42 Replies to “EcoScam: The All-Season Libranos”

  1. Among the LIEberals brown envelopes are never out of season.
    There are all season tires and then there are all season LIEberals;
    corruption it’s a family affair.
    Can’t inflate your tires? Might as well inflate your bank account!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. “I am not uncomfortable with the nature of the meetings, the nature of the meals, or the nature of the accommodations,” said Glenn Maidment, chair of the tire stewardship. “All of those things, I think, were fair and reasonable.”
    There IS no scandal here,the man obviously suffers from “affluenza”.
    $288 dinner for two? Hm, a bit more than I usually spend,actually about $220 more, but I’m just a peasant, not the head of a corporation doing the good work to help save the planet.

  3. This is why the Liberals want government – for the entitlements to which they are entitled. Expect to see Scandals 2.0 federally – give them 18 months.

  4. “Sources in the recycling industry worry how the stewardship’s $49.6-million surplus will be disbursed, if the organization is dismantled.”
    Obviously consumers have been overcharged if they have accumulated that much of a surplus.
    The Liberals will somehow either shove the excess money in their pie-holes or into their own wallets/purses.
    Ontario… the closest thing to a 3rd world dictatorship within a democracy.

  5. The Red Star reports this?
    Biting the hand that feeds them? They better be careful those free lunches and special meetings might come to an end.

  6. Here’s a cheap way to recycle tires. Give them to the Indians to burn at protests. Problem solved!

  7. OT but the tire fee levy IMO is the most bogus of all the fees brought in courtesy of the green lobby. The amount/tire is a number they’ve pulled out of their as_ that has no relationship to the cost of gathering up the tires. I’m surprised the surplus wasn’t higher.

  8. Sounds just like Workers Compensation.
    Kleptocracy is a parasites heaven.
    This is why we have all these”NGO’s” fully funded by tax dollars, to evade the scrutiny of legislation supposed to control the trough diving.(Public service act).
    These types will never stop stealing, expecting them to, is like expecting ticks to voluntarily stop sucking blood.
    Parasites gotta do what their nature dictates, damn shame they currently control the systems designed to limit their drain.
    Last federal election, did anyone hear a politician from any party, address the fact that the “average” income in Canada now pays 48% in total taxes,fees and govt grabs?.
    Only message I heard was ‘If you make it, we will take it.”
    With some bickering about who would take most.
    Theft by government is the norm, not a single party seems cognizant of the bleeding.
    The only “middle class” canada has are the government employees, who appear to believe money really does come from the government and that they, sitting in an office, can organize your life better than you can.
    Based on on recent history, any ratio of bureaucratic helper higher than 1 in 10 sinks the society receiving said “help”.
    Kleptocracy is the same as hiring the only gang of bandits in your area, to protect you from bandits.
    Duh, they will “help” you.

  9. The original ‘Tire Tax, came as a result of the Hagarsville Tire Fire. The proposal was that the funds were to be distributed to the Fire Service to purchase equipment to deal with these events. There never was so much as a Nickle, given to the fire departments, and the cash went into the ‘General Funds’… Shocker

  10. …give them 18 months.
    It’s probably happening now. It will take 18 months to find it. Recall pre-election that Liberal bag men were instructing corporate Canada on how to lobby a Liberal government.

  11. Premier Redenbacher will wave her arms like a windmill and in days time the story will be shoved aside because Nigel Wright gave Mike Duffy $90,000 cheque. A Lieberal is never held to account. Oh and Bev Oda had a $16 orange juice. Perspective please.

  12. I like this line – “Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) is not a government agency, nor is it funded by the government,” said party spokesperson Patricia Favre.
    No, it’s funded by us poor suckers because the government passed a law that liberates more money from our wallets. No irony there.

  13. Good idea, but a more attention getting approach would have them used as Nelson Mandela’s party did in South Africa; a burning necklace for anyone that disputes Wynne’s policies.

  14. Here in the sunny Okanagan, we have an odd situation, don’t know if it exists elsewhere; we pay a $5 environmental fee when we buy the tire, but if we take the worn out tire to the local dump,they charge us $5/tire dumping fee.
    So, my innocent question: why in hell did I pay the bloody $5 environmental fee if I was going to be charged, again, to throw it out?
    Must be an accounting error on somebody’s part.

