52 Replies to “Emulating A Corrupt, Third World Dictator To The End”

  1. Wasn’t he under investigation in the USA for involvement with Saddam Hussein’s “Oil for Food” scam? Not that the Obama Dems would have pursued it.

  2. Where’s he being buried? I have something I’d like to leave on his grave, but I’m afraid it won’t pass for flowers…

  3. By chance, was there any news of evil lair / elevated driving ranges in island volcanoes surrounded by frickin sharks with lasers being blown up in the news lately?

  4. “Asked by investigators about the check, he initially denied he’d ever handled it. ” His initial denial smells.
    In 2005, at the height of the investigations into the U.N.’s corrupt Oil-for-Food relief program for Iraq, news emerged of the six-figure check from Iraq. Evidence procured by federal investigators and the U.N.-authorized inquiry of Paul Volcker showed that Mr. Strong in 1997, while working for Mr. Annan, had endorsed a check for $988,885, made out to “Mr. M. Strong,” issued by a Jordanian bank. This check was hand-delivered to Mr. Strong by a South Korean businessman, Tongsun Park, who in 2006 was convicted in New York federal court of conspiring to bribe U.N. officials to rig Oil-for-Food in favor of Saddam.
    Mr. Strong was never accused of any wrongdoing. Asked by investigators about the check, he initially denied he’d ever handled it. When they showed it to him with his own signature on the back, he acknowledged that he must have endorsed it, but said the money was meant to cover an investment Mr. Park wished to make in a Strong family company, Cordex, run by one of his sons. (Cordex soon afterward went bankrupt.) Mr. Volcker, in his final report, said that the U.N. might want to “address the need for a more rigorous disclosure process for conflicts of interest.”

  5. b_C: Thanks for the link to quadrant.org. Interesting how Justine’s praise of Strong is so far from the truth. But then, once a Marxist…
    Yes, it will be interesting to learn where he died…

  6. Goodbye to a thoroughly nasty little manipulative man, he did much damage to the world and society.

  7. Last I heard, he had moved to China. That was quite some time ago. My understanding was because of the lack of any extradition treaties.
    My mother was far from a conspiracy theorist but I remember her revealing to me that she actually kept a file of news clippings about Strong. it was so far out of character to really care about an individual in the news but she considered him evil. this was back in the 80′ and 90’s pre-internet.

  8. Izzard’s account is good, but not quite complete. Left missing was that he was persona non grata in Costa Rica after he formed his University for Peace there. Seems he built on land that was part of a native reservation without permission of either the tribe or the Costa Rican government. His exit from Costa Rica was as hasty as his exit from Canada when Oil-For-Food scandal emerged, and his university vanished without trace. It appears that among other things the university was part of the transfer of funds in the Oil-for-Food scandal.
    Also understated is that he ruined (along with his predecessor Marc Eliesen) Ontario Hydro, crippling its nuclear operations for a decade by cutting maintenance and operating budgets and mass retiring of key technical personnel.
    Also unmentioned is his use of Ontario Hydro corporate funds to finance his campaign in 1994-6 to become the next UN Sec Gen. His campaign came to nought when US support instead went to Kofi Annan.

  9. Not to be forgotten is his involvement in the criminal take-over of Petro Fina, merging it in to PetroCanada. He and his criminal Liberal friends made millions from insider trading. Any investigation/prosecutions? You’ve gotta be kidding!

  10. did he live in or own the place in the link with the high ceiling?
    opulence eh? ‘lifestyles of the rich and famous’ redux. and the footprint. ooooooh the size of that footprint. perhaps we can consult with mr suzuki the maggot regarding footprint sizes.

  11. I don’t care where or when – the planet is better off.
    Mo Strong the ultimate gangster. Cohort/confident of Librano$ and assorted despots.

  12. In the seventies, I recall people in the Calgary Oil Patch talking about this incompetent accounting “nut” who was employed by Dome Petroleum (whose most senior executives were well connected to the Federal Liberals). Dome went on to go broke while Strong got to head up Trudeau’s Petrocan. They (Liberals) certainly took care of their own.
    One less global green theocrat looter. A good day for reason and human civilization.

  13. Federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna described Strong as “a great Canadian.” “Let’s honour his life & legacy w/an ambitious (agreement) & concrete actions,” in Paris, she tweeted.
    Your current NDP government wants their turn at the trough?

  14. Old Mo didn’t manage to hang around long enough to his dream of shutting down all industrialized nations.

  15. I wish Shiney Pony would quit speaking on my behalf.
    I can only wait in anticipation of the demise of George Soros.

  16. Your current NDP government wants their turn at the trough?
    My current NDP government? I left Alberta in 1974. I’ve since suffered through too many NDP governments in BC and then Obama while in Washington state for almost 8 years and after a year and a half back in BC, in time to see the Spawn voted-in. I’m jinxed!

