35 Replies to “How Europe’s Betrayal of Women Will Lead to Tribal War”

  1. Thank God it can’t happen here.
    La , la , la la la la., back to watching the smurfs, dreaming about Justin’s hair and wondering who he is wearing today!

  2. I hate hearing that fellow. Fortunately there are subtitles so I can mute it. Because he’s right and we need it said (loudly) and written, over and over and over again until enough people get it.

  3. Pat Condell is bang on as usual. This video should be sent to all our contacts, especially women. In a discussion with my doctor’s receptionist yesterday, a long time friend, I was amazed at how naive she is on islam and its impact on us and particularly her. She is a liberal and believes we all should sing Kumbaya and all will be well as all cultures are equal.

  4. A lot of people forget that the reason the Nord Party came to power in V for Vendetta was the public’s demand for a government that would do something about the immigrant problem.
    The government in Starship Troopers arose when a bunch of vets decided to band together and protect their own via military discipline in the face of societal collapse.
    He’s not wrong about the tribal war. I just wish I saw any other credible option.

  5. *
    believes we all should sing Kumbaya and all will be well…”
    wait until that first ied goes off on the subway… or somebody’s
    teenage daughter gets gang-raped, or there’s an epidemic of
    random stabbings of infidels in very public venues.
    then let’s see prime minister care bear try to put the multi-culti
    peace train back on the tracks.

  6. The only war will be between Muslim factions as they stake out their turf in European Countries. It will take a few years, but eventually they’ll control all the compliant Countries.
    The trade in white infidel women should be fairly brisk.

  7. UKIP should draft him as their shadow Immigration Minister. He’s likely considered over the top even to Farage but he is absolutely correct. His diatribes should be part of every school curriculum in the western world. The professoriate would retreat into “safe-zones”….

  8. I agree. The white infidel progressives will just keep caving in to Muslim demands to create a 7th century society in Europe.

  9. Society is dumbing down. IQs are declining in Western nations ( http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/researchers-western-iqs-dropped-14-points-over-last-180634194.html ); whether it’s due to the more intelligent females in our societies having fewer (or no) children and instead focusing on their careers, or because of the influx of people from such world hotspots for brain activity as Somalia (where the average IQ is something like 85), or for some other reasons, people *are* getting stupider.
    Maybe too high a proportion of us are simply not smart enough to recognize an obvious existential threat, even if it stares us in the face.

  10. I would not be surprised to see tacit admission that neither the police nor the army can keep the peace. What happens after that, though… Europeans have a long history of being very, very good at killing. They’ve tried to forget, but it’s in their blood.

  11. I wonder if Merkel has admitted, even just to herself, is some recess in that spectacularly naive progressive head of hers, that allowing a million of them in overnight was maybe not so smart after all.
    the ballot box dear ladies of Europe, ‘use it or lose it’. hint: given enough time, ANYTHING can happen especially in that bizarre realm of politics. if the muslimes take over your parliament by virtue of THEIR numbers of votes, you WILL lose your right to vote and the very authority over your own HOME.
    history shows us this is true. just google ‘Bhagwan Rajneesh’ and see how that happened in Oregon.

  12. The way I look at it, someone hired the Muslims to fight the feminists. Let’s wait until they finish the job.

  13. First off, I highly recommend ‘Submission’ by Michel Houllebecq. A must-read. Second, the fact that most Moslems are Holocaust deniers means they will indeed poke and provoke until it’s too late- for THEM. Someone else here alluded to Europeans’ propensity for mass bloodshed – bang on!

  14. This may be true historically … but police and military are going to be quickly overwhelmed when the civil wars really start. It will be street to street and hand to hand fighting then, occasionally assisted with advanced military hardware. It will be a bloody nightmare … and victory for the Europeans anything but certain!

  15. At the risk of speaking counter to the politically correct narrative. MANKIND is at its core … TRIBAL We all seek out and associate with those other humans who share our values goals and ideals. For example, the gay community gather together in virtual self-imposed ghettos in San Francisco, New York, etc. Our tribes are no longer defined by geography, skin color, or happenstance of birth. But we associate with others who share common socio-economic … or education … or politics. Simply put … the vast unwashed Muslim hoard will NEVER become members of your tribe. EVER. They remain savages, who refuse modernity.

  16. Your assertion was true…up until WWII. All the brave men of Europe were killed in that war. Only cowards and collaborators survived.

  17. Agreed – Tribalism is genetically inherent in all of God’s creatures. That said I’m in favour of cosmopolitanism – it provides us opportunities to familiarize ourselves with unique cultures and their cuisines and them with ours.
    All said and done multiculturism is not the same thing – far from it.
    How Singapore manages multiculturism is a mystery to me.

