Their Love for Socialism Exceeds Their Fear of Being Raped

Now there are many possible explanations for this self-hating, self-destructive behavior. Perhaps these women deep down inside hate Western Civilization so much they’d rather be raped, and maybe even view that as fighting “evil white male, Eurocentric patriarchy.” Perhaps these people are cowards, see the writing on the wall, know Western Civilization won’t make it, and kowtow like cuckolds to what they perceive to be their future overlords. Maybe it’s crusaderism combined with the allure of bad boys, prompting young girls to join ISIS even if it means their inevitable death. Or perhaps, deep down inside it’s nothing more than good ole fashioned “rape fantasies” influencing the way they vote.
The truth is, it doesn’t matter. Because no matter which way you slice it, it simply boils down to…

7 Replies to “Their Love for Socialism Exceeds Their Fear of Being Raped”

  1. This post wins the Wackadoodle award of the week. Like honestly… is crack abuse a widespread issue in the conservative community? Because it sure seems like it.

  2. Good article, but it does give a little too much credit to conscious thought, instead of the relative stupidity and the influence of the self-destructive cult of Liberal Progressivism.
    Let’s be honest, decades long culture of drug fuelled self-indulgent entitlements and pampering has left western society with stupid low information voters ripe for classic Romanesque Cult Worship.
    At this moment of world civilization we call it Progressive Liberalism. What is going to stop it will be war, civil then regional and quite possibly global.
    Nothing knocks Liberalism out of a society faster than war; it’s why Empires eventually collapse after the simplified cycle of conservative struggle, foundation, expansion, prosperity, self-indulgence, apathy, collapse.

  3. hmmmm.
    I wonder if this will be the generation when Western Civilization collapses.
    like it hasn’t happened before? Roman history.
    I strongly suspect the acceleration of events via technology will factor in big time.
    marion boyd tried to push sharia law onto Ontarians. what a monstrously pathetically NAIVE move that was. but typical of the events which in grand total will break the back of the most successful civilization ever, and I dont see anything better on the horizon. democracy will be forgotten, expunged from all records, even ‘story tellers’ reminiscing about a happier time will be muzzled or summarily executed.
    not a nice time to live. tqvm all you castrated whimpering leftists.

  4. According to the article, those two “Austrian” skanks were Muslim refugees from Bosnia-herzegovina seeking to “serve Allah” by servicing jihadis in the Islamic State. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, one would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at these horizontal jihadis. There’s lots more where they came from.

  5. What a shallow closed-minded world you live in John-boy. Like most leftards, you’d have us just take your word for that little say nothing, hissy-fit hit&run critique because we must accept that John possesses a superior form of intellect. Probably just incapable of comprehending anything beyond the propaganda toward which your ilk is so affectionate. Grab a brain!
