The Devil Made Me Buy That Dress

Christopher Snowdon on Tory paternalism:

[Conservative MP, Dr Sarah] Wollaston wants the government to ‘tackle’ the alleged problem of cheap food. She also wants to tell shopkeepers where to position their goods, explaining her reasons in words so pathetic it almost makes me weep: “Do I want to have a kilogram of chocolate for almost nothing when I buy my newspaper? Of course I do but please don’t offer it to me, please don’t make me pass the chicanes of sugar at the checkout while queuing to pay for petrol.” Younger readers may not know this, but at one time the Conservatives were reputed to be the party of free markets and personal responsibility. In 2016, however, it is a party for people – grown, adult human beings, mind – begging to have sweets put out of their reach on other people’s property and pleading with petrol station attendants to put wine gums on the top shelf.

One of these.

10 Replies to “The Devil Made Me Buy That Dress”

  1. Also from David Thompson’s post.
    ‘that any book linking benefit dependency to personality must be nonsense because personality is a “capitalist construct.”’
    All of the material David presents today shows just how far down the Soviet ideological path we have gone. The Bolos just accomplished the same end by slowly infiltrating all our institutions rather than storming the Winter Palace.

  2. totally OFF TOPIC
    I AM
    Joseph (Joe) Molnar
    of CANADA up until, and into the next CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTION, defeating the guy WITH THE NICE HEAD OF HAIR, and not much else!

  3. Whoopie Goldberg is threatening to leave the USA? That’s very concerning. What if she comes here, to Canada?

  4. UK Conservatives are just happy-faced socialists, leaving the actual conservative field open to UKIP.

  5. This is the same British Red Toryism thing happened in the 1930’s and culminated with “Peace in our time.” When one reads about the British political response in the immediate aftermath of Munich and during the outbreak of war, it is apparent that the Conservative party at the time gave the job of leading the UK to Churchill because they fully expected him to fail in what they viewed as a lost cause. They, like their prog counterparts in the Labour party, had fully capitulated to leftist group think and had pretty much surrendered to the view that socialist strongmen, like Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, were the new, progressive way of the future. Churchill was already in internal exile from his own party after Munich because of his conservative views. The conservative party thought of him as this weird flake who just didn’t get the rapture of new progressive ideology, so they sealed him off in a corner. I get the strong impression that they put him in charge as the sacrifice that would have to be made when the Nazis inevitably took over. He would have been the one taken out and shot while the progs made their deals with the National Socialists for the united New Europe under a unified leftist religion. So it appears that British conservatives have learned nothing…

  6. For a couple seconds I was gobsmacked, thinking the article was about a member of the Canadian Conservative party. Then I realized it was the British and, yawn, par for the course.

  7. Kinda gives “Where the foxes caper unmolested, the government packs your school lunch” literal meaning.

  8. Calling gas “petrol” is a dead giveaway. Or did she have to call a truck a lorry?
    “Do I want to have a kilogram of chocolate for almost nothing when I buy my newspaper?”
    I stopped buying Toblerone when I found it in a dollar store.
    If the Chinese will put lead paint on baby toys or melamine resin in powdered milk or dog food, then I’m not buying ANY food products made in the PRC.
    Citizens of the Anglosphere need to wake up to adulterated Chinese foodstuffs and adultered foodstuffs made in their own countries when the food industry enthusiastically employs Mohammadans, because the Mohammadans only eat Halal and feel free to put adulterants in non-halal infidel foodstuffs.
