27 Replies to “Pollspotting!”

  1. A media person said that the Muslims are just another group of immigrants and will assimilate as easily as “the Italians”.
    My question: can anyone recommend a good Muslim chianti?

  2. Judging from many of the photos, the absence of fabric heads and non-Muslim names indicates that they are choosing a lot of non-Muslims.

  3. how will they like their children in the gay promoting sec ed class? time to behead the teacher perhaps?

  4. I remember how his dad did the same thing, women and children refugees. They sponsored the parents, uncles, and great, grand Papa. It Cost us a fortune, they all needed medical, and couldn’t speak any English. Then went into full pensions, without paying a dime.
    History repeats itself.

  5. That should be 50,000 refugees. Tell the truth CTV.
    And has hard as the media have tried by showing happy refugee families on every newscast, they still haven’t tipped opinion in their favour.

  6. I understand McCallum has already announced their cracker-jack plan is to (now) bring in 50,000 migrants. To bad the folks at C-ontinuous T-rudeau V-ision cannot even keep up with the basic of facts.

  7. All of the refugees who just landed in Toronto were sponsored. So they are here because of the work of the Harper government despite the Trudeau photo op. Not a word about that in the coverage.

  8. So far I see only Armenians in the news. It my speculative guess, but they were vetted before the elections.
    Mayor idiot of Winnipeg should invite them – beside D.Trump – to learn about Turkish (with some Kurdish help) atrocities.

  9. “Poll-spotting! Scroll down and to the right: Do you agree with Canada’s decision to accept 25,000 Syrian refugees?”
    Sure, enjoy gaming yet another inconsequential, non-scientific, for-entertainment-purposes-only online poll. That is, after all, one of the only ways in which “SDA gets results.”
    – Syrian refugees are now arriving daily, being welcomed with open arms by your fellow Canadians across the country, and coming to a neighbourhood near you.
    – The Trudeau Liberals – 37 days down, another 1,410 days of majority government to go.
    – COP21 is happening.
    – So is an AB carbon tax, come 2017.
    – Barack Hussein Obama, two-term president.

  10. KT: I laughed profusely when I read your post. So true–total honesty, something that is so greatly lacking in our world today. Just got home from surgery, was in pain until I read that. Thanks eh!!
    The best I saw was the photo-op Trudeau and Co. just put together at the TO airport. If he wants an ad, why doesn’t he pay for it?? CBC I can understand, however I wonder who pays the sock puppets at CTV??
    Last night I was watching CBC National in my hotel room. ISIS has issued a warning to major Canadian cities. CBC however says it is nothing but ”fear mongering.”
    PS: If there’s a guy across the street pointing a 9MM Glock in my direction, that can also be construed as ”fear mongering??”

  11. Yes, there is so much delusional thinking amongst the progressives. They cannot seem to fathom that there are specific ruless about how to live in non-muslim lands. Italians were Christian; muslims have been trying to kill Christians for 1400 years, soimetimes very successfullyy.

  12. Most if those media people have never investigated Islam’s can beliefs. If the do integrate as easily as Italians, it will only be because they have abandoned Islam. Either you accept Koranic teachings or you don’t. The Koran is in conflict with Western values.

  13. And how would the CBC know it’s just fear mongering? Perhaps they have been told this by the new foreign secretary from Missesaugua.

  14. Keep the list going, Bud.
    – per capita public debt: brutal and growing – the few will shoulder the debt of the many.
    – Good news: Industry shutdowns in Ontario diminishing…
    – Bad News: Industry shutdowns in Ontario diminishing because all floods eventually slow to trickles
    – Silly, infantile tits lead both the US and Canada (okay, you kind of mentioned that).
    – etc…

  15. That kt guy lists those things like he’s happy about them. There are people like that in back wards of mental hospitals, quite ready to say what they are happy about. Like being Napoleon Bonaparte.
    BHO, two term president is nothing but a clear indication of the growing insanity of progressives in western society. The man is delusional, completely incompetent and dangerous. Who knows what information he has sold to his Saudi paymasters? Or to his supposed “enemy” Putin?
    I think the refugees will be a mixture of good and bad like most of humanity, but we had better be aware that the bad end of that spectrum is ultra-bad, although I do feel that the real terrorist threat has probably been developed already in-house from people who have been here some time. Hell, the best recruiting ground they seem to have is our own “old stock” crazies looking for a pretext to kill. And in BC, we even have the police training them before pulling the rug out from under them at the last minute. That was a strange one. What’s the point, really?

  16. In the not to distant future when the unemployment numbers start creeping up and inflation starts getting out of control and folks ask what has Trudeau-Sinclair been doing aboit it just direct everyone’s attention to the plethora of selfies and photo ops

  17. “That kt guy lists those things like he’s happy about them.”
    I got the same impression.
    Strangely enough, the posts contributed by kt are somewhat of a relief. I look at what happened in the last Ontario and Alberta elections and what took place on Oct. 19 and it just seemed surreal … somewhat akin to the zombie horde pushing over the walls on The Walking Dead. I wondered what exactly happened to this country and what kind of people could vote for such obvious incompetents. Then I read kt’s posts and I begin to realize that yes, there are people out there who actually derive some bizarre satisfaction from witnessing train wrecks in slow motion. People who much prefer political correctness over common sense and nanny state government over actually being responsible for one’s own actions. People who support politicians who, rather than take control over spending excesses, raise taxes to compensate for their cowardice.

  18. “how will they like their children in the gay promoting sec ed class? time to behead the teacher perhaps?”
    Look on the bright side… now the rightwing has some allies.

  19. John, your post is as confusing as one of kt’s. are you disparaging conservatives because we think perversion should not be taught to kids in grade school, or do you think conservatives support jihad?
