47 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. More and more government agents overseeing every aspect of our lives.
    “This colonoscopy brought to you by the Government of Ontario.”

  2. The difference between a lefty politician and a slaveholder? Slaveholders actually owned their slaves.

  3. The socialist fascisoids will control you, if they have to starve you and let you freeze in the cold.
    How does scum like that get into power to rule with iron fist over the plebeians.

  4. We’ve been considering selling the bungalow in town and heading to the bush with self survival techniques and weapons.
    This definitely convinces us to speed up the timeline.

  5. Um…some of us have to live here…
    So who will ‘pay’ for this and who will be affected the most drastically?
    The middle class. Oh but Trudeau and Wynne appealed to the middle class!!
    We will be taxed to the bone to pay for the bureaucrats, then pay the service fee.
    This will not affect lo incomers…they are renting.
    And the rich? (good for them) They can afford the renos.
    And the wealthy condo owners in those glass palaces in Toronto…nadda.
    And I do mean glass palaces…miles of glass sided office towers and condos all along the Toronto waterfront and downtown. real energy efficiency there, eh?
    Someone (Lorrie? Brian?) please post a picture.

  6. Lev: by splitting society into sub groups and rewarding some while demonizing others. Identity politics, which would be far less effective if we did not have multiculturalism as government policy, for which you can thank Trudeau 1.
    Frankly I think that is why Trudeau invoked multiculturalism in an already multicultural country in the first place – to divide Canadians against one another. And so much easier to buy the votes of special interest groups.
    If Canada did not have state multi culti edicts elections would be fought on national issues and those that could articulate and implement the best policies – which would be founded under natural law – would win elections.
    Liberal demagoguery would be far far less effective.

  7. Effing waste. Typical use of the environmental excuse to create another revenue stream to feed their cronies.

  8. Every house I’ve bought or sold has already had an “energy audit” done it; it’s called looking at the past year’s utility bills.

  9. This is typical of someone like Wynne. She imagines there are all these smart capable people just waiting for the opportunity to work in a seasonal and cyclical industry, requiring a substantial skillset and knowledge of building technologies and basic thermodynamics.
    They are already employed and far too busy. There will be crowds of fools going around pontificating on what they don’t know simply adding costs.
    I refuse to get involved in a project where these types of people are involved.

  10. Ok, so all those double brick constructed homes in the old city of Toronto presumably will score rather poorly. So what? Everyone already should know that. Will it have any sort of impact on the market? Hell, no. Just an added cost. If you want to know how much it will cost to heat a home ask for the utility bills from the previous year before making an offer. If you aren’t asking now it obviously isn’t a priority for you in your decision making.

  11. My son sold his house in Toronto and paid property transfer Toronto tax and Ontario tax on it to the tune of $18,000!!!!!!!!!
    Ontario bleeds their residents

  12. not that I agree to forcing more regulations on ppl, but, much of this is already in place. Banks usually send some out to do an appraisal, purchasers usually have a condition on appraisal, so now sellers get an all inclusive audit when listing would be the way to go.

  13. Do not be surprised, this is just another move in the Agenda 21 war against freedom. Getting people out of private homes and into high rises is the goal … easier to control the hapless bastards eh wot.
    Agenda 21 doesn’t allow for the family farm. It will be factory farming only. Easier to control the hapless bastards eh wot.
    Continue to stifle oil and gas production to bankrupt the middle classes with unaffordable energy cost and subsequent rise in the cost of food production and delivery … easier to get them into the high rise and using public transit.
    Government already controls education, healthcare, the energy industry and soon the entire farming and ranching industry. If you think we are not rapidly losing our freedom to Agenda 21 … that is the one that uses global warming as the elixir to extract funds and make us all guilty … then you are not paying attention.
    This is all so obvious …it is what’s behind the flooding of the worst scum in the world into modern civil society where we don’t cut peoples heads off nor do we stone women for fun. This is the destruction of our society … etc etc etc.
    Sorry for that … I just have to say it.

  14. *
    “eddie says… paid Toronto tax and Ontario tax”
    toronto has had this since 2010 and the liberals still get re-elected?
    you live in toronto, you deserve whatever happens.
    but wait a minute… in the last month or so, the real estate industry has been freaking out about wynne’s plans to implement this double tax across ontario.
    sell now before the real estate bubble bursts AND kathleen wynne assaults you with her latest financial strap-on.

  15. And the next step will be a requirement that the seller does certain mandatory improvements like installing those retarded thermostats where the government can turn off you A/C during peak demand times. Death of a thousand cuts.

  16. *
    “colonialista says… the government can turn off your A/C during peak demand times”
    you mean like with ontario’s now mandatory ‘green plan’ “smart meters”?
    done and done.

  17. Ontario is one of the most fiscally bankrupt jurisdictions in North America. When you pretend to govern such basket-cases, distraction is paramount. Green theology / theocracy is THE most common distraction today. All progressives and all for this very same reason are similarly engaged. If it weren’t for their mindless cheerleaders in the media, it might come to light somewhere outside the grimy world of conservative blogs. It eventually will, in the form of desperate fiscal measures after destruction of much of remaining wealth.

