of any kind. BC had fun with that one.

  5. “Collective bargaining for collective farms?” This is exactly where the Bolo Notley Krue would like to take Alberta.

  6. “Are there times of year, reflecting the agricultural cycle, when a strike or lockout would cause critical economic harm?”
    What an absolutely stupid question. Farming and ranching are year round operations. Any disruption to these operations is going to cause economic harm. But isn’t causing economic harm the main weapon of a unionized workforce when it feels that job action is required? Notley and her crew appear to be jumping from industry to industry on some insane crusade to impose their backward views on all Albertans.
    When mindless ideology trumps common sense, we are all in trouble.

  7. Collective bargaining has worked out well in the public sector. It has been especially valuable to the public themselves. No more destructive strikes interrupting essential services. The civil service is happy and co-operative with the public they serve.
    It’s been a win-win.

  8. Tell you what, the big danger isn’t what the Government is doing out in the open, but rather, what Alberta’s farm organizations are doing behind the scenes with the Government, the eco-parasites, and the animal welfare arseholes.
    Here’s a pretty good indicator that will tell you if your favourite farm org has been sleeping with your enemies: check out your farm org websites and look for the three slimy S words: stakeholder, sustainability, and stewardship.
    If your boys and girls and using them, there’s a 99 percent chance they’ve already been compromised. Watch your wallets and watch your property rights.

  9. ”Labour Relations: Tell Us What You Think”
    What I ‘Think’ can’t be reproduced here. The stupidity of the Left is mind-boggling.

  10. All farm workers should become Provincial civil servants complete with all those lovely benefits and wages. Imagine the overtime at harvest!
    Like the old Soviet Union, the government ranches can enlist the help of the RCAF at roundup time, and the other farmers can rely on the assistance of all the citified CS office workers during harvest time.
    It worked beautifully in the Soviet Union, except for the fact that the citizens almost starved to death,and they had to import billions of dollars worth of agricultural products from friendly Countries such as Canada.
    I’m beginning to believe your Premier hates Albertan as much as Obama hates America, and is determined to change the shape of the Province even if she has to kill it off first.

  11. The NDP is an appendage of big labour. This what they do. It’s not new. Does anyone remember the NFU. If Albertans are capable of corrective action, this, and much more to come should help unite the 60% that didn’t vote NDP. Tossing out the most progressive element of the PCs should leave a potential 55% solution in the form of a single Party. The WRP should be talking to conservatives within the PCs with the intention of uniting under a new banner. Stubbornly sticking to either name is a non-starter. An actual conservative party capable of winning is likely impossible anywhere in Canada today (progressive rot is omnipresent). In this culture, the best one can hope for is a non NDP alternative – slower path to serfdom.

  12. The absolute best time to strike is when people no longer need farm produce to sustain themselves…

  13. We rural Albertans didn’t vote them in. It was the citiots (city idiots). As usual we pay the price for those misinformed lemmings thinking they know what’s best for us.

  14. I read an article written by a farmer who tried to get her neighbours to vote NDP. Now that Have Notley has introduced Bill 6 this person is all upset with the NDP. Of course I wonder what the farmer was expecting when she was trying to get everyone to vote NDP. The NDP’s philosophy is not hidden and its agenda is no secret so……

  15. Calving would be a very vulnerable time to the cattle farmers.
    The non-unionized cows tend to drop their young ones with no regard to schedules. They just plop them out wherever and whenever.
    If one is in trouble, the farmer may lose the calf and the cow. That would result in ‘critical economic harm’.
    A ranch-hand that ignored this reality would be an unemployed ranch-hand quicker than you could say ‘Notley is an ass’.

  16. Well according to at least 1 NDDP MLA you can schedule the birth of calves. She said that if you want them born in the day turn the bull in with the cows during the day.

  17. That sentence could only flow from the mind of a Fabian Socialist immersed in 19th century class warfare. In what way does such thinking help move Alberta forward. It doesn’t even fit the bill as socialist punishment for Notley’s enemies because of its unsubtle ham-handed nature.

  18. “A ranch-hand that ignored this reality would be an unemployed ranch-hand quicker than you could say ‘Notley is an ass’.”
    That should read “SHOULD be an unemployed ranch-hand.” A unionized worker cannot be dismissed that quickly even if it is justified. The worker would be assigned duties not involving calving and the rancher would be forced to undergo sensitivity training and anger management for attempting to fire the inept ranch-hand. It is an exercise in futility in trying to be a manager in a unionized environment. Productivity and economics simply do not enter into the equation.

  19. We here in Northern California(State of Jefefrson)dont have any problems with Unions we have trouble with the eco-freaks and the federal goverment(NOAA)and the usial buricrats

  20. I’m wondering if the notley & crew endgame is to force an end to the family farm as we know it today, in favour of big agri-biz ?

  21. Been there done that, though not in the Soviet Union.
    While in the army, helped the collective farms with the hay. The pay was two half liters of beer and a pack of 10 cigarettes per day.
    Pretty cheap labour.
    On the other hand there were no collective farmers in sight. Just too labour intensive for the collectivists.
    Anyway, there is your future, because nobody is against it.

  22. Answer to the first question is “Ask the farmers and ranchers if they want the government to help develop a collective bargaining framework in Alberta”
    Answer to the second question is to ignore it as it is a typical leftist ploy to assume the outcome of their wishful thinking ie a unionized farm force. Their is no agricultural workforce to strike or lockout.

