13 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Mirrors”

  1. if wind and solar had even a pretence of being successful, Hawaii would lead the way.
    The trade wind are steady the sun is consistent.
    yet even there the wind turbines ebb and flow with the subsidies.
    There is the perfect environment for both, if they are capable of being competitive it would be known.
    Hell they would be broadcasting this accomplishment around the world.
    But they are not.
    I would love to see the actual numbers for Muai, should be a real eye opener.
    As for the demise of uncle Mo, I must admit to having toasted his passing . With great Pleasure.
    The rest of our Laurentian Parasites need to be bidden “God Speed”..

  2. “ebb and flow with the subsidies” lol !!! never thought of it like that.
    anyways, some outfit just around the corner spent about 3 years of its existence hocking solar panels.
    they’re gone now.
    I still wanna know the precise economics of ripping the solar things out every time you need to reshingle, vs the expense of spending more on a metal or ceramic roof lasting 5 times as long as the best shingles, THEN installing solar . . . .

  3. Cal2 please tell me you are not joking about mo strong dropping dead
    cause it couldn’t happen to a more deserving asshole.

  4. And CANADA is now represented on THE WORLD STAGE by a LIBERAL puppet NOVICE IN “SHORT PANTS”

  5. The utility in my region cut down literally thousands of trees as part of the installation of God knows how many Chinese manufactured solar panels on to right of way utility poles. Alot of pleasant tree-lined “leafy” streets were ruined because of this friggin madness. Coulda sworn I remember trees being pretty much sacred in the eyes of the eco scolds – er, right? Progz are the worst.

  6. Actually, the PMO put out this Statement yesterday:
    “Statement by the Prime Minister on the death of Maurice Strong
    November 28, 2015
    Valletta, Malta
    The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, issued the following statement today after learning of the death of Maurice Strong …”
    And the CBC has an article on it titled “Maurice Strong, climate and development pioneer, dead at 86”

  7. The sad part is that while we can celebrate small victories such as PM Harper in effect showing the finger to Copenhagen, Abbot canceling Australia’s carbon tax, Putin and Poland calling AGW a fraud; WUWT, Jo Nova telling the truth; Enviro whored companies stealing taxpayer’s money through governments going broke; and Mo biting the dust, the reality is the war has been lost and the biggest science fraud in human history has won and is implementing its anti-human agenda everywhere. Most recently here in Canada in Ontario and Alberta. Just wait until PM Le Fluff gets busy.

  8. I guess they didn’t buy enough oil/diesel generators to run the WW2 arc-lights to run the panels after dark.

  9. *
    big solar development on ex-farmland in our area… being fronted by a failed liberal candidate from next to last federal election.
    i guess you keep plugging til you make your fortune.
