13 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. It would be really nice if the TV networks could have a video of Wynne being escorted off the plane in handcuffs.

  2. Links to the Globe and Fail do not load if you are not a paid subscriber … I wouldn’t pay a nickel to those wogs to read their bias, … pay or no read ….

  3. There has to be a connection to KKKKaty’s trip to India. Of course the crack reporters will follow her to ask the tough questions….yeah, right!

  4. The media probably won’t notice she’s skipped town.
    Good move though, outta sight outta etc. Kathleen Wynne is far too pc to ever be prosecuted for anything in Canada, so watch as a few underlings take all the heat while she denies any knowledge of anything.
    It must have been a Liberal who thought up the idea of having one empty gun in the firing squad.

  5. On another maTTER i SEE iRAN JUST SIGNED A DEAL WITH aIRBUS TO PURCHASE 18 Airplanes. I think it was just yesterday when Stephan Dion said he was normalizing relations with Iran to ensure Bombardier would be able to sell them planes. the stupidity of liberals knows no bounds.

  6. Funny how much Libs love them taxpayer-funded trips to India, when the shit hits the fan. That’s what our Premier Christy Crook does. Must be a spa there they particularly like. Or maybe they’re just signing up new Liberal party members.

  7. The libs go to India for one reason and only one reason, that is to hand out immigration forms to new lieberal voters who will arrive before the next election. Remember that now days you do not require ID, you can also obscure your face so that photo ID is useless. So if you can walk in to the polling station and fog a mirror you are entitled to vote for Kathleen and Justine. Your tax dollars at work?
