26 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. The news is that Maurice Strong has passed away.
    I have nothing to say except that when the head of an enterprise passes there is usually a lot of political intrigue by his underlings to take control of the grand plan….like the same way adscam unfolded.
    The bigger the enterprise the higher the body count.
    His enterprise was the scam known as AGW.

  2. I thought that SOB Strong would hang on forever, with his money, living in China with an endless supply of imprisoned Falun Gong transplant organ donors.

  3. Re: Global Warming. What happens of we go to far with CO2 reduction and things start cooling off. And do remember that in the 70’s, they were predicting global cooling!! Why they even made a movie about it! Deadly Harvest was a Canadian movie!

  4. There will be no CO2 reduction. Its all about wealth transfers to the third world despots, and tax collection, as PENANCE, against the sins of success and modern living.
    Witness Orville Wynne’s hyperventilating in GAY PAREE “Killing the Earth!”, juxtaposed by BCs Premier TNA, who has “negotiated” an update on BC’s Carbon Tax, -increasing- the tax by 2 cents per litre, but dropping the PST by 1%.
    Bait and switch. Its a #ucking joke, stupid beyond pale. Seriously, if these brain dead gubmints were REALLY serious about the issue, what would they really do?
    They would double the price of gas, diesel and propane overnight.
    Crisis? What Crisis? Its ALL about wealth transfers.
    Turdope, Orville, HaveNotley, and all their acolytes of their Horde, disingenuous liars and frauds, kept in power by Low Info Voters and uneducated, useful idiots.

  5. How fitting, on the eve of the PAREE travesty of Liberal symbolic sycophants, that the visionary of the eco-furore UN Global Control movement, has died!
    Can we throw a symbolic party online?
    Without the invisible guiding hand of that commie despot, it will be interesting to see what happens from here.
    A nice good, long, record breaking C-O-L-D spell, in Vancouver/Victoria, across this country (and others) might wake up the dummies of the fraudulent left, but, likely, it will take massive deaths from the cold, to wake them up to the fraud. Sad it would take that to convince them.
    But then, cold spells are caused by massive warming, right? That’s the mantra

  6. How science gets settled.
    Start with commitments, contributions, vows, and pledges. Bake them into an INDC.

    In the lead up to the Paris meetings, countries have announced the contributions that they are willing to make to combat global climate change, based on their own national circumstances. These Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, or INDCs, take many different forms and extend through 2025 or 2030.
    Examples of these commitments include the United States’ vow to reduce emissions in 2025 by 26-28 percent of 2005 levels and China’s pledge to peak emissions by 2030 and increase its share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 20 percent. In the study, the scientists tallied up these INDCs and simulated the range of temperature outcomes the resulting emissions would bring in 2100 under different assumptions about possible emissions reductions beyond 2030.

    Simulations using different assumptions as input? Good start.

    To perform the analysis, the team incorporated the INDCs along with assumptions about future emissions reductions into a global, technologically detailed model of the world called the Global Change Assessment Model or GCAM that includes energy, economy, agriculture and other systems. The GCAM model produced numbers for global greenhouse gas emissions, which the team then fed into a climate model called Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse-gas Induced Climate Change or MAGICC. Running the simulations for each scenario 600 times resulted in a range of temperatures for the year 2100, which the team converted into probabilities.

    Then you run the INDCs through the GCAM model and then take the output of this first model to use as input to a second model called MAGICC. Rinse and repeat 600 times. Pick a probability that suits the party line.
    Read the whole article here.
    Can Paris pledges avert severe climate change?

  7. Never mind “Global Change Assessment Model or GCAM” – in the interest of accuracy, let’s call it the ‘Global SOCIAL Change Assessment Model, or GSCAM.

  8. So Mo Strong lived in admirable China in his dotage.
    You notice big lefties never move to admirable Sweden or Norway.
    ‘Money, it’s a gas
    Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash…
    Money, get back
    I’m all right Jack keep your hands off of my stack…
    I’m in the high-fidelity first class traveling set
    And I think I need a Lear jet
    Money, it’s a crime
    Share it fairly but don’t take a slice of my pie…

  9. AGW RIP.
    “Huge security operation in Paris as world leaders arrive for climate change summit” (telegraph)
    “Storm Clodagh batters Britain with 70mph gales and giant waves lash the coastline” (telegraph)
    “Police use tear gas after climate activists throw objects in Paris demonstration”
    “Police fired tear gas at protesters who hurled projectiles at them in Paris as a largely peaceful human chain of several thousand formed nearby to urge action on global warming ahead of the global environment summit.”

