More Pavilions At Volkfest


The woman, whose identity has been protected, said: “Of course you may not assess all refugees the same: there are many who are very friendly, happy to be here, very grateful, very willing to be integrated.
“But if I am honest, working with 90 per cent of them is rather awkward and unfortunately not as I previously thought.
“First of all, many of them are extremely demanding. They come to me and ask to get an apartment and a fancy car and, best of all, even a really good job for them.
“If I try to explain to them that’s not possible, they are often noisy or even really aggressive.

DenmarkDenmark is considering moving migrants into camps outside its towns and cities, a tactic that the anti-immigration Danish People’s Party (DF) hopes will shift the focus of government immigration policy to repatriation rather than integration.
Swedenon Jan. 11 after the liberal newspaper Dagens Nyheter reported leaked police memos indicating that Swedish police had covered up reports of groping and the sexual harassment of young girls at a Swedish music festival last summer by refugee youths.
Saskatchewan Federal immigration minister apologizes to Sask. over refugee remark

17 Replies to “More Pavilions At Volkfest”

  1. “shift the focus of government immigration policy to repatriation rather than integration”
    Muslims generally, cannot be assimilated. That is a fact ….

  2. Polls and studies have shown that between 1 and 2 % of all muslims are in favor of Sharia law and violent Jihad. Saskatchewan now has another 500 “refugees” together with the existing muslim population. It is very likely that there are 10 to 20 individuals who support this and want to do us harm in our cities and towns. If these stats are applied across Canada, the number is in the hundreds. Sunny ways.

  3. And there is also Norway. They’re deporting migrants who crossed their border by bicycle back to Russia.
    Over 5,000 people seeking asylum have made their way across the border to the Arctic Circle since last January. It is illegal to cross the border on foot, meaning that those trying to pass have been buying bikes and cycling through the snow at temperatures well below freezing. Almost all, now face potential deportation back to Russia.

  4. *
    McCallum, McCallum… that sounds so familiar
    “I don’t plan any treatment. I said I didn’t have a drinking problem.
    I think it’s the sixth day I’ve had nothing to drink, and I’m doing this
    exercise. I’m on a bit of a health kick. I’m feeling great.”


  5. It seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time for the Europeans to realize that they are being invaded. The difference between immigrants and invaders – immigrants assimilate to the host country, while the host country assimilates to the invaders.
    So which one does this comment sound like:
    “They come to me and ask to get an apartment and a fancy car and, best of all, even a really good job for them.
    “If I try to explain to them that’s not possible, they are often noisy or even really aggressive.”

  6. And the really sad part is … that these “refugees” will eventually be given everything they demand by the leftist politicians and bureaucrats dominating Western governments. To the exclusion of native-born citizens. Esp. “luxury” government jobs. Trust me on this … the pattern is well-established here in the US.

  7. didn’t this muslime invasion thing happen once before? back aroundabouts shortly after the prophet did his thing 700ish until what, middle ages? my high school history is itself history . . . .
    anyways, we WANT this abusive crap to happen NOW while there (key word) *may* be time to start shipping huge numbers of them back to Syria and N Africa where they can fend for themselves as they have done since being kicked out the first time.

  8. stayed in a saskatoon hotel last week.
    lotsa mid-east type running about with small children, talking in what sounded like arabic…..

  9. Scandinavia will now have refugee camps, just like the Palestinian Authority. Can’t wait to see how they manage. After all their criticism of Israel, I’m glad they’re getting a taste of what the Israelis have had to deal with all these years.

  10. 60something,
    From Wikipedia:
    “The Siege of Vienna in 1529 was the first attempt by the Ottoman Empire, led by Suleiman the Magnificent, to capture the city of Vienna, Austria. The siege signalled the pinnacle of the Ottoman Empire’s power and the maximum extent of Ottoman expansion in central Europe. Thereafter, 150 years of bitter military tension and reciprocal attacks ensued, culminating in the Battle of Vienna of 1683, which marked the start of the 15-year-long Great Turkish War.”
    Muslim aggression against European western civilization was more or less continuous well beyond the middle ages. While modern day sentiments might decry the brutality of the crusades, it wasn’t like the crusaders were attacking the peace loving and innocent. Constantinople, the capital of Eastern Christianity, came under multiple sieges until it finally fell to the Ottomans in 1453.The claim that Islam is a religion of peace is just ridiculous. I am sure that there are many fine and peaceful Muslims, but they are fine and peaceful despite their religion, not because of it.

  11. *
    do yourself a favour and read “america alone”
    by mark steyn. if you are not scared seriously
    sh!tless by the end of it, you’re a braver man
    than i.

  12. your decimal is misplaced. the figures are more like over 20% want sharia law. at least that is how many will admit to it.

  13. Justin’s People.
    Brining sunny ways to women everywhere.
    Of course they want Nice apartment, Fancy Car and Really good job with authority over many.
    Their religion demands it.
    “Bloody non-believers pretending to be better than a devote Desert Pedophile.”
