41 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Trump may be a blowhard, a narcissist and a showman but he has one thing that none of the other candidates have. The actual ability to shake up the entire system simply because he’s in no ones pocket. The lobbyists must be losing a lot of sleep knowing that he’s not bought and paid for like all other politicians.

  2. And a similar article by Coulter.
    ‘Looking at what the party has become, I certainly hope he’s not a “real Republican.” I know he’s a real American. Those used to be the same thing.’
    Love how she sneaks in a a story of New Yorkers financially rescuing a widowed farmer. (cf. Cruz’s “New York values”)
    Disclaimer: I think Cruz is the better candidate, but Trump will be able to get more done.

  3. Surber has no nice things to say about Bush.
    why the accolades for the article? is American brand of conservatism a matter of backstabbing once a new knight-in-shining-armour crops up?

  4. George Will has always struck me as somebody’s MOLE (unknown)….If he stands for something it would be next to nothing.. A professional curmudgeon spouting useless drivel…

  5. If George Will thinks John (hold that global warming sign up) Mccain was a conservative who cares what he thinks.

  6. In various visits to US it was pointed out to me that 4th July was a celebration on the getting rid of royal families.
    Seems that a bloody large lot of people need reminding of that

  7. Maybe they’re right; they probably are. The problem is that their candidates are doomed to fail as Mr Surber states. It won’t matter. Trump has changed something important with this campaign. It may be a cultural thing. Mark Steyn I think says that if the culture isn’t affected, then wonkishness doesn’t matter. He is right. Trump has changed the culture of electioning. He has shown how it can be done. That’s why people are interested. It’s why others are petrified.

  8. Being Canadian, I haven’t invested a ton of time researching Cruz or Trump, but I think most people see it like this:
    Cruz = yet another politician. Trump = a real-life businessman (ie: not a banker/lawyer). Advantage = Trump.
    Cruz = politically correct. Trump = politically incorrect. Advantage = Trump.
    Cruz, Trump or anyone that isn’t a progressive = 100x better than what they’ve had for the last 8 years. Advantage = Tied.
    One red flag I saw with Cruz, was his plan to arm the Kurds to help fight ISIS. Seriously WTF! Will the US never learn? Carpet bomb ISIS if you want. Send in your troops if you want. But for the love of gawd, stop arming whichever group or faction you think is on your side for the moment.

  9. well, Trump’s big challenge will be to maintain momentum by continuing to say things that folks want to hear, without saying something so over-the-top that it sours his popularity.

  10. So you would not have been an ally with Stalin in ww2 then?
    Cruz is a Jacksonian politician in the same mound as Reagan with the same attitude towards miltary action as Sherman and grant and Patton and Pershing.
    Lets admit that trump is not a conservative on many many issues. But let’s also admit that establishment conservatives – many of them at least, there are a few exceptions – have lost the nerve to demand action/positions that reflect conservative values but offend their friends on the progressive side.
    I am for the most conservative candidate who can win the presidency. I am not yet convinced that trump is that candidate – that there may be an even more conservative electable option in Ted Cruz. And make no mistake most in the GOP establishment hate Cruz even more than trump (I’m not talking about the co-signers of the national review piece) because he already has his conservative agenda mapped out – they lose much of their power as a result whereas trump is very mouldable clay.

  11. one big advantage Trump has is that he isn’t a bible banger. The are many cons and marginal cons, some moderate lefties and unaffiliated who get turned off as some as some religious idiot start preaching.

  12. Mr Mercurial is setting up an awful lot of people for disappointment when they find that he won’t/can’t do any of the (conservative) things he is promising and instead reverts to his NY democrat/cronyist roots. You know, getting his radical pro-abortion sister appointed to the Supreme Court; getting the ethanol mandate extended, etc. It’ll be great!

  13. I agree with your assessments.
    Kate is absolutely correct, it is the best thing I have read all week. Particularly the summation, “Trump is forming a third party. It is called the Republican Party. His plan is to have his coalition of conservatives, moderates and liberals take over the party.”
    And you know folks, without elaborating why I think this way, we need the same thing here in Canada. The “progressives” (Liberal lite) side of the party controlled too much of the domestic policy.
    CINOs make me want to puke just as much as RHINOs apparently make many Americans want to puke.
    WalterF, same disclaimer here.

  14. Thanks for the link Kate.
    I’ve been following Trump rallies and doing some way back interview research on him since he first announced. He seems to be consistent in all his major talking points for some 20 years now so for pundits to say he has flip flopped is not quite true. His voting record shows he has consistently been a registered republican.
    If I were able to cast a vote for him I would.

