9 Replies to “Sunni Ways, My Friends!”

  1. I viewed a spokesperson on behalf of the refugees, on CBC. He was effusive in his praise of Prime Minister Trudeau.
    He mentioned how down to earth and in touch the Prime Minister must seem welcoming the newcomers at the airport. He mentioned the coatless PM.
    There was Justin with his coat and tie off, distributing something or other to grateful newcomers.
    Maybe just me, but the scene shows a man well versed in photo ops. How really unnecessary for these actions it seems. Apart from making him into “Mr. Nice Guy”.

  2. Well it is the “religion of Pieces”.
    A death cult that uses children as suicide bombers, well of course their women and children are safe to import, they will be really grateful and vote 150% Liarbal.
    The Cult of the Desert Pedophile and the Progressive Retards have so much in common.
    Inbreeding being number one.
    Question, are they still terrorists if you do not feel terror?
    What if you are simply disgusted by their insanity and consider them general wastes of skin?

  3. Islamic violence is predominately Saudi financed through their Sunni surrogates. Saudi Arabia is no friend of the west and has consistently ‘bought off’ western industry and politicans. Instead of worrying about Syria the focus should be placed where it belongs, in Mecca.
