“Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit”

Chipotle rejects modern synthetic fertilizers in favor of suppliers who use manure on their crops. This approach may be “all natural” and “organic” and make some customers feel warm and fuzzy, but it should not come as a surprise that applying stool, feces and excrement to growing fruits and vegetables significantly raises the risk of spreading disease. Bruce M. Chassy, food science professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana scoured U.S. Food and Drug Administration data to conclude that organic food is four to eight times more likely to be recalled over safety concerns than conventionally grown products.

You don’t say.

26 Replies to ““Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit””

  1. Mommy, my burrito tastes like poop. Honey, it can’t, they only use organically grown ingredients so go ahead and eat it like good little liberal.

  2. ‘Although the crops, meats and other foods produced by modern conventional agricultural technologies may not bring to mind a sentimental Norman Rockwell painting, they are on average safer than food that reflects pandering to current fads’
    Can’t improve that!

  3. Do these people not understand that plants can’t uptake the nutrients they need until they have broken down into inorganic chemical compounds? There is no such thing as “organic fertilizer”, a plant cannot intake an organic molecule.

  4. First we clean up our sewer problems that gives us better health. Then we go organic and throw feces and urine on our food……this is another way of going backwards to my way of thinking. Then you are paying more money to have this feces on it……go figure!!

  5. Not washing fruits and vegetables, regardless of origin, is asking for trouble. When I was in Bolivia at 9000 ft above sea level, it took 30 minutes to boil water to a safe condition, 1.5 hours to filter it to the same state, and then you still had to use iodine on any unpeeled vegetables before consuming it in a salad. You don’t take precautions, you get sick. Assumptions are not good and ignorance is not bliss.

  6. This is such wonderful news coming at a time when new more deadly strains of E. Coli are being discovered. Is this all part of the progressives population reduction plan?

    Researchers in China have discovered a strain of E. Coli bacteria resistant to all known antibiotics. In a study published last month in The Lancet, the scientists describe the emergence of a new gene, MCR-1, that grants E. Coli bacteria immunity to a class of antibiotics called colistin, also referred to as polymyxin. Colistin is widely considered a last-resort treatment against multi-drug resistant bacterial infections in humans, but now that this defense line has been breached, scientists will need to expand their arsenal of infection-fighting weaponry.

  7. The question skeptical shoppers might pose, is why “organic” products are all about 30% more expensive. Foregoing fertilizers and pesticides should make the items less expensive, not more. If the term makes consumers feel warm and fuzzy, who is to blame sellers for slapping the “organic” label on everything, if they can charge significantly more.

  8. As someone pointed out elsewhere, there is nothing whatsoever “natural” about agriculture whether it be labeled “organic” or, a la Far Side cartoon, “inorganic?”. If you want to channel your inner Walton Family fantasy, go take a hay ride at the local dude ranch. For myself, I’ll take the relatively cheap, nutritious and safe industrial agricultural product that has allowed us to live longer and healthier lives than anyone, anywhere in all of history. It has the added benefit of giving me time to play golf on a Saturday afternoon as opposed to hoeing the potato patch, or whatever one does with a potato patch on a blazing hot summer’s day.

  9. I didn’t know feeling flushed and queasy was the same thing as “warm and fuzzy.” You learn something new every day.

  10. Must be those practices that attract the crowds, it can’t be the quality of their finished product.
    Tried a Chipotle in Phoenix, was anticipating something pretty decent given their popularity; first & last time, found it to be barely edible slop.

  11. Climate change affecting avocados? If California gets too hot, grow them in Oregon or the Yukon by the way warmists are talking.

  12. Didn’t I read about 5 years ago a major recall on raw Spinach due to salmonella because some pigs ran amok in the fields?

  13. Oh the horror:

  14. Screw Chipotle and boycott them as well and this organic poppycock bull twaddle. These back to nature freaks are screwballs

  15. Here’s a nice post from SeekerBlog entitled “I will eat at Chipotle only if they irradiate 100% of their food”.

  16. How did you wash them? Did you use soap or some other solvent? I never wash vegetables. Most people “wash” vegetables by running them under cold water in the sink, which seems totally pointless to me because running something under cold water won’t clean it. If there is an effective way to do it I’d like to know what it is.

  17. You can irradiate food to sterilize it, but people get all freaked out at the very idea. If you irradiate it you won’t get e. coli or other nasty bugs.

  18. there is a time coming, when men will beat each other unconscious over a leftover sandwich.
    for centuries believers have declared ‘the end is nigh’ and sold all their possessions and stood on some hill top.
    and waited and waited and waited.
    is the world different now? technology, nukes, exponential population growth, international travel spreading SARS, Ebola, superbugs, unprecedented debt in the most successful nation in all history, more of the same old same old or truly a perfect storm?
    Matthew 24:36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
    what does SDA think?

  19. we can’t eat gold or silver. all the wealth in the world won’t buy something that is not there.

  20. I’m sorry, I just couldn’t care less about Chipotle.
    As if the world would be diminished should another mediocre restaurant chain founder.

  21. “…There is no such thing as “organic fertilizer”….
    EXACTLY… this whole business of using the word “organic”… I have always questioned it’s USE and still ASK those that work in the grocery department. “if this item is organic…does that mean this one here is inorganic..?” or do you guys have a Star Trek Replicator in house..??
    For 50 years since becoming somewhat AWARE, I have seen so many products come and go as “better for you” Aspertane, Margarine, and all the rest..and now “Organic & Green” …. in the end, always sticking with with “conventionally” grown or natural type product (butter.?). Seems to me those that jump on these fads are mentally lacking in something….me, I call it smarts..?
    So let the Vegans, anti Vaxers, Climate Change, Gender neutral morons have their Organic bullshit & horseshit embellishments…It just might thin out the gene pool of loons, God willing….