  17. Maurice Strong was one of those guys who amass wealth and power to use in the furtherance of their ideology which, to them, is so important that it is worth putting humanity through Armageddon to realize. There were other 20th century figures like that, you all know who they were. There are quite enough of various stripes left over to bloody the current century. Unlike many of them, he wasn’t flamboyant, but essentially a manipulative bureaucrat striving for a centralized world governance. But he was just as determined as any other totalitarian. It remains to be seen whether or not his dream – and our nightmare – will be realized. As Shakespeare wrote: “The evil that men do lives after them…”
    “…here’s what Mr. Strong actually said, in his autobiography, in a section described as a report to the shareholders, Earth Inc, dated 2031: “And experts have predicted that the reduction of the human population may well continue to the point that those who survive may not number more than the 1.61 billion people who inhabited the Earth at the beginning of the 20th century. A consequence, yes, of death and destruction — but in the end a glimmer of hope for the future of our species and its potential for regeneration.””

  18. Glad to hear about your mom. Stong had some unusual abilities. How else does one ingratiate Rockefeller and worm their way into the power elite at age 17 or so. He was somewhat Rasputin-like without the sex appeal. That is about as much as I will say, but your mom was definitely on the right track. Funny there is no information about how he died. Funny this is on the eve of the global warming big implementation get together. Did Strong have any plans for that for which he needed to be taken down? There is at least one interview with Strong where he muses about kidnapping a slew of global leaders in order to implement a scheme of world domination. Perhaps Strong had enemies. Perhaps he crossed the Chinese. More recently he was about to set up an Ottawa office aimed at advising Paul Martin. His death just as the Liberals are in again is also strange.

  19. Linda, I believe it was the French statesman Talleyrand who was having a meeting with the Russian ambassador when the latter abruptly had a heart attack and fell over dead in front of him. He is said to have spent the rest of the afternoon anxiously worrying, asking himself, “Now why did he do that?”
    Frankly, when a man that age dies, it’s probably not the result of anything unusual. Even a man as odd and as oddly situated as Maurice Strong most likely just fell over.

  20. I’ll bet that evil bastard was back in Ottawa or somewhere in the Laurentians. Best news since Turdo died on my birthday! Told my wife the night Justy was annointed that the evil lizard man would be on the first private jet back to Ottawa.

  21. Strong’s only legacy is the pagan earth charter nonsense contained within the ark of hope.
    Strong and Gorbachev couldn’t even come up with something original. Just a pale copy. As pagan nonsense is always a pale copy of the original.
    To quote an old guy I once knew:
    Ashes to ashes
    Dust to dust
    If Heaven won’t have us
    What place must?

  22. It doesn’t surprise me that Big Mo got away without jail time over that large ck he recieved but the ark of hope thing amazes me.
    Can you imagine the laughter and derision any one of us would endure if we came up with such a crazy notion.

  23. As I have mentioned in the past, the Committee investigating the oil for fraud program had an open invitation(subpoena haha) for mr. strong. He declined to accept it and or return to any American land or territory. If a picture I saw in the lame stream media today is true that he was photographed in Canada in 2012, then it can taken as an article of faith that President Obama did not press the State Department to demand extradition from Canada.

  24. I rather expect there is no mention of him weaseling himself into China for decades to avoid extradite for the above noted ‘Oil for Food Scam’

  25. @RN: “When will Cheney be joining him?”
    Focus! Try to stay on topic. I know you can do it if you’ll just try.

  26. A lot is being made about the one million dollar cheque, what most of you fail to realize is that, was this the only cheque that he got caught with. I don’t mean to imply that there were others, but you have to ask yourself if a man as smart and intelligent as Mo supposedly was, did he get caught with the one and only cheque that was a payoff? To quote another Shakespeare line “Something is rotten in the state of,,,,,”, you can fill in the blank.

  27. Wasn’t there something strange about the lack of effort by the Liberals in pursuing the Air Bus/ Mulroney scandal. Then they all made friends and paid him 2 million. Mulroney probably knew too much. If he fell, many more might have as well. Karlheinz was their only thorn. A gaping hole in the story definitely remained once they shuffled Schreiber off. All those Laurentian Elite bastards dance the wink wink nudge nudge shuffle. The election assured us there is plenty more to come. Wouldn’t be so bad if the RCMP upper echelon weren’t in their pockets as well.

  28. This character Strong reminds one of certain St. Germain a figure that seem to have permeated through times in the past and show up here and there through 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, as a conglomeration of a number of different people.
    Wonder if this seed of Satan studied St. Germain.
    Strong prompts one of Hitler*, though Strong wanted to run the world in a circular, roundabout way rather than killing everybody out in the open. Strong had a plan as mentioned in the article, to eliminate what would be billions of people somehow.
    Seems that did not work out.
    Though never fear, or do fear. Depends on if you are socialist, fascist and communist or on the other hand a person that finds freedom the most favoured way to live.
    There are enough politicians today that would support the nonsense that Strong came up with and currently are having very much success with it. Thinking of the current air head that leads, or rather is the figurehead of the government of Canada and the agent orange of the province of Alberta.
    *understand that the conversation should stop here, though this is not the case of drawing that character for no good reason.

  29. Yes, probably not,but not most certainly not. I am intrigued by the timing. Strong likely had a lot of enemies.

  30. RedStar – only in the regular obits
    cbc – nary a mention on cbc.ca/news
    grope&flail – closed comments after 50-odd entries; overwhelmingly -ve
    Tacit admissions …. ?
