We Don’t Need No …

Globe and Mail;

Ontarians have paid $37-billion more than market price for electricity over eight years and will pay another $133-billion by 2032, after the provincial government’s process for planning the system “broke down.” Electricity prices have ballooned by 70 per cent.
What’s more, Hydro One is in rough shape, with ever-increasing power outages and aging equipment “at very high risk of failing” that needs $4.472-billion worth of repairs – even as the province is in the process of selling 60 per cent of the company to the private sector.

And from National Post;

The auditor found the Green Energy Act is also driving up rates. Hydro customers will pay a total of $9.2 billion more for wind and solar projects under the Liberals’ 20-year guaranteed-price program for renewable energy than they would have paid under the old program.
Ontario’s guaranteed prices for wind power generators are double the U.S. average, while the province’s solar power rates are three-and-a-half times higher.


Lysyk found 80 per cent of $1.45 billion in funding from the Ministry of Economic Development and Employment went to companies the Liberals invited to apply, but they couldn’t provide criteria they used to select firms or say if they created jobs.

39 Replies to “We Don’t Need No …”

  1. what is really sad is no one in Ontario gives a shit. they all get their money someone else. alberta is about join Ontario and the eastern provinces at the trough that no one is now able to fill. I wonder how much longer it will take to destroy the country? am I a robot because I can’t read stupid deformed letters?

  2. Wynne and company are high on Green energy so why would they care about Hydro One? Ontario is heading down the path of no return with windmills and soar panels, what they don’t produce we won’t have, we will freeze in the dark at the rate they’re going. Ontario is an economic quagmire and Wynne is now blaming McGuinty, whose government she was a key part of and made nary a squawk.

  3. Why are they wasting money on wind. Bribe some Indians and dam some rivers. Wind is a dead loss. It hasn’t been successful elsewhere. Hydro and nuke plants are the only way. Any money that they are tempted to send to 3rd world dictators spend subsidizing dams and nuke plants.

  4. Friends, this is what happens when government gets too big. It wins, you lose.
    You cannot always count on the citizenry to clean house, that is why it is best to keep government lean from the start.

  5. What really bugs me is this has been known about all along, for some time now. What do people think happens when highly subsidized and intermittent & surplus/unnecessary wind power ends up being sold outside the grid at market rates, something like 1/10 what’s paid to wind farm producers. And on and on it went to where we are here, today, but it was so predictable, as will be the non-fallout for the statist imbeciles and rent seeking technocrats who waste hard earned tax dollars for their personal gain.
    Whenever anyone complained they were told to shut up their right wing mouth, that they didn’t care about “the environment.” Then everybody acts surprised, howls of outrage ensue, then back we go to the status quo of statist indifference & incompetence. After all their phony baloney jobs are protected, that’s all that matters. Reality, that’s for the little people.
    Yes, wind is useless technology, grossly overpriced, unable to store significant power, owing to inferior battery technology. It has not replaced, anywhere in the world I’ll bet, one KWh of infrastructure power, whether it be coal, hydro-electric, gas, or nuclear. If and when battery storage technology happens, the wind farms will all be worn out in need of replacement, whose ultimate life cycle cost and consideration of power generation easily matches that of nuclear, under the most conservative assumptions against nuclear.
    Add to that alleged criminal corruption; add to that utterly stupid LIVs in ON, where I’m ashamed to admit I’m from, and you have a hegemony of morons, who would never conceive of not draining the public coffers at every opportunity for their self-fulfillment and enrichment.

  6. $4.472 billion for repairs? the Teflon Dyke could piss that on snow plows
    new coal generators are clean , safe , inexpensive… the rest are lies

  7. Ontario is being run into the ground by thieves inside the government.
    Rent seekers on the “outside” have no complaints about their share.
    Wasting lots of tax money provides a suitable smoke screen.

  8. Moved back to Ontario from the UK in 2007.
    I’ve watched my Hydro One bill go up, up and up ever since.
    The only thin consolation I have is that all those who’ve persisted in re-electing the gruesome McGuinty-Wynne regime have not been spared higher bills either.

  9. “new coal generators are clean , safe , inexpensive”. Exactly right Mauser98!
    But remember, the environmental fascists have labelled CO2 as a “pollutant”. It is utterly ridiculous, but because of that classification coal is off the table.

  10. The people will come for those that sheite on them relentlessly and the dyke with her minions will be held accountable. The right won’t have to do it. It will the knuckle draggers on the left that voted for it that will lead the charge when their lights, heat and handouts disappear.
    Read this article authored by Matthew Bracken last night on “Gates of Vienna” site. Powerful but on another topic but yet related to what’s happening in all sectors.

