Deep Impact

Thoughts From Canada’s Deep Thought Community;

Under the guise of a migration to the digital world, Canada’s news media is undergoing the biggest journalistic fire sale of its history. It is taking place on such a scale that it might be more appropriate to call it a liquidation of information-gathering resources and it is happening under the nose of a political class that is, for the most part, content to look the other way.

People aren’t “migrating to digital”. They’re tuning out completely, or migrating to more trusted sources.
Related: The sky is falling on print newspapers faster than you think

28 Replies to “Deep Impact”

  1. You think the MSM is liquidating. Try the oil patch. I have seen many downturns, but never one this severe or this long.

  2. I have been moving to more trusted sources for a long time, including this truly fine blog.
    And after the writers in the National Post, including Conrad Black, absolutely trashed Harper during the last election, what little trust I had in that publication is gone for good. At this point I hope they fail along with the rest.

  3. “After decades of budget cuts, Radio-Canada and the CBC are shadows of their former selves.”
    Not for long. The Trudeau government is about to shower them with money. The big payoff for their help in getting him elected.

  4. ‘What we have today is a weaker public broadcaster in a field of journalistic ruins and Canada’s national fabric is the poorer for it’
    How are we poorer Chantel? If 1 billion dollars of tax money doesn’t produce a strong public broadcaster will 1 and a quarter billion do it and why is a writer who works mostly in the private sector worried about the amount of money doled out to CBC?
    Isn’t it just the opposite? The CBC influences the pay scale for a sector over and above what the public is willing to pay.
    The problem is ‘what they’re selling they can’t give away for free’

  5. Reminds me of how Detroit self destructed in the late 70’s and 80’s.
    The dead tree industry thinks it’s problem is the form and not the content.
    But, since they are in the business of inculcating peer pressure amongst the little people to induce conformity to the robber class at the top, they are falling victim to their own machinery. No executive or editor among them dare speak the truth.
    It’s risible.
    And well deserved.

  6. But if nobody is going to those sources, their message will go unheard. And most who go to those “sources” are committed leftist loons anyway.

  7. Fortunately there are still the free flyers that come to the mailbox a couple times a week. I don’t have pet birds so no cages to line, but a couple crumpled sheets of newsprint in the boots wick the moisture out overnight. Also good for stuffing parcels to protect fragile contents.

  8. The News media resorts to popular buzz words without supporting background. The AGW supporting News Stories always quote scientific claims, but never articulate what those claims really are.
    When you drill down you find that the Man-made (VS Nature) contribution is something “More than Zero” with an estimated value of 3% to 4%. It is this “More than Zero” that hypothetically controls a static climate balanced in perfect equilibrium. “More than Zero” may Tip the balance.
    Fact: The Climate is always in a near chaotic State and NEVER in equilibrium…. AGW is nonsense
    An analogy might be that a group of 3% to 4% of small investors may control the whole Stock Market.
    When your mate tells you that there is a 3% to 4% chance you will get lucky tonight…Don’t bet the farm
    The Science behind AGW is telling…… nobody bothers to understands that science

  9. I stopped reading mainstream papers when they stopped reporting the news and began advocating for the Laurentian Liberal Elites. A pox on them and may they all shrivel up and die.

  10. When I canceled my subscription to the Ottawa Citizen a few years back, I sent my letter to the publisher.My complaint was that their stable of columnists not only were purveyors of soft liberal mush, but that they were totally predictable. I gently suggested given the actual area they wished to cover, perhaps hiring some conservative minded writers might appeal.
    To my astonishment, he more or less agreed, implying a lot of them were not worth reading. But he is on the hiring, business end of things; if he cannot effect any change, then why should anyone care about plummeting subscription

