12 Replies to “Operation Empty Chair”

  1. LOL – I guess it’s better they burn up the oil in “stolen” American Humvee’s and Tanks.
    I wonder what the “environmental impact” would be if ISIS detonates a “dirty bomb” or something akin financed in part with this oil that the US awards them?
    “In part” of course, because we know that ISIS has plenty of financial donors throughout the Middle East and in western Sanctuary Countries like Canada.

  2. I thought nothing about the nitwit in chief could surprise me anymore but I was wrong. I’ve said he was an idiot since he was first elected but this takes incompetence to a whole new level of stupidity. There’s a vacancy of federal leadership everywhere north of the Rio Grande now. Fortunately there’s a preponderance of Republican governors but Brad Wall must feel pretty lonely.

  3. I will give them that it is preferable to leave the infrastructure in place as much as possible for the people afterwards. But you have to consider the cost (humane and monetary) of the alternative and accept that it might be better to help rebuild after. First, you have to win the war.

  4. Yeah thanks to those stupid GREENPEACE idiots america still depends upon OPEC and Obama the Fink lies through his big fat teeth claiming america must lead the world in Climate Change your typical liberal poltical hack and these annoying eco-freaks

  5. This goes beyond stupid on so many levels and again raises a question that’s been raised in the past i.e. given the western leadership and population we have today transposed to 1939 would we have been able to defeat Hitler and the Nazis? I think the answer is a resounding, “No” (even without the added threat of the Japanese militarist empire).
    The idea that the bombing of oilfields will raise global temperatures was proven to be risibly absurd by the temperature record of the 1940s during which all sides engaged in saturation bombing, scorched earth policies or any number of practices which emitted huge quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere, yet there was no discernible rise in global temperatures. While minimizing collateral damage to civilian infrastructure is right and good, leaving intact your enemy’s physical and economic war-making capacity is beyond absurd.

  6. The oil is worthless if all the buyers of the oil are dead or in jail.
    I wonder who is the Maurice Strong of the ISIS oil trade?

  7. From the article: “So now we’re hitting oil trucks,” Morell said. “And maybe you get to the point where you say, we also have to hit oil wells. So those are the kind of tough decisions you have to make,” he added.
    The reason Odoucheb@g is not trying to destroy ISIS is because he’s on their side.

  8. It is a hard fact that the Obamatron has to personally approve almost all proposed airstrikes
    affecting the lands of his wayward proteges known as ISIS. Presumably his sometimes helpful
    Turk gangster buddy, the Sultan, has carte blanche to bomb any Kurds making themselves more
    irritating than usual in Erdogan’s personal opinion. Putin and the Iranians, maybe even the Iraqi
    pilots are encouraged to keep the US forewarned of any upcoming depredations but this may now
    change after the ambush of the Russian aircraft by Turk Air Force.

  9. I suspect that this was the public reason as telling the truth would result in criminal charges against most of the US government. ISIS is a creation of the CIA (with lots of help from the Saudi’s and Mossad and Turkey). Things appear to have gotten a little out of hand, but what a wonderful reason to slap still more restrictions on the population under the guise of “fighting terrorism”.
    The primary terrorists involved are US and allied governments which is why the only effective actions have been taken by Russia. Given the abysmal ignorance of the average US voter, dumbocrat supporters will be thrilled to bits that “environmental” considerations were paramount in not bombing ISIS oil trucks. Also, this same population of “environmentalists” views humans (except for themselves) as a cancerous growth on the earth and thus they probably view ISIS as environmentally friendly.
    Incompetence of this level indicates either that the US has a very inbred and myopic foreign service, or that what we’re seeing now is the culmination of a 50 year old KGB project to dumb down the US to the point that it would no longer present any threat to the USSR. The USSR is gone and Russia and China together are more than a match for the crumbling US empire. The only hope for the US is that a non-interventionist president is elected and that a meteor hits Washington DC before the 2016 elections. Barring divine intervention, I really worry about the “monkey with a hand grenade” that’s the current TOTUS.

  10. The nuclear bomb is not ISIS’ ultimate weapon. Syria’s Endangered Species List is (there’re 85 birds, mammals, and fish on the list). Barry and the Loony Left will put a permanent stop to any US involvement once they see that list.

  11. A red herring to keep ISIS funded..
    I read yesterday since the Russians have bombed well over a 1000 oil transport trucks ovmit/pentagon is going to give the terrorist/rebels
    800,000 dollars..
