Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

Others are starting to catch on;

“It troubles me that there can’t be a serious discussion about immigration issues because people are afraid of being called racist. People are afraid of being called a bigot. And I think one of the things that people like about Donald Trump — those who like him — is that he’s going ahead and saying it, and it’s creating a kind of inoculation against something people have feared so much, which is being called a bigot. It’s just too effective to call people bigots, and a lot of people are very intimidated and silenced and don’t even want to talk about certain issues because they don’t want to be called that. So I think part of his popularity is: He goes there, he says it, he takes the hit, and it still works for him. So that’s a kind of a liberating change in the discourse.

Related: All the right people are “haunted”.

19 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. “The prospect of Trump in the White House is ratcheting up anxiety among the 2,500 business and political leaders gathered at the Swiss ski resort for the annual World Economic Forum.”
    In my mind that is a good thing and high time. Business as usual in politics has given us Obama and Trudeau, and crony capitalism has given us carbon taxes and corrupt renewable energy industries. In both cases the common man and taxpayer is the loser.
    Trump/Cruz ticket.

  2. “if you don’t control your border, you don’t have a country.”
    I await the inevitable “America is not a country, it’s a state of mind” from the usual suspects.

  3. As powerful as I think the T/C ticket is, I’ve got two names that are more likely for the bottom of Trump’s ballot.
    David Petraeus
    James Mattis.
    Although I still think that if the two paired up, you could just re-open Obama’s Office of the President-Elect immediately but here’s why:
    1) Self funded campaign. Why do you go through the show of funding your own campaign and then bring Cruz’s CitiGoldmanSachsLehman baggage along?
    2) Make America Great. The US has an almost idolatry level of love for the military. Petraeus has name recognition… and Mattis is LOOOOVED by the men in green. Plus Petraeus has been scapegoated and, IMHO, unfairly targeted by Zero’s Administration.
    3) The Biden Effect. Obama was (still is?) a weakling at gov’t and foreign policy. Biden was brought on for that. Trump’s got zero involvement with the military and non-economic foreign intel.

  4. from the ‘haunted’ link:
    ” like Trump and Bernie Sanders who say the system is rigged against average Americans.”
    that’s because the system IS rigged. don’t have to go back very far to see that, only back to the wall street investment bank bailout and the 100s of billions promised in case it happens again.

  5. Should be a real hoot when Pres Trump shuts down the Canada/US border just cause he’s “ignorant”.
    Or for shucks and giggles.
    Then we can get a real good look at Prime Minister Trudashion’s economy built from the heart out.
    Personally, I believe his economic plan comes from a different part of his body.

  6. Here is why Trump can speak the “unspeakable”, and for the most part avoid the label “racist”(although many in the media and on the Left are trying their hardest to make that label stick):
    Because almost EVERYONE in America already knows WHO Donald Trump IS!
    Whether you admire him as a reality TV star, or admire him as a businessman… you already know who he is.
    Conversely, no matter how much lipstick you put on the pig… you already know who Hillary Clinton is.
    Trump has employed 1000s of folks of all descriptions. Trump has mentored many folks of all descriptions on the Apprentice. In one form or another, everyone knows already who Trump is; therefore, all artificial labels cannot stick.
    Finally, whether you are Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, or whomever else, it is always an uphill battle to introduce yourself to America; which enables the aforementioned Media and the Left to ‘define’ their opposition. Not this time!
    Go Trump

  7. “I am amazed at Davos about how many people are taking Trump as seriously as they are,” said Martin Sorrell, WPP’s chief executive. “I think it doesn’t matter who the Republicans put up, I think Hillary will win.”
    Bloody amazing how the mind of the elites work, they fear Trump but have no problem with a lying psychopath, Hillary Clinton.
    Birds of a feather.

