20 Replies to “Pollspotting!”

  1. It’s currently neck and neck. Why don’t the media make the observation theat the Liberals want the patronage positions for their pals.

  2. The question makes my head hurt.
    Couldn’t it have read “Should the late appointments accept the positions?”
    Who writes these things? I would say the question is designed to give a certain response but the way it is worded will have the opposite effect?

  3. The poll is corrupt, I just tried to vote and was told that I had already voted. Go figure.

  4. Done!
    Funny, I don’t remember this being asked after ANY Liberal appointment under ANY circumstance.

  5. To those receiving the message that you’ve already voted, clear your cache!
    54% No when I just voted (see posting time of this comment to track the poll results trend over time.)

  6. That’s bizarre. Canada isn’t used to having bloodbaths when governments change. Why is Jihadi Justin so spiteful? An appointment by the Liberals isn’t less partisan. An appointment by a Liberal appointed committee isn’t less partisan. We elect governments to make thousands of appointments. How was Harper any different from every other government.

  7. Scar,
    It’s not Harper who was any different. It’s the new PM. He’s a petulant child having a tantrum.

  8. “could use a bit of carpet bombing today?”
    Kate when you vacate, your stand ins just can not compete, you come up with some of the best lines ever:-)))

  9. A lot of entitlements had been promised but Harper got in the way. The sinacures and entitlements is why the Liberals run for government.

  10. 🙂 We “helped” you folks with the voting process; see we taught the folks up there some methods for counting the votes! We call it “Auto-voting” – you let your local committeeman handle your voting problems, and they will make sure you vote the right way every time!
    Cheers from Chicago!

  11. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the current results to hit the evening news but how much do you want to be if the results had gone the way they were intended to then we’d for sure have heard about it.

  12. I think this is really a dirty tactic. It puts the individual in a difficult situation. The fact that this is a blanket request makes it clear that they care nothing about the qualifications of the individual. People who might favour Liberals politically are no better qualified to sit on boards, etc. than people who might support Conservatives. Also — appointees have never been asked to resign before. Maybe they think the Conservative Senators should resign also. The new government is clearly filled with shamefully inexperienced people. Let us hope that no one is foolish enough to resign.

  13. This is the first time I’ve visited CTV online in months, maybe a year…
    I clicked once on the poll, it tells me I’ve already voted. Exactly as a few others are reporting here…
    Did Lorne Calvert’s online polling sources write the code for CTV?

  14. I voted yes they should have the choice to voluntarily choose do what they want to do.
    Perhaps I didn’t understand the issue

  15. “NO” is now ahead by 58% at the time of this posting. I thought if I configured my IE browser not to store cookies when it exits, I could vote repeatedly.
    That didn’t work. The site was too smart for that, however, I do have access to 9 different computers.
    So I did my part. It’s getting late now… time to catch a few z’s.

  16. “I voted yes” […] “Perhaps I didn’t understand the issue”
    People who vote and don’t understand the issues are why we have Prime Minister Zoolander running Canada. If you don’t understand the issues don’t vote.
    Do you think the people who Harper appointed were drafted to become Canadian senators or did they put themselves forward for appointment?
    If they put themselves forward for appointment(and they did) and they were appointed, then they have an obligation to accept and hold that appointment which would otherwise have gone to another candidate.
    The issue isn’t about them having the freedom to vote, it’s about them fulfilling their obligations.