  15. Dan. Good comment and I agree with you.
    It is so refreshing to hear some one saying the things that not only Americans say, but Canadians say as well. Build that wall, but include us inside it if need be. I like Trump and would definitely vote for him.!
    On the Kurds thing though, I am with Cruz on that point. They have been consistent & effective. The Peshmerga (Men & Women fighters..I will note), have retaken ground and cities back from ISIL on a continuing basis. Arm them…they’ll give Erdogan in Turkey a fit and kick ass against ISIL, that “band of criminal savages”.
    And at some point we may well want to recognize them as a sovereign nation…something they have been seeking for hundreds of years. Doing so would gain the west and likely Israel too, another democratic ally in the Middle East.

  16. The National Review leaves Mark Steyn hanging out to dry while he’s under a vicious attack from The Left, so this looks good on them

  17. One neat thing about Trump is that he is a real practicing anti-PC. It can’t be an act like other politicians attempt. His anti-PC is real. Even off-hand remarks are anti-PC. It is great watching the non-thinking peoples’ around the political spectrum heads explode. It is fun watching the apoplexy.
    PC is one of the most pernicious things around today. It is just Orwellian thought control. Its’ purpose is to shut people up; to silence those who disagree with the elites. It is far more dangerous than any of the so-called conservative memes. Good for the Donald!

  18. Just a Canadian with more than many Americans think, having a Dog in this fight. George Will and I are the same age. I am an unpaid political Junkie, he is paid. I am having the same difficulty as Wills due to age. Clouded thinking, reduced ability to communicate, and less relevance. I am now a Retired Businessman. George not so much.

  19. @Jay Currie: “Once in a while something new happens.” Pithy, succinct, insightful. I agree.

  20. Paul I think that a Cruz pick as VP is unlikely. At one point earlier in the process it seemed a possibility. If you were Trump would you want to trust Cruz at this point? I think he will pick some one else, possibly another outsider.

  21. Trump has demonstrated what a winning issue immigration could have been all along these many years for the non-chamber of Commerce/country club Repubs. Real Americans, those who reside outside the government dependent DC beltway, have understood the very real damage that the rampant, uncontrolled importation of the Third World to ours shores has done. And now someone speaks for them. Finally!
    And now that I mention it, Rubio really screwed up. He was a Tea Party rock star, snatched from relative obscurity by Mark Levin, to win a seat in the Senate. He could very well have been the next president had he not blown it and decided to team up with Chuck Schumer and the Gang of Eight to try and pass Amnesty a couple years back. Fool.

  22. Conservatives are a fatally conflicted buffet in the political kitchen. Whereas the left is a relatively homogeneous soup unconflicted in their desire to grow leviathan, conservatives and their chosen party vehicles include the entire spectrum. I maintain that the only principles within conservatism worth anything are essentially libertarian. Libertarians in the conservative buffet are dismissed as a rump minority that cause the apparatchiks great irritation as they distract from the politics of “conserving” and “managing” the ever-growing socialist / fascist leviathan of the modern state. The conservative punditry concede that (futile) reform of leviathan is a noble goal while non-state alternatives are “unrealistic” thus nullifying their reliance on their oft quoted first principles of liberty borrowed from libertarians. The same lack of fealty to liberty is demonstrated all over civil and economic issues and rationalized as “pragmatism”. Therefore the best that conservatives can offer (that captures the public support) seems to be a loose-cannon populist like Trump who doesn’t seem to be burdened with political correctness (a good thing) nor conservative / libertarian principles (not so good). As for the common mythology where he is touted as not being a politician, anyone who has worked in the corporate world knows differently. Corporate politics is much nastier than the other kind.

  23. If Cruz doesn’t win the nom I would be interested in seeing get appointed to the scotus – he would be a lock for Chief Justice for forty plus years.

  24. OT Re: Trump is not a conservative.
    Who cares!
    Tell me, name one thing a “conservative” has ever done for you?
    Carly Fiorina nailed it in a debate a few months back when answering the question “why don’t you have a tax plan”, to which she correctly answered “everyone on this stage has a tax plan, everyone who ever has run for POTUS has had a tax plan; yet, nothing ever changes”.
    She is correct.
    I consider myself a “conservative”, almost to the Right of everyone I ever speak to; so, why not support Cruz?(see my answer above).
    Bill O’Reilly said: “Trump is not an ideologue, he is a problem solver”… and in my opinion, there are many problems to fix. What exactly will Ted Cruz fix? NOTHING(and that goes for the rest of them, Carly excluded). I would gladly support Cruz if he wins the nomination; but I would rather support a ‘problem solver’ with a PROVEN track record of accomplishment (not job titles or degrees) EVEN IF I MIGHT DISAGREE IDEOLOGICALLY WITH THE SOLUTION.
    Look there, a problem. FIX IT!
    That’s why I support Trump; and, predict that Trump WILL be the next POTUS.
    Now, commence the “conservative” bomb throwing!