  18. Daniel, really hoping that you’re being a clever troll…
    Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it so remember what happened in V for Vendetta and Starship Troopers.

  19. Exactly. During the Russian revolution the police were quickly overwhelmed and were either killed or they took off their uniforms and ran away. It was interesting that there were some cases of Okhrana (Tsarist Secret Police)members who joined the Bolshevik Cheka.

  20. Hate that such an un-Christian thought would cross my mind, but is it time for box cars and camps? All Muslim males over the age of 9 confined and kept out of temptation’s way?
    Fed delicious meals of pigs feet?

  21. well, not all of them. but you are essentially right.
    the French underground lived and fought in a very fearful environment. why? because their OWN COUNTRYMEN would rat them out for some petty benefit.
    but look at the record:
    -French military cut & ran 1939
    -Vichy France
    – Quisling
    – biggest per capita enlistment in the Wehrmacht OUTSIDE of Germany-Austria-sphere:
    you’ll never guess. Holland, according to the BBC (1975) produced ‘World at War’ narrated by Laurence Olivier.
    – likewise recruitment from all over occupied Europe. c’mon aboard ye aryans !! all is forgiven !! think of the perks !! we’re winning !!
    -what happened on Jersey & Gurnsey, the little spots of OCCUPIED Britain?
    the Jews were fingered by their resentful anti-Semite neighbors and sent to the extermination camps in exchange for a few paltry trinkets. shameful.
    – it’s fashionable to depict that conflict as ‘white hats vs black hats’. reality not quite so. seems there is an ‘echo’ of that 5th column stuff happening in the Old World as we speak.

  22. Spengler (David P Goldman) said it very well in his book “How Civilizations Die”
    “Spengler’s Universal Law #9: A country isn’t beaten until it sells its women, but it’s damned when its women sell themselves.”

  23. V and Starship Troopers aren’t history. They are fiction, set in the future. There is plenty of real history to learn from, our schools should be teaching the history of Islam – which is conquest and enslavement by a movement founded by a murdering, child-raping bandit.

  24. “…French military cut & ran 1939…”
    The invasion of France didn’t start until late spring in 1940. The French strategy was based on the prepared defences of the Maginot Line. They were aware of its huge defect: it didn’t extend through their borders with the Low Countries and they believed their tactics and training wouldn’t cope with the new mobile combined arms operations the Germans would use if they could break in to France. But like the rest of the Western liberal democracies, their electorate had no stomach to face the reality of the growing threat and pay for the necessary military build-up. Sounds familiar, eh?
    When engaged the common French soldiery fought hard and suffered high casualties for that. The high command and the government lost their nerve when the Germans broke in and forced the war of manoeuvre for which the French Army hadn’t sufficiently prepared.

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    I want to say thank you to Dr savior for the good thing he has done for me,Though am not sure if this is the best forum
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    I want to say thank you to Dr savior for the good thing he has done for me,Though am not sure if this is the best forum
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    I want to say thank you to Dr savior for the good thing he has done for me,Though am not sure if this is the best forum
    to show my joy and happiness for what he has
    done for me but i can’t hide my happiness and my Joy so i have to share it with people, my marriage got crashed about two
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  29. My husband is back!!! I had a problem with my husband 2 months ago,which lead to us apart. When he broke up with me,i was no longer myself,i felt so empty inside me. Until a friend of mine told me about one of her spells that helped her in same problem too that she found on a television program. I emailed the spell caster and I told him my problem and I did what he asked me. To cut the long story short,before I knew what was happening,not up to 48 hours,my husband gave me a call and he come back to me and told me he was sorry about what has happened, I’m so grateful to this spell caster and i will not stop publishing his name on the internet just for the good work he has done for me.If you need his help,you can email him at (greatogudugu@gmail.com)and he will also help you.

  30. my name is Rodges Williams i work in the US army couple of months ago i was send to Pakistan to fight a war so before thinking of going there i was afraid if would come back to my happy family so i tried all my best to stay all to avail, i heard how war is in pakistan, many army go there but them never return the fear in me is that am i going to die? one day i was going through the internet then i saw a testimony from my fellow US army i was amazed then i saw the email of this great man named Dr Ehoho who i contacted and i told him my problem he said to me i should not be afraid he is with me so he told me what to do then i did them all and he cast a spell on me, he said to me no bullet will enter your body anymore i was surprised when he said that i have confidence when we went to pakistan in the war feed the most interesting thing is that i was shot but no bullet enter me many of my friends was dead but i came back alive. all thanks to you Dr Ehoho for this great protection i am now..you can cantact him via email:drehohosolutiontemple@gmail.com he is there to solve any problem you have….
