24 Replies to “” While this was going on in Oregon, this was airing on PBS.””

  1. I quit watching PBS many many moons ago too darn liberal and too munch junk science from NOVA and NATURE and those annoying Pledge Breaks

  2. Of course it’s different. The events in Madison, Wis. were feted as ordinary people standing up to the man.

  3. Actually Watched that program.
    As soon as the 5,000 miners put down their weapons,
    100 of them were arrested,
    35 miners were charged with murder (only 26 people died on both sides) and all the mine leaders were charged with treason against the United States of America..
    Welcome to Liberal America..
    Go Ahead- Surrender your Guns…

  4. I used to be an avid PBS viewer but that’s diminished over the years. “Nova” used to be a good show to watch–20 years ago, but it’s become a glossy, “light science” show.
    I still donate to it but I’ve been cutting back over the years. I’d stop completely, but PBS, once in a while, still shows something worth watching (e. g., “Frontline” and “The American Experience”).
    I don’t watch it as much as I used to. I have other sources for my news and information now, whether it’s cable TV or podcasts and I don’t have to be beaten over the head with blatant liberalism.

  5. If Trump wants to save American values he will insist Congress eliminates the US 9th Circuit. The Bill to eliminate the 9th circuit has been in Congress for more than 15 years. Justice is not possible from the 9th circuit. The death of Americans over land ownership is obscene. The FBI killing was not in defense of a life & death threat, but a failure to follow lawful commands. Murder by any other name
    The BLM has been a resource for crony Capitalism (Harry Reid) & a corrupt Judicial agenda… The Constitution (Ownership Rights) are been ignored & justice denied (right to petition). The Water rights “Grants” are paramount rights that predate Federal wishful thinking. If we, as a nation, want to eliminate simple title property ownership.. that fact must be properly addressed… The SCOTUS must take all cases flawed by the corruption in the US 9th circuit.
    IF we are Nation of Laws.. it is time those laws are enforced…..Political back room deals that are unconstitutional must be seen for the corruption they represent.. If you drill down on TED Cruz’s right to be POTUS you will not find settled law, but a political agreement (2008) between the political establishments to avoid legal review (a flawed Harvard POV by both) AKA as Corruption

  6. Kathy’s site is a disaster with all it’s advertising links and garbage packed in like sardines.
    I understand she needs to make money, but it’s just a mess of hot garbage.

  7. “The Constitution (Ownership Rights”
    perchance ss, would you be referring to the ’eminent domain’ thing touted by dubya’s crew? you know, when the Republicans in charge decided it was well and good for da gubbamint to sanction the seizure of PRIVATE PROPERTY for whatever reason.
    George Dubya, hero of the right and all that right wing politics stands for including individualism, Dubya, TURNING HIS BACK ON YOU and doing the string puppet thing he was famous for and rubber stamping this obscenity. But *still* he has that core following.

  8. Thank goodness for the Knowledge Network in BC. I’d say we watch 10 times as much Knowledge as we do PBS.

  9. Here in North America we may cluck our tongues at the double standard in Europe, where immigrant men roam and grope without police interference, but crowds that protest the groping are greeted with water cannons and tear gas. We say that we hope it never comes here.
    It already has, but in an even more lethal form. Groups of thugs can “protest” in the streets, burning businesses, trashing police cars, beating citizens, etc. while the police are ordered to watch & be “understanding”. Political leaders call for “addressing root causes”
    These protesters were in the act of harming exactly no one, but were gunned down. Politicians were calling for “enforcing the law”.
    I am seriously considering moving to the states. The one place left on earth where a citizenry might just take a stand.

  10. Very well said. And what really needs to happen, is for the State of CA to stop using taxpayer funds to pay teams of environmental law firms to sue to stop every project, and defend baitfish. It took 4 years to build the Golden Gate Bridge in the 1930’s … and 30 years to replace half of the Oakland Bay Bridge in the new millennia (oh … and it’s already defective). I blame the so-called Eco lawyers

  11. Really, I do not think Dubya is anyone`s hero. Conservatives are quite realistic about the nasty state of politics in the States. Neither Republicans nor Dems seem to have the interests of U.S. citizens as their focus. That is why Trump is gaining favour. I just found out about a die-hard Democrat (a friend) . . . BIG Obama supporter who will be voting Trump next time, assuming Trump is not sabotaged in the mean time.

  12. I used to watch PBS a lot, they are moving further and further to the left, so I watch less often now.
    I also have sent them money about 15 years ago, but again their move the left is a huge turn off, so they will not get a penny from me.
    But what is worse is the news hour on PBS, in the last year or two they have become more and more anti-white male, they have black guests on who tell lies about events such as the Ferguson riots or the Michael Brown shooting and put all the blame on white people, they have Guests who lie about illegal immigration and put all the blame on white people, they have guests who are so pro-muslim you think you are on Al Jazeera et cetera…
    yes they do have a few guests who are slightly on the right, but those are just to be able to pretend they present both sides of issues.
    The news hour has lost a lot of credibility in the last two years.

  13. Yup. What’s happened to the “Newshour” was one reason I reduced my PBS donation again this year. It used to be a very good news program, but I quit watching it several months ago and I don’t miss it in the least.

  14. do they still have the black announcer with the corn braid do?
    goes to show how long ago *I* took in that source of info.
    I also donated to PBS long ago. then I didn’t have the funds, now I don’t have the inclination.

  15. “Kathy’s site is a disaster with all it’s advertising links and garbage packed in like sardines.
    I understand she needs to make money, but it’s just a mess of hot garbage.”

  16. You might be thinking of Charlayne Hunter Gault. She left years ago.
    I think the program started going downhill when both Robert MacNeil and Jim Lehrer handed over their hosting duties. A year or so ago, they sold their interest in the show and that’s when it really took a turn to the left. At least MacNeil and Lehrer tried to keep things balanced.

  17. So Oregon State Police killed the protester. Did they feel left out because the Feds usually kill white protesters. Why were the State Police even involved? It was a federal matter. Every occupation scenario says to wait it out. There was no violence until the police started it. All the video shows is someone being shot for no apparent reason. We are told it was because he was going for a gun just like the 12 year old black Cleveland kid who didn’t even twitch when he had a toy gun in his waistband.