  25. I forgot to mention, this is my sda comment from the other day. Me thinks I’ve been plagiarized. Lol

  26. Hasnt Trump done that, 10 times already (or so), according to the Media Party? And each time, they go shrilla and bathsit crazy, Trump’s popularity goes ever higher.
    He’s not going to chanve whatvworks, and resonates, with Middle America, who has gine without a voice for over a generation.
    Indeed, this appears to be a generationalnchange, one thatvAmerica needs, especially after the last disastrous 8 years of misadventure

  27. Trump could well be the “Churchill” of the 21st Century.
    The man for the moment, able to get done what needs doing, regardless of who wants or attempts to push his buttons. He will use a sledgehammer in response to the Progressives.

  28. Yes, it’s interesting that the Kurds could benefit from a(nother) attempt by the US to buy allegiance with arms. Interesting, too, that the Kurds are constantly under attack by NATO member Turkey.
    My advice to the US (and now to Canada as well) would be to hike up your tightie whities and get in the game.

  29. Brilliant, simply brilliant ! The most succinct summary of Trumps appeal. His supporters are not the least bit ignorant about what they are doing.

  30. Palin’s not the VP pick. It’s gotta be an outsider and it’s going to be a combat vet of some sort.
    David Petraeus, James Mattis.

  31. Canuck66 – like Steakman above, I partially agree with you. For me the main reason to actively arm the Kurds isn’t because they’ll be our lifelong friends afterwards (countries don’t have friends, they have interests). I know that the US second amendment only applies to the US, but after the spectacular long-term failure of the Arab Spring, I’m more and more of the opinion that a nation of Kurdistan (and further mixing up the area) would be a far better thing than continuing with the status quo. The Kurds have their sources of weaponry, but I think that they are relatively disarmed compared to their neighbours. There’s a reason that mass-shootings in the US are only “successful” in gun-free zones. I like the idea that the Kurds have access to the same weaponry.
    Having Israel as a successful (free) nation in the midst of the Arab world has backfired, the failing kleptocracies around Israel are all falling back on “they got rich by making you poor” – faulty thinking, but I don’t think a whole lot of logic gets applied anyways. Another successful country-based-culture in the same area, Kurdistan, might make some more of the people in the area think that there might be a better way. Or at least, get them thinking that whether someone can be successful is not a skin colour or race thing.

  32. “Whoopi Goldberg’s threat to leave the USA”
    If only Ellen and Rosie would make the same promise, Trump is president. Why don’t the Mexicans and Muslims threaten to leave?

  33. The housing bubble recession/depression was doing a GREAT job in clearing out millions of illegals. They went scurrying-South in search of gainful employment. Unfortunately, Obama embarked on a massive Spanish-language blitzkrieg to sell all his FREE government programs available to the illegals. FREE Foodstamps. FREE cellphones. FREE housing. FREE medical. Drop some babies here and make BANK !! FREE FREE FREE … Land of the FREE ! And sadly, too many of the illegals STAYED … and voted Democrat. Esp. here in CALIF.

  34. “In various visits to US it was pointed out to me that 4th July was a celebration on the getting rid of royal families.
    Seems that a bloody large lot of people need reminding of that”
    And yet American Presidents have the unilateral power to PARDON anyone who has done anything(including murder) at the end of their terms.
    What King has had that absurd kind of power since before the American Republic?
    What most people can’t seem to see is that Donald Trump is the epitome of an Elitist.
    Yet somehow, since people surmise that Trump is running against the other elites, they think that Trump must therefore better serve the common people even though Trump is not a common person.
    It is a mistake to think so.
    The fallacy in that thinking is that the person who thinks it predicates their conclusion upon a false dichotomy; which is that the thinker of the Either/Or* choice sees only two ways or two paths.
    *Either the Status Quo(which is the indistinguishable Elitism of the Rep/Democrat agenda) Or the Best Interest of Most People.
    It is possible that Trump may serve only himself or at least serve neither the popularly perceived interest of the Establishment Elites nor the popularly perceived interest of the general American citizen voter.
    I do know one thing for sure: making Trump into a Cult Figure is a bad thing because people invest too much of their own egos into cult figures and then cannot properly judge or condemn acts by the Cult Figure that they would otherwise judge and condemn, because they perceive it as a judgement against themselves and their own trustworthiness for having invested so much of their own enthusiasm in the Cult Figure.
