12 Replies to “Michael Lewis With Conan O’Brien”

  1. Sad commentary. One of the least ethical people I happen to know teaches ethics at a local institution of higher learning. Methinks our society will sink further before it can aspire to rise again, if it can next time.

  2. Coffee?
    Nah – Gimme a scotch, Lagavulin 16 neat
    … or two
    … or three
    Oh, wait, it’s Sunday! and my favorite on-line service has just started – check it out:
    the sermon starts At 11:30
    I guess I’ll take the coffee after all.

  3. Three things about this:
    First, right at the beginning they talk about non-American immigrants as the whistle-blowers and allude that traders from ivy-league business schools are morally corrupt. Than, later on in the video, they discuss the major involvement of immigrant Russians in the whole flash trading scam. The explanation is that the Russians were gaming the system because they had learnt to do so under communism. So in this case, why are the American Ivy leaguers corrupt and the Russians merely “gaming the system?” What does that say about infiltration of leftist ideology in American politics and society?
    Second, nothing is mentioned about the rules that the Democratic Federal governments of Jimmy Carter and later Bill Clinton put into place that resulted in $10 K fines levied against banks who refused to make risky house loans to minorities and the “poor”. These rules were not discontinued under the Republicans and the B.O. administration is trying to resurrect them. Banks and financial institutions were faced with the choice of being subject to a Federal government shakedown that would seriously impact their bottom line. So they “gamed” the system by packaging bad loans as ABCP and selling it as “safe” investments backed by mortgages. Eventually everything collapsed in 2008 when people found out that they had been sold risky paper. This is what happens when socialist governments try to wish their unicorn fantasies into reality by messing with the free market. They destroy peoples lives because generally speaking they are stupid religious fanatics forcing their incoherent ideology on people who don’t need it. Yet this video discussion finds only the banks and financial institutions at fault.
    And the flash trading scams were not unknown to the media. Zero Hedge was reporting on it constantly right from the start. They still do. The media just chose to ignore it. Probably because they are generally to thick to understand it even on a rudimentary level. At least Conan admits that he has difficulty with it. Good for him. It puts him way above the rest of colleagues.

  4. Bear in mind that only unethical people need training in ethics – and then probably to learn how to avoid the rules.

  5. I agree with you Top Cat.
    1. My thoughts exactly. Russians were very good programmers.
    2. Quite so; the 2008 melt-down was due to the previous 20 years of federal government and political interference in the mortgage business. Obomber was one of the shake-down lawyers, keeping most of the se4ttlementrs for himself as fees.
    3. Yes, ZH even had one posting which showed a trade being completed a few milliseconds before it was requested.

  6. Actually it signifies the “Times-Communist”, not “Top Cat”. My ode to the leftist rag that publishes here on the edge of the Pacific. It’s like reading green leftist fantasies about lesbian transsexual unicorns sh*****g rainbow skittles for consumptive self-anesthetisation by the Proles. The frustration builds up and I need to vent. Thank goodness for the interweb.

  7. c c, the problem with ethics is they tend to be situational. old fashioned morality is better.

  8. Back when Conan OBrian had Hollywood idiot Alec Baldwin calling for the stoning deaths of Sam Hyde and his family yeah Baldwin should have been dumped head first in the dumpster in the back alley