  23. You got it. This is the opening salvo against private property of any kind & collectivism.

  24. Generally, Canadians politically are like lobotomised Americans. It seemed that we had an exception with Stephen Harper as PM and Barack Obama as President, but we are back to normal now.

  25. “Generally, Canadians politically are like lobotomised Americans.”
    Right. Those unlobotomized Americans are busy getting ready to vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

  26. We here in Northern California(State of Jefefrson)dont have any problems with Unions we have trouble with the eco-freaks and the federal goverment(NOAA)and the usial buricrats
    Every political zone gets their assigned set of leftist activist gangs, each according to their needs and abilities.

  27. Straight from the little red book.
    Albertans need to smarten up and get angry.
    Notley has no mandate.
    There is no support for her ideology.
    Voters know it.
    Notley and her fly in parasites know it. How many will even bother to buy property?
    We are still fat and lazy and mouthing the pablum that the voters have spoken, that elections count, that 41% is a democratic majority.
    Democracy is mob rule, question is, who is the Alberta Mob?
    Just imagine if a white supremist group had sneaked into power under the same conditions… the NPD supporters would be going ape.
    How does the maniac communism of the Notley Motley Crew, differ in degree from more odious ideologies?(Assuming there are more odious ideologies)
    Essentially the accidentally elected NDP is speaking loud;
    “Dear taxpaying citizen, you are scum, fit only to slave for the benefit of your government union and their elected representatives.”
    Private property is an ancient evil that prevents the socialist utopia.
    Alberta has full blown,unrestricted Kleptocracy.
    Either the taxpayer take it or they become ungovernable.
    Our overlords, elected and appointed, have only as much power and authority as we grant them.

  28. Yes I have realized, thanks to the Notleyheads, that letting my bulls diddle cows in the dark has only increased the canner cows thinking they are Kardashians, and those cows are now wooing every bull over to their side of the dark sorting alleys after dark. This is serious. In Alberta, once the only economic engine of Canada, (thanks Sask for taking over financing Canada for a while, with sound voting and kicking scum to the curb) we have now been stricken with quite possibly the dullest and most vindictive idiots ever to assume power,,,,only someone as dumb as Nenshi could cheer this bunch of idiots on. In order to save Alberta we have to come together as conservatives, there will be disagreements that have to be dealt with in private,,,Danielle Quisling is gone and its time to work together again, Alison is now placing cotton in the top of asprin bottles or something else useful, so lets grow up before there is no Alberta, lets get together to rid Alberta of these welfare union loving communists before its to late! This bill along with Glowbull warming climate change diaper change or whatever else the liars and thieves have in store for Alberta has to be stopped…For the sake of Canada not just Alberta…

  29. Don, exactly. That is why she is moving so fast, as is PM Le Effete. They are going to change Canada beyond recognition quickly so that should the Conservatives or a conservative minded government be re-elected at some point in the future the effort to take back freedom will be almost impossible.

  30. Hey Alberta! How’d you like your little snit-fit now? I’m killing myself laughing. If you’d looked at the People’s Republic of Ontario and Comrade Wynne before voting in another insanely incompetent socialist female, you might have avoided four years of plague. Welcome to the have-not club, suckers. You had a choice and you did not choose wisely. At least here in Morontario, we can blame the brain-dead inhabitants of the GTA for voting in the fiscal sodomites repeatedly.

  31. T-1280
    Even she know it
    Btw , had mulcair drank a big cup of shut the fk up ,or has cbcpravda ignored him

  32. The game plan was to play it cool until after the federal election, so as not to scare anyone off voting for Mulcair. Once that was out of the way, then they’d crack open the…
    Dare I say it?

  33. Not all. No one deliberately voted for the Dippers other than the usual. The opposite vote was split.
    As to the left~s interest in farms four legs good; two legs bad.

  34. I’m Albertan and I voted NDP. HAhahahahaha. Poor,poor pitiful me.
    Gonna join the Maritimes and pass by Have-not and go straight to Will-not.
    Get us some of that $300 Billion Ontariowe/Quebec Provincial Debt goodness.
    And some Loony BC Leftness.
    OMIGOD. Saskatchewan has to save us all.
    And this is before the Conservative Party shows Canadians how self-serving polidiots of all parties are.
    We be *#$@%&!
    Mo Strong me.

  35. Thanks for the idea…with apologies to Terri and Linda….
    Well, I lay my head on the railroad track
    Waitin’ on the old C P
    But the train don’t run through here no more
    Poor, poor pitiful me!
    Poor, poor pitiful me!
    Poor, poor pitiful me!
    Oh, these thieves won’t let me be
    Lord have mercy on me!
    Woe, woe is me!
    Well, I voted for a girl here in Edmonton
    And I ain’t namin’ names
    And she’s really workin’ me over good
    Just like ol’ Bob Rae
    Yes, she’s really workin’ me over good
    She’s a credit to her gender
    By the time that she is done with me
    I’ll have nothing left to send ‘er!
    [Repeat Chorus]
    Well, I kissed a boy in the Gay Parade
    Down in sick Tarawna
    He picked my pocket and he threw me down
    Sayin’, “spend like no tomorrow”
    [Repeat Chorus]
    Poor, poor pitiful me!
    Poor, poor pitiful me…

  36. First of all we the Government will control when your collective can strike so it does not happen at an inconvenient time for your Government Administrator.
