26 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. He’s a symptom. The only card the political class has left is to take more and more of your stuff while telling you what scum you are.

  2. It’s greed when someone else wants to keep his own money.
    It’s not greed when Sanders wants to keep that someone’s money.
    Seems pretty clear.

  3. What is it called ? “Identity politics” … well … America has imported, and cultivated a majority of citizens who IDENTIFY with Bolshevik Bernie. America has bred, supported, imported, and cultivated a vast underclass that now outnumbers the middle class. A Communist Politbureau DREAM … but a NIGHTMARE for freedom and liberty. Yep, America is doomed … and by extension … the entire world. This will NOT end in some vague construct of a Socialist nirvana … nope … it will end in mountains of skulls

  4. He sounds like an American Jeremy Corbyn. Surely someone like that will be quite unelectable.
    Sanders v Trump will be an interesting contest.

  5. How is this guy different than Obama other than the press kind of tells the truth about him and his beliefs?

  6. Washinton Post hates it when Sanders agrees with them;
    Gilens and Page undertook a detailed analysis of 1,799 policy issues, seeking to determine the relative influence on them of economic elites, business groups, mass-based interest groups and average citizens. Their conclusion was dramatic: “The preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically nonsignificant impact upon public policy.” Instead, Gilens and Page found that lawmakers respond almost exclusively to the moneyed interests – those with the most lobbying prowess and deepest pockets to bankroll campaigns.

  7. The very scary part is that so many people see nothing wrong in his plan. The deadbeat generation love him because he’s giving away more free stuff than even hil. Eight and four years ago the payer side was defeated by the taker side. If the glove fits, bernie’s a nit.(wit).

  8. please let it be sanders as the dem nom. And let bloomberg run third party. that way the GOP win 3/4 of the EC.

  9. Yeah.
    So how does Bernie differ from any other Demon Rat or Libtard?.
    Not to mention most of the Republicans and “progressive” conservatives?
    They all know better than you and I how we shall direct our energies and how we shall use our resources.
    Modern government is theft.
    Kleptocracy is their business.
    Bernie is that rare beast an Honest Fool and Bandit.
    He knows what he is.
    Most of the other do-good types never recognize their own nature.
    I do not believe the current mess can be reformed or reset.
    It has to crash and burn a whole bunch of snoozing people before they wake up to our parasitic overlords.
    So what the hell vote early vote often, vote Socialist Bernie or Selfie Turdeau.

  10. That Sanders has made it thus far makes him the poster-child epitomizing a leadership deficit that plagues the civilized world. IMO the phenomenon doesn’t exist so much because of an absence of qualified personalities, but because these days, those who value honesty, and might have heeded the call, couldn’t possibly regard the prospect as anything but a no-win futile enterprise. Political correctness has incapacitated truth in modern politics. A sickened culture has degraded all high political offices into dumping grounds for feral abuse or the place for a hand-out. It’s almost impossible to raise a sensible point in the absence of a shrill and unabated chorus of wrongheaded dissonance. That is at least unless one is of notable celebrity; usually accompanied by an obscene lack of depth, along with the certainty of being effortlessly swayed by corrupt elites. Sanders fits here because Leonardo Di Caprio (think of him as Shiny Pony south) hasn’t yet run for office.

  11. Sanders story shows success out of dissipation through a partnership with government. It brings a tear to my left eye. Capitalism offered him a job as a failing carpenter. Government socialism offered him a hand-up to the highest ranks of power.
    Like Obama, he can talk effortlessly about his goals, eyes always on the prize of taking money from his oppressors and giving it to his supplicants. He has lived a pure life away from money and personal production. He is one of the few who should be given supreme power, because his heart is pure, like Mother Theresa with an army of tax collectors.
    Like Obama, he is a fine talker. Even better, he doesn’t have to pause with “urr” and “umm”, because his thoughts and goals are simple and obvious. He can start where the Soviet Union, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba, and Brazil have blazed the trail, but this time he will do it correctly [I almost wrote “right”]. His uncluttered mind does not have to pause when he speaks socialist truth. He may sometimes look a bit dazed, but this is only the fervor of his personal conviction. May Gaia grant him the energy and years to do his work well.
    What is in the water in Vermont? What is really in those Ritalin pills the schools are handing out?

  12. Great rant and so true.
    I find it mind boggling that the people of the United States spent forty-five years and trillions of dollars fighting against the Soviet Union’s attempt to export communism all over the world and now seriously consider one of those as a potential presidential candidate. Unbelievable!

  13. A complete collapse is baked in already. there is no escape and there is no turning back. The takers are ascending as the producers are in steep decline. Worthless paper and debt are backed by misinformation and used to keep everything moving. But that will end suddenly and then what? Every man for himself.
    When the govt cheques stop coming even the laziest layabout will have to produce something to feed himself. That’s when the new renaissance begins. But not sooner.
    It’s a genetic thing as explained in r/K selection theory. For an even more detailed explanation see Biohistory by Dr Jim Penman.
    Enjoy the decline.

  14. “…Modern government is theft. …”
    What do you mean, “modern”?
    What was government ever but the most powerful robbers in the land offering to be the least rapacious if those they rob agreed to submit to them only and aid them in squeezing out all their competitors?

  15. Sander’s popularity represents America’s new form of exceptionalism, that Americans can embrace socialism and unlike every other regime that has done so, not become a failed state or blood-soaked killing field. At least he is upfront with it as opposed to Obama and the Evil one.

  16. Once , very briefly, government protected the nations borders, recognized property rights of the citizen as a limit to their theft.
    That Magna Carta thingy and the US Republic were valiant attempts.
    Modern means they steal your wealth before you ever see it.
    Imagine if we insisted employers could pay employees their gross wages and made it the individuals responsibility to pay the taxes,levies and fees.
    After all the kleptos insist they are acting for the good of these individuals, surely the victims should be properly informed .
    That is the modern professional theft.

  17. Now that is truly strange. Can’t post that on Facebook. Are they blocking negative comment about Democrats?

  18. Sanders has as much chance of winning the Democrat candidacy for Prez as Jack Layton does of leading the NDP to victory in our next federal election.
    Nope, in 2016,it’s Hillary versus……………..??? yet to be decided.

  19. The Democrats deserve this. They pressured every credible possibility for the leadership not to run so that Hillary would face only the dregs of the party and so win the nomination by a landslide with nary a scratch.
    Well Hillary’s past is coming back to haunt her, and now one of those dregs might just lead the Dems into the election.

  20. I find it sad, but I agree with Kenji. The intelligence of the people has been sliding downward all my life. the outcome will not be good.