  11. Brought to you by Jerry Butts and the same band of Liberal Eco Nutter hysterics who now want to inflict this pain on the rest of Canada

  12. The solution is obvious.. The planet needs Health Care… Move all health care funding into earth care… What is more important? Close people Hospitals & open tree planting therapy for worthless humans & the planet …Happy! Happy!
    Flat line all human research, end charity, and useless education. Focus on the path of
    least resistance to extinction. Leave a healthy planet for cockroaches.
    Those that want to fight the rape of humankind…Go after the pension plan funds of those most responsible, civil servants & teacher unions.. destroy their wealth

  13. Try changing the ‘captcha'(right above the megaphone) until something easily read comes up.
    I had trouble with the old ones, this new system is great.

  14. Ontario hopes Wynne’s suckholing to Trudeau before the election pays off. He’s throwing billions at everything, Ontarians had better pray some of it is coming their way.
    Where it’s going to come from,is anybody’s guess, but what was that estimated deficit this year,10 billion? Better double that each and every years these corrupt bastards are in Office.
    You can always blame Harper.

  15. Government by Thieves for Thieves .
    This is how Kleptocracy rolls.
    Voting in serial liars repeatedly brings this reward.
    Once established there is no known cure.
    Nobody is a “little bit” pregnant, nor are they ever just a little bent, when they have unchecked power.
    The bright side, Ontario gets to clean out the cesspits, your institutions are beyond saving.
    Your paid watchmen are the bandits.
    Bureaucracy is kleptocracy , unless ruthlessly watched.

  16. “What do people think happens when…”
    You hit it, Shamrock.
    Think? People think? As in Ontario voters electing rats 4 times in a row? Alberta voters electing an NDP government as their province is hit by slumping oil prices? And voters across the country electing a silly little tit as a Prime Minister when a strong clever leader is most needed.

  17. And this BS is going NATIONAL!!!
    To all you anybody but Harper types, votes have consequences and you will need to move out of Mommy’s basement and get a “job” to pay for your ignorance, else I am just going to leave.

  18. Sham…excellent post.
    I left Barrie in 2010 after a 3 yr run…when the boys came to install the ToU meter…I put the house up for sale. Went back to CValgary thinking at least here, there was a sense of normality – common sense if you will….well, that plan is totally screwed now as well with people in the halls of Provincial power so STOOPID they make my eyes squint.
    To date I have read each and every episode of Parker Gallants most excellent series on Ontario’s Power Trip….and Bible if you will of how to SCREW the COMMON Folk whilst literally giving away ludicrous amounts of tax payer dollars to LIBERAL Insiders involved in the Wind Industry.
    Ontario now reaps the benefits ($ 1000/mo elec Bills), and to what end eh…?? is the air cleaner as China (who is downwind of us…yea keep that in mind folks), is on track to install 363 more DIRTY coal fired plants in the next 5-10 years, & India who will triple their emissions of crap over the next 10 years…..well the short answer is Nope…it never will be. it never was about the environment anyway…it was to fill their pockets and when its over they will attempt to fly the coop.
    There will come a time when people have totally had it…a while yet as i sense disgusting complacency in Ontario towards McGuilty and Whine….but if they are not careful…more physical kinds of protest are in the offing…and in my mind, it could not come sooner.
    Now where is that Guillotine I had………???
    BASTARDS each and every one of them….including NoMIND Notely and her gang of imbeciles.

  19. Liberals being Liberals. I do not understand how they can continue to hoodwink the populace. Already Trudeau’s ankles are showing. No state nannies for you rich people, unless you are Liberal.

  20. and to what end eh…??
    Liberals enriching themselves at public expense. That is the sole goal, end and objective of Liberal governments here in Canada. They just can’t help themselves; it is genetic.

  21. Executives at Hydro Quebec still scratching their heads over why in the past Ontario didn’t buy tons more cheap green hydro power of which Quebec had surplus. The partial excuse was risk of Quebec separation and wanting to use Canadian energy companies as sources (like Samsung!) to create jobs (very few jobs created).

  22. It is a lot easier to hide the theft when your choir sings to the marks.
    When the dam breaks , have the mob spare the Presstitutes till last.
    As with pre revolution France, the powerful arrogantly believed themselves untouchable.
    Steakman, guillotines abound, you know them as the whirling crucifixes of the mad religion.
    The irony is the current ruling class, firmly believe the rules they have been abusing, will hold to protect them.