  10. Mao* Strong Report.
    Now inherited & sponsored by Liberal Justine’s PET Cemetery.
    “AWOL Maurice Strong is alive and kicking in Beijing.
    Canada Free Press, whose two favourite people to track are Mo and his sidekick, the self-reinvented-as-American-patriot Mikhail Gorbachev, always knew that Mo would return to China, his favourite place on Mother Earth.
    What we didn’t know, but read with relish in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, is that the smooth-talking architect of the Kyoto Protocol, has no choice but to remain in the Orient,
    “Maurice must now remain in China (where he is very welcome) to avoid questioning by the FBI and Canadian investigators about the $1 million that Tongsun gave him and which Mo tried to hide in his son Fred’s nuclear power company, which now is bankrupt.” (Pittsburg Tribune-Review, July 30, 2006.)
    “Beijing Raises Pollution Alert to the Second-Highest Level”
    “Air pollution reached “hazardous” levels in Beijing on Sunday, prompting the city to upgrade to the second-highest alert for the first time in 13 months on the same day that the Chinese government said it has met pollution-reduction targets for the year.”
    “The air quality worsened Sunday and the center upgraded the alert without providing an updated pollution reading.”

  11. AGW RIP.
    “A day of celebration and hope in Paris disintegrated into rioting and clashes with police on Sunday, after anti-capitalists and anarchists hijacked a peaceful event…”
    “Peaceful Paris climate gathering descends into clashes with police
    Anti-capitalists take over climate protest to rail against ban on marches imposed after terror attacks on city”

  12. PET Cemetery Report.
    Justine Liberal Snubbed by Indian PM.
    “One of the leaders Canada hopes to cajole into signing the agreement – India’s Narendra Modi – cancelled a scheduled bilateral meeting on Sunday with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau due to a “scheduling conflict,” according to the reason given to the Prime Minister’s Office.”
    “Paris climate agreement will be ‘legally binding’ but won’t lock countries into emissions targets”

  13. PET Cemetery Report.
    “He also said Speakers have influence because they control debate, and prime ministers want to keep them happy.”
    [ Liberal ] “Rookie Winnipeg MP withdraws from Speaker race following comments at meeting”
    “A Liberal member of Parliament who was vying for the Speaker’s chair has dropped out of the race following comments he made at a town hall meeting in his Winnipeg riding.
    Robert-Falcon Ouellette told constituents at the event on Saturday that former Speakers told him the job allows for “great influence” with the prime minister.”

  14. Liberal crime, corruption, and Mohammed’s communicable diseases, and more.
    Coming soon to your neighbourhood H/T Liberal Justine’s PET Cemetery.
    “Syrian refugee coordinator in Montreal to make $1800 a day to welcome the…” (NP)
    “Amputations, chronic disease, PTSD and depression: Refugees could bring mountain of health issues to Canada”
    “Aid organizations report children struck mute by their encounters with violence.”

  15. AGW Kills.
    Dead Maurice Strong’s Legacy:
    Earth’s Largest, Biggest, Humungusest Carbon (Co2) Footprint Ever.
    “300 negotiators and minions from Canada alone.”
    “Is the Paris climate conference part of the solution or part of the problem?”
    “The event is to be held at Le Bourget airport—nothing in central Paris was big enough to hold it. The conference halls and pavilions will cover some 45 acres. At least 40,000 participants are expected, among them 3,000 journalists, and 300 negotiators and minions from Canada alone. More than a 100 civil society groups, from England’s Artists Project Earth (APE) to Toronto’s Zerofootprint, will open stalls in the vast climate souk. The direct conference budget is €170 million. That excludes the fortunes spent on hotels, meals, transportation and inevitable posters declaring Canada the “Fossil of the Day” for the Harper regime’s blocking moves on climate agreements over the past decade.”