  8. Here is why Trump can speak the “unspeakable”, and for the most part avoid the label “racist”(although many in the media and on the Left are trying their hardest to make that label stick):
    Because almost EVERYONE in America already knows WHO Donald Trump IS!
    Whether you admire him as a reality TV star, or admire him as a businessman… you already know who he is.
    Conversely, no matter how much lipstick you put on the pig… you already know who Hillary Clinton is.
    Trump has employed 1000s of folks of all descriptions. Trump has mentored many folks of all descriptions on the Apprentice. In one form or another, everyone knows already who Trump is; therefore, all artificial labels cannot stick.
    Finally, whether you are Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, or whomever else, it is always an uphill battle to introduce yourself to America; which enables the aforementioned Media and the Left to ‘define’ their opposition. Not this time!
    Go Trump

  9. The Syrian refugees are the result of UN/EU meddling in the ME….Those countries that simply try to get out in front seldom notice the USA is not following. The problems in Germany are theirs to enjoy.
    Trump is just speaking the truth…No risk is no risk… move on!

  10. OT Re: Trump is not a conservative.
    Who cares!
    Tell me, name one thing a “conservative” has ever done for you?
    Carly Fiorina nailed it in a debate a few months back when answering the question “why don’t you have a tax plan”, to which she correctly answered “everyone on this stage has a tax plan, everyone who ever has run for POTUS has had a tax plan; yet, nothing ever changes”.
    She is correct.
    I consider myself a “conservative”, almost to the Right of everyone I ever speak to; so, why not support Cruz?(see my answer above).
    Bill O’Reilly said: “Trump is not an ideologue, he is a problem solver”… and in my opinion, there are many problems to fix. What exactly will Ted Cruz fix? NOTHING(and that goes for the rest of them, Carly excluded). I would gladly support Cruz if he wins the nomination; but I would rather support a ‘problem solver’ with a PROVEN track record of accomplishment (not job titles or degrees) EVEN IF I MIGHT DISAGREE IDEOLOGICALLY WITH THE SOLUTION.
    Look there, a problem. FIX IT!
    That’s why I support Trump; and, predict that Trump WILL be the next POTUS.
    Now, commence the “conservative” bomb throwing!

  11. please delete my multiple posts
    There seems to be a problem with the Captcha, as it tells me that my submission is in error, because I’ve entered the txt wrong; so, I reenter and submit, then reenter and submit.
    I’m innocent!

  12. You’re right, Trump has already ruled that Cruz doesn’t meet Constitutional requirements. As Coulter says, he’d be a great Attorney General.
    I read through a few quotes from Mattis, including:
    “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.”
    And another, one that Trump demonstrates:”Fight with a happy heart.”
    But I’d say give him a Cabinet appointment. Put Fiorina on the ticket and watch Hillary self-destruct as she realizes the inevitability of prison.

  13. Geez Don. They picked Obama over Mitt Romney! What more proof do you need for stupid. Romney was probably the most qualified candidate by any party since Eisenhower.
    Of course Canadians are famous for stupid. The Liebels should have been delegated to obscurity and yet the country elects the spawn of a no mind.

  14. People might be able to finally ask if it is a good policy to invite in refugees that must receive extensive education that rape, sexual assault and taking bowel movements in public showers is wrong.
    Couldn’t we find immigrants that already know this stuff.

  15. but… the media ‘defined’ Romney as a meany who ties dogs to the top of his car.
    THIS is why Trump must be the candidate. They can’t define him.

  16. For the record, I like Trump, Cruz is more my speed, but i’ll settle for Trump. Having said that, people should be aware that Trump has screwed over so many small contractors in his practically half century of doing business and his many bankruptcies.I used to work with a girl whose father got screwed over by Trump. And my college roommate knows of a few others, as he has lived just outside of Atlantic City his whole life. Expect their stories to be told after he secures the nomination. You heard it here first.

  17. Thanks for the heads up. I despise and loathe general contractors / developers that aren’t fair to their sub-contractors. I’m a bit surprised more hasn’t been made of this until now. Joe the Plumber needs to interview him.

  18. Fred, I bet we could find boatloads in Britain, Germany, Sweden, Norway …..
    Instead we’ll get them all from an ignorant and abusive culture.
    When I talk to people who support multi-culturalism I like to ask them if they would like cannibals living in their neighbourhood.

  19. Although it is kept discreetly in an old milk crate, I treasure my first album of the once-funny African-American comic Dick Gregory.
    “Hey Greg! Why don’t they send any black troops to the Congo?”
    “Now, how the hell I know?!”
    “But I’ll tell you why they don’t send black troops to the Congo. … War brides.”
    “Just imagine some cat gettin’ a call; ‘You better get home, man; your wife just ate the whole block.”
    He could do that in 1960.