  18. I saw her pontificate an hour or so ago on CTV.
    All I can say about, ‘ Elvis has left the province’.
    She is pretty guzzied up, almost like she’s going to a party.

  19. Nope, the “smart” meters are a different thing. You have to be on the so called “peak saver” plan and have another gizmo installed by the benevolent state in order to benefit from the state cutting off power to your a/c when you need it the most… it is voluntary and it takes a truly special useful idiot to sign up for it.

  20. Don’t see the point of the exercise. People already have a good idea of operating costs. How is it enforced – you aren’t allowed to sell your property unless you have a report?

  21. Exactly, you are’t allowed to sell unless you have a report is the plan now.
    You aren’t allowed to sell unless you make it eco friendly repairs is the plan in the foreseeable future.
    Middle income houses bulldozed and replaced by high density stack on homes with no garages and no parking is the plan for a little more distant future.
    They really hate prosperous middle class, they will come for the kulaks first chance they can get, this end will bloody…

  22. Exactly – Just going through this with my mom’s house. The real estate agent asked for all utility bills, tax bills etc. Another idiotic symbolic waste of money by liberals.

  23. Reminds me of the grey high rises i saw in the Ukraine which were built during the Soviet era,…maybe it will happen in Toronto as houses get destroyed and the high rise becomes the only option and/or the state controls real estate. The power of government is frightening….they can ruin our way of life…Make no mistake the bureaucrats and leaders like will not suffer. I wish I had the right to carry like the US ……….

  24. This may be seen as just another revenue enhancing tool for the Ont government.It goes with the health surcharge (not tax) the “one time” cash grab McGuinty implemented about a decade ago.
    Consider the motor vehicle clean air test requirement for a vehicle license. This test has no effect whatsoever on air quality and since the government doesn’t even do a proper test anymore, it is nothing but a cash grab.They simply go by the engine warning lights which are notoriously inaccurate, and can
    cost owners hundreds of dollars to make them go out. So if you have a car with the engine light on, Ont will not grant a
    license,and fixing it may cost more than the car’s value.
    Not your grandfather’s Ont.

  25. Wally, re: Winney,
    “She is pretty guzzied up”
    The quote about putting lipstick on a pig comes to mind…

  26. The Ontario Liberals could demand that everyone dye their hair green or face a $1000 fine and milions would comply as well as reelect the party.

  27. Gussied up alright, she’s in GAY PAREE! Trolling for one-night stands, no doubt.
    She is pathological, a very dangerous out of touch douchebag.
    We are “killing the planet” unless we pay more taxes.

  28. Hey, as long as Comrade Wynne keeps shoving up the GTA a$$ and leaves the rest of the province alone, I’m fine. They deserve the liberal mess they’ve kept re-electing. I got mine, so I’m more than happy to grab a bowl of popcorn, a bottle of scotch and watch Ontarians sink into the abject poverty they deserve for repeatedly re-electing the most corrupt socialist government in North America. I won’t be happy until every liberal voter is standing in line at the soup kitchen, homeless and without any sort of hope for the future.

  29. It’s not about ‘consumer protection’ or anything.
    At best it’s about money, another cash grab and more make-work for the useless drones in the bureaucracy. At worst, it’s about naked control.
    They’ve really hit upon a winner with ‘the environment’. If the environment is everything, and anything could effect the environment, than literally everything is within the legitimate purview of the government.
    Come a day soon, you’ll not be able to have a picnic without filling an environmental impact statement to account for your trampling of the grass and the biodegradability of the food you might spill. And forget the barbecue, I don’t even want to contemplate the fines and jail time associated with actually BURNING something and letting smoke into the atmosphere.

  30. What is this BS about the government “allowing” you to sell your own property? The province doesn’t own your property. And it doesn’t own you, either.
    What the hell is wrong with the left, that they think the state owns the people instead of the other way around?

  31. You NAILED it!
    I say this to my family members, who shake their heads and look at me as though I’m CRAZY.
    “You read too much” is what they’re thinking.

  32. At 87, I can’t afford to heat my house, nor will I be able to sell it.
    It’s a 1968 3-bedroom brick home with radiant heat in the ceiling and baseboard in the basement. Instead of using them, I have a propane gas insert in the fireplace.
    I can’t imagine who will buy my house once they see the cost of heating and cooling the house as my last bill(budget billing so it’s a monthly charge) was $457.00 and there was a rise in November and another on scheduled in January. Delivery charges can be $200.
    I know, I know, I shouldn’t have bought it but after my husband died, I wanted to be nearer family and it was the only house available in this village.
    There are absolutely no tasteful words I can use to describe Wynne.

  33. ” kathleen wynne assaults you with her latest financial strap-on.”
    ? wynne uses a strap-on? and hits people with it?
    too bad the cons shoved hudak the chipmunk in the voters faces or the players @ queens park would be different. very different.
    hudak was primed by some ‘mercun right wing extremist think tank. he was a clucking squawking puppet. that’s why his chances ‘tanked’. LOL !!!

  34. isn’t it great, we all get to suffer together. that my friends is the liberal socialist way. some of course have to suffer more than others. it makes me want to kick azz all over the country.

  35. Exactly what my 20something son just said…. he who has no interest in politics, but is paying attention now.