  11. I lost every ounce of respect I ever had for Conrad Black when he endorsed the corrupt liberal party led by the same old guard and fronted by an idiot man child of the PM that began the destructon of Canada. (idiot son may finish the job)
    Black is no fool. He harpooned Harper for personal reasons and set this country back decades. Whether Black liked him or not or had reasons to, Harper was the best PM in my lifetime precisely because he was not in the pocket of the Laurentian Elites and their communications arm the MSM. He governed for all Canadians, and as such specific wealthy famililies in Canada found their access to the PMO greatly diminished. Black put his own petiness in front of what was good for this country.
    Rather than retype what follows is a repost of thoughts i posted to Barrell Strength this morning:
    When the print media began to lose some of their base to blogs they did not respond by improving their product, they doubled down on the very worst aspects of it. Namely the pro left bias that the blogs were exposing.
    People had been seeing this for years but the medias response to the complaint was that they were trained journalists and we plebes did not understand the finer points of actual journalism.
    The internet out waste to that lie in very short order. Then the excuse became that of course there was some bias, as it is simply not possible to report without having some bias of the reporter creep in, but this was so marginal as to be insignificant. After all there were editors and layers of fact checkers.
    That to was quickly shown to be an outright lie by the blogosphere. Think back to the Bush national guard hit piece whose key piece of evidence was a fake letter that was proven to be fake by LGF within 24 hours. Media still continued to run the story.
    And our own most recent election were the 6000 strong unbiased national media guild registered with elections Canada to campaign against Harper.
    The MSM did not evolve into this – it was this biased from the beginning. They have now been exposed by blogs such as this one and can no longer deny that they are fully and completely the communications wing of the progressive left.
    People have a thirst for honest reporting and unbiased news. The MSM and print media have decided that they are not going to give it to them. So people stop buying their product.
    If we look at tv virtully every network has seen their market share diminish greatly. Except one that has grown by leaps and bounds. Fox.
    It would seem simple to me that a quick cure to flagging ratings at the it her networks would be to figure out what Fox does well and do that even better.
    But instead they will double down because again so much of the MSM are simple propaganda organs and there is no hiding that anymore
    Keep up the great work and content here.
    If there were a good newspaper out there I would subscribe for it is enjoyable to thumb through the paper with a coffee. I fact I have tried the national post twice again after previously canceling and promptly cancelled it again as there is just too much progressive garbage in it.

  12. I still subscribe to NP not for the news but for the lies they are telling. Facts I can get elsewhere and those facts expose the lies of “professional journalists”. As I always ask, “do you want the job done right or do you want a professional job done?”
    As for Connie Black, I did have a lot of admiration for him and still like his writing style. However, my dog has a better understanding of economics and politics than he does.
    I always thought Connie was above all that but he has proven to be one of them – a lying SOB.

  13. Exactly!
    As was Ward’s, “When the print media began to lose some of their base to blogs they did not respond by improving their product, they doubled down on the very worst aspects of it. Namely the pro left bias that the blogs were exposing.”
    Like Sweeker I had respect for Black, but no longer. He did his bit to get PM Selfie elected and we get to pay the price.
    WalterF, faster please is right.
    I told a CBC reporter on a Saskatoon mall parking lot in an interview why I no longer watch CBC, CTV or Global.
    Just like the old Soviet media, they all sing from the same songbook. A pox on all of them.

  14. preCISELY.
    it’s the ‘use it or lose it’ phenomenon. ie msg to the print media barons:
    USE your position and status to churn out THOUSANDS of investigative reports on a host of issues, or, lose that lofty real estate when millions of your former readership find other avenues to information stripped of bias, slant and spin.

  15. The Onion WAS funny, now its what passes for NEWS (al of it!)
    Robinson’s Sun column was always fresh. Not sure he survived the re-structure.
    Newsprint paper production so small surviving mills produce pulp for export (China), and tissue paper….
    all this contraction accross the board. look out!

  16. We acquired a puppy a few weeks ago from someone used to working an early shift. We’re slooooowly getting his wake time later and later, but have been turning in early as well (I had forgotten that dog people are morning people…).
    So, no TV before bed.
    I’m getting a better night’s sleep, wake up refreshed (although the early air waiting for a five-month old to pee might have something to do with it) AND I get all the lastest news anyway from my so-far non-left wing local radio station and my RSS and Google feeds.
    What took me so long to do this, I can’t tell you.