  23. John, I sense a gathering storm….one that will in fact break said damn.
    Liberals literally RAPING Ontario every which way.
    Alberta NDP starting on an identical course.
    Federal Liberals: Abundant Arrogance – more interested in Faux Climate BS, taking Selfies & making cowardly moves..whilst bringing in the peoples who would destroy our Culture…all for votes..just like daddy did.
    I (Joe Public), am DISGUSTED and feel trapped – sorta like a Badger…surrounded by insanity of the first order….& no where to turn…BEWARE, for one day and it sure as shite is coming sooner…I will strike….and it aint gonna be pretty.
    Personally, I hope to see & participate in said “strike back”.
    …with Brad Wall leading the charge.
    I like him…

  24. The principal policy advisor to Dalton McGuilty was Gerald Butts, who is now principal advisor to Justin. Hard times are coming.

  25. All this was well documented 6 years ago when Mcguinty won his last minority election. Ont had and continues to have a surplus of electrical power, over 80% of wind generated electricity is produced while the grid is already full.The resulting exports are dumped to US customer at less than cost.
    The only beneficiaries of the scheme are Liberal connected wind outfits, check out links to former LPO President, Mike Crawley, or former Premier David Peterson. The wind plants have absolutely zero connection to clean air or reduced C02 output; backup gas plants ensure no net reduction in C02. In short they are a massive waste of tax dollars, but one that Butts, Trudeau, Wynne, Dione and McKenna will foist on Canadians given the chance.

  26. My only consolation is that the millenials will have to live with this self-induced cesspool long after I’ve turned to dust and blown to the far corners of the earth.

  27. “even as the province is in the process of selling 60 per cent of the company to the private sector.”
    Hear Ye Hear Ye: Here is the chance to buy a piece of the 60% of a company that will be controlled by the government 40% of the company, which government is currently running both the company and it’s clients into the ground and which said government views PROFIT as a four letter word.
    I’m sure private stockholders are vying to buy stock in such a company out of pure civil benevolence.

  28. Those of us who are paying the kind of money I am really do care. My monthly bill for year up to the end of October – which means there was another rise on Nov. 1st and will be another in January is $457.00. I live alone so I’m trying to manage this on one income.
    The delivery charges are killing me as I live in a small village so some months this winter that alone will be over $200.00.
    I certainly wouldn’t have bought an electrically-heated house if I’d known electricity would go this high, but it was built in 1968 when Hydro was encouraging electric heat. The owners went for radiant heat in the ceiling – in the ceiling!
    Sadly, I just discovered that having a sunken living room means I can’t have a propane gas furnace installed.
    Who on earth will buy this white elephant when I go to a retirement home?

  29. Dalton McGinty Kathleen Wynne and Georg3e Smitherman should all be in jail with a 15 year sentence.

  30. Notley’s 30% renewable by 2030 plan just announced is much in the same vein. Time to wake up out of our orange fog Alberta…

  31. blame correctly lands in the lap of chairman maowynne.
    blame *also* lands in the lap of the pathetic clucking chipmunk timmy ‘whodat?’ hudak, and the conservatists that foisted his name onto the ballots.
    clucking little string puppet for the ‘mercun hard right think tanks.
    THAT is another reason we suffer and suffer under the weight of lielielieberalism.
    memo to provincial conservatists: feel free to do a bit of ‘sober second thought’ about who you pick next time around for leader. optics do count !!!

  32. Re Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli’s excuses re comments in the AG’s report.
    Brian Lilley calls “Bullcaca!”
    10am-noon eastern @ cfra.com

  33. Look at the bright side!
    Once Liberal Utopia is reached and ALL Canadian Baxtards are finally freezing in the dark, surely then the Liberal Party will become forever known as the Freeze In The Dark Party.

  34. yes.
    Me too.
    The cycles seem unstoppable.
    But we have had one hell of a nice time these last 6 decades.
    Sure was nice to have the opportunity to live this life of luxury.
    I remember when my father brought home the first electric washing machine, I doubt most today can imagine laundry for 11 without such a jewel.
    Electricity is the magic power of our age.
    “With the flick of a switch”
    However we are seeing the rise of the Urban Luddite.
    They will swell until they burst.
    Buy a genset, any kind.
    For we will be experiencing rolling blackouts under government care.
    I guess protecting the useless and clueless prevents them from ever learning a normal healthy caution.
    Pain. Natures way of telling you you have screwed up.
    I find myself torn between continuing to bail and pouring on some accelerant.
    Surviving the rampaging mob of ex-Liberal/NPD supporters tearing themselves a new hole, could be tricky.
    Human nature being what it is, the coming breakdown will never be the responsibility of those who voted for it.