  15. Don, dump it, er “recycle it” at your local Canuckian Tire store, or any other retailer. Save yer $5 for the next moneygrabber.
    The BC eco-fees are every bit as bad as Morontariowes, birds of a feather……from tires to oil, to any paint product, to any electronics, and of course beverage returnables have any -extra- fee on them at the checkpoint, cuz, you know, gubmint!

  16. The rot is so pervasive in Wynne controlled Ontario that a complete exorcism in 3 years is the only solution.

  17. The liberal party invented corruption in politics decades ago so the next four years under Gerald Butts should be interesting

  18. I used to use the term ‘Kleptocracy’ until I came across ‘Ineptocracy’ just today. I think it explains the situation even better!
    (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) – a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers. syn- sociialism

  19. Here in AB we’ve had this scam going for decades. The head of the scam er tire recycle program is usually some hack who is connected to the progressive conservatives. I couldn’t be bothered to look it up but it may now be some ndp slider at the helm now.
    The ‘corporation’ is usually neck deep in money. Not sure what they do with it.

  20. Guillotine, he’ll in Alberta after putting the screws to everyone Rach is complaining that folks are bullying the dips on line.

  21. For years now, I have been writing to conservative journalist, providing links to documents, and begging them to dig into Stewardship Ontario.
    I got blown off every time, in spite of the evidence I provided. Why is this a story now?
    Chris Ivey

  22. There are more than enough tires in that picture for a few S African style “necklacings”

  23. Chris Ivey: It is a story now because in the election cycle this will long be forgotten before the next time the low information Liberal votes. That no one gets fired from her Cabinet for all these scandals is something to behold, it is simply mind boggling. Wynn goes on like everything is perfectly normal.

  24. Hey, if I was that lesbo activist/ co-PM Wynne, or any other Librano for that matter, I wouldn’t worry about this money laundering scheme or any other Librano “green” scandal as the Public Sector Unions and the Media will make sure these bandits and gangsters remain in power forever. Steal all you want Libranos, your good at it, real good, and you’ll never lose an election no matter what you slippery thugs do, so keep it up, show the private sector gangsters how a real gangster does it.

  25. Not that it will make a difference. Ontario has worse scandals ongoing during the last election and they still re-elected the Libs.

  26. good to see the liberals are continuing to live up to the level of corruption they have become comfortable with.

  27. Ineptocracy, lovely term for the useful idiots.
    However the theft currently orchestrated by our elected and appointed elites is too naked to be blamed on incompetence.
    Here in Canada, Government is theft.
    Hence Kleptocracy, as those making the rules, make these rules to expedite their parasitic life styles.
    Government by thieves for the benefit of thieves.

  28. Didn’t know until Christmas purchase of a TV that Wynne has as eco fee (no tax) tax on all electronic products. Supposedly this is to pay for disposing of computers and TVs and keeping them out of the land fill sites. The tax on one set was a whopping $25 and no one could explain where the non tax tax dollars went to. A simple key board purchase even had the same tax attached. What possible problem does a key board present to land fill use? Now we know, as if there was any doubt where the accumulated tax dollars go.

  29. I sent links to financial reports and listing of investments by Stewardship Ontario – which is actually a group of entities – to reporters at CFRA and at the Ottawa Citizen.
    I showed that this is basically a private (though technically non-profit) company chaired by liberal friendly execs from industry that has been somehow empowered to collect taxes, (through the semantic magic of calling them “fees”) from consumers at the point of purchase.
    While a small amount of money is disbursed through grants to municipalities, much of it is “invested” in a long list of companies. Here the accounting gets tricky, since some of it is essentially awarded as grants through “partnerships” while a lot of it seems to go to purchasing equity – sometimes in privately held companies.
    The whole thing is enormous, and it stinks of a rake-off of taxpayer dough by a bunch of well-connected liberals.
    They overreached a few years ago, when Stewardship Ontario tried to introduce new fees on a broad range of consumer products, and had to pull in their horns. However, they continue to collect money on the purchases of tires, (and if you think its a lot for your snow tires, imagine what a mine pays to replace the tires on their heavy equipment), and personal electronics.
    We’re talking billions of dollars. And not one journalist bothered to so much as reply to my emails – not even the guys at CFRA.

  30. The entire eco-freak movment is a big time scam from Man made Climate Change,Pestisides,Rainforests, and Endagred Speices