  17. I used to subscribe to three daily papers: the Vancouver Sun, Province & National Post, and would occasionally pick up the Globe & Mail on weekends. I cancelled my subscriptions about three years ago. Every once in a blue moon I pick up a weekend paper out of a misguided sense that I should, flip through it in minutes, and am invariably disappointed. It isn’t just the overwhelmingly lefty editorial content & worldview, it’s that papers have become homogenized, half-assed –you can see every cost-cutting measure, every social-media inspired story, every line that is just filler. Journalists and media types bemoan the state of their industry, but none of them seem willing to produce an excellent product that is distinct from what one can find online.
    I’m a literary type, and love book reviews. There isn’t a paper in Canada that offers a decent book review page. I turn to serious magazines like the New York Review of Books, the Times Literary Supplement, Bookforum, and to a lesser extend, Quill & Quire. The newspapers can’t compete with these publications, and what’s more, they don’t even try to.
    I’m also interested in defence. I read Janes Defence Weekly, the Canadian Military Journal, and Foreign Affairs. Am I really going to come across an article in a newspaper telling me something I don’t know?
    Canadian politics? I can watch question period myself on CPAC at my convenience, browse legislation online. I don’t need some monkey with a journalism degree from Ryerson to tell me what/how to think.
    Sports? Why would anyone read an account of a game in a paper when video highlights are instantly posted online? I like Canadian football –fan forums offer insight and analysis with staggering detail, while the local papers offer “human interest” stories on athletes. I don’t care about the trials of some receiver growing up in south-central LA, I want detailed statistical analysis proving he can find the soft spot in the zone. The newspapers don’t provide that level of detail.
    And so why would I read a newspaper?

  18. Look at that paragraph again. It is advocating for the government to come in and save the media. With Trudeau as PM, don’t you think that he will? For the sake of diverse voices?

  19. The irony is that much of the information we get, and what we link to are on-line articles from the dead tree media. When the newspapers are gone, where’s the information going to come from? Someone stills needs to go out and obtain the it. When the dead tree reporters are gone, who is going to do their job? Yeah, I know.

  20. No — the dead trees are now linking to us. Much of what I read in the National Post are rehashes things I read online two days earlier. I would like to servant decent weekend paper — book reviews, travel pieces, thoughtful columnists. I used to love the Post, but it seems to have gone downhill really fast.

  21. Indeed they’ve become homogenized. Even the online versions. Lets take youd examples, Sun, Province and Post. All postmedia properties, and the same stories, word for word, pollute their pages.
    I’m amazed at the blinkered approach their editors have to news delivery and presentation, due to this. Its another reason that the dead tree media is DEAD. They just don’t realize yet.
    The Sun and Province merged their newsrooms, geez, just fold one of tbe rags, already if you’re going to print the same pablum and slanted crap

  22. It’s really hard to feel sorry for any industry that sticks a knife in itself … and then twists the blade … a lot.

  23. Like Ward says.
    When they realized their readers knew they were lying, they doubled down on the shoddy product, more lies.
    Now they all use the same Allied press fluff and or the approved message from the “National Media Guild.”
    Propaganda only works in the absence of other information.
    Hence the repeated desire to “control the internet” from the statist parasites.
    I will miss the News Paper.
    I have a wood stove.
    Screw the media, I want a whole new TV/Utube show, the Auditor/Executioner show.
    Where a unrepentant taxpayer demands answers from the parasites and executes all who lie.
    As messily as possibly.
    Open carry is coming to Canada, Justin’s people and the parasitic overload will provoke this.
    10 years from now, all citizens must carry( civil servants may not, as too dangerous to arm) , as government cannot afford police funding and the Sons of the Desert Pedophile will still be rampaging thro the inner cities.
    Every 9 year old girl will need taught to lock and load.
    The media has demonstrated their hatred of all things Canadian, they worship anything that aint.
    Perpetual self doubt and envy .
    Our media is the enemy.

  24. I should certainly hope the political class is content to look the other way. Anything else would be an interference with freedom of the press. Our Charter of Rights isn’t good for much, but it gets that one right.

  25. The good news just doesn’t stop. Even the once reliable National Post has undergone a trip to the left with people like Coyne and Kay seemingly incapable of seeing that people support the NP because it provided a conservative point of view.
    So I, like no doubt many others, have cancelled my subscription. And when they started reprinting waffle from Slate and HufPo. Well that was the end. What were these members of the upper echelons of the chattering classes thinking.

  26. 100% correct. We are clearly of like mind.
    I went as far as emailing NP to say they should fire these pseudo conservatives. Of course nothing.
    Let the NP go down too and people like Kay and Coyne get proper jobs. Sadly not the case though. They simply gravitate to the Canadian Bias Corp.
