23 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. Nothing but a right wing witch hunt. No one cares about these emails (says every hitlery supporter in denial)

  2. … THAT designation allows virtually ALL the direct communication between Killary and Obama to be hidden from public view. Haven’t we seen this movie before … ?
    1. Sandy Berger stuffing National Archive documents into his pants ?
    2. Stonewalling IRS apparatchiks ? … now happily collecting FAT taxpayer-funded pensions
    3. 5th Amendment protection invoked by Democraps throughout government ?
    4. FOIA requests taking YEARS to fulfill ?
    5. Obama’s grades ?

  3. My bet is that if she loses the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary she will be indicted, as she is no longer useful to the Partei.
    Or they will announce Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett are joining the board of the Clinton Family Foundation.

  4. Commie Bernie would be a fine leader of the Soviet People’s Democratic Republic of Obamacare

  5. Can’t imagine anything worse than what we know. Maybe discussion of having that mother of Bengazi victim assassinated?

  6. “too damaging to release” — to whom? You can be guaranteed that the way she handled classified information the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans and Iranians already have it.

  7. ”You can be guaranteed that the way she handled classified information the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans and Iranians already have it.”
    Good point, DrD. Maybe fellow apparatchik Bernie can convince his cronies to ‘leak’ selected emails, thus ensuring his nomination…

  8. Her people are demanding that they be released – knowing full well they cannot – those real sent them would go to jail. By demanding Their release that can claim a conspiracy and that they have nothing to hide.
    An amazingly cunning group of crooks…

  9. Many people don’t remember that Biden ran for president in 1988 and dropped out when he was caught telling a few nose-stretchers.

  10. great news SDA, I got a copy of the redacted email. here it is:
    I waiting for some editorial cartoonist to come up with one showing this sweeping things under a carpet the size of Washington DC.
    too sensitive eh? gawd help the WORLD if she gets what she wants. what a goddamn psycho.

  11. During the debate Christie dropped the date of “September”… when she would be in court defending herself. (Did he make a flub, or does he know something?).. That probably means she will be formally charged very SOON…. She will need a pardon or plea deal before Jan 2017

  12. No Offense..No offense, but any country that elects Pierre Jr. as PM has no room to criticize

    J replied to comment from Fearless Leader | January 27, 2016 10:06 AM | Reply
    Don’t be a pansy and speak you mind without fear … or you will perish … why feel bad about stating it … you see that is the problem … they win when YOU are ashamed or afraid to speak freely.
    Make Canada Great Again … speak up ….

    Don’t make Offenses around J….

  13. Hillary protected her pervert husband for 40 years. She knew she could use him later to get the keys to the White House..
    All the assaults on his secretaries, friends, wives of friends, widows, teenage groupies, teenage interns, feminist leaders, feminists losers,
    Hell I bet he even had sex with someones donkey..
    Obama defeated Hillary because NC voted for him in the democrat primaries. google it..
    The hatred for Bill Clinton is astronomic here in NC.
    Millions of textile and furniture jobs lost under his stupidity…
    Now she might lose the primary again, but before that she will have a health problem(msm already concerned about her cough) that will delay her trial and primary humiliation defeat for months, or until Bambi can pardon her.

  14. Hillary is now down to the argument the State Dept previously declassified every email her server received, even though it came from their classified server. Interesting argument – is that why the State Dept won’t release them now, as she self-servingly demands, because they’re unclassified? The State Dept seems to disagree. She’ll have to come up with a better cover story than that, if she can.
    So she didn’t take care and control of “marked classified” emails, remove them from a classified and encrypted server, and have her underlings remove their security labels? There’s nothing prohibited in this? Her spokesman also claimed she was not personally under investigation by the FBI. It must be her fall guy who just took the 5th, he’s to “blame.” No doubt State has also been lax, but then again they’re currently referring to her emails, nobody else’s, pertaining to Congress’ demand for documents and the FBI investigation for which she’s apparently not the subject.
    Orwell would be proud of her political doublespeak. Sorry folks it doesn’t pass the smell test – she should have known by their content these emails were sensitive. Anyway, the originator decides classification, not the receiver. If she removed only Unclas info from the State Dept server we wouldn’t be having this discussion right now and there certainly wouldn’t be an FBI investigation directed at her, despite her protestations now.
    She is playing games with the truth, but has been taught by the master. Remember sex can be something else, though itself sex, so not really sex? What is the meaning of “is” anyway? What’s next – “I did not have classified email relations with that server?”
    Clearly State is now involved in CYA seeming willing to parlay her credibility. Can the POTUS be far behind? The FBI, should they decide to indict Hillary (far from established btw), have signaled they will go public in frustration if the AG does not proceed or in the event of other political interference.
    Unless this all one big misunderstanding Hillary is headed into a political s***storm as she attempts to secure the Dem nomination. This ruins any idea of good stewardship at State, along with her Benghazi incompetence, as evidence of her fitness for POTUS. She is already underwater over trust with the public; surely when the GOP fully turns to her conduct she will have a hard time explaining herself.
    She will claim nothing “marked classified” came across her server, bobbing & weaving between this and that factoid. Will the voters let her get away with it? A better question is will the GOP let her get away with it? I still harbour doubts on that. On this issue I am tending to bet on Trump as the nominee.
    The GOP will need his guile and cunning because no doubt Hillary and the Dems have other cards up their sleeve.

  15. Gee sounds like there was a complete investigation on the Dubya WH and RNC. That’s what’s happening here, so what’s your point? Also, your citation, the highly regarded Wikipedia, makes no reference to security breaches or the State Dept’s classified server being used to dump info into an unclas server. Nice try though, by all means let’s investigate Dubya again, along with the ongoing Hillary investigation, and let charges be applied as appropriate. Then we can deal with something current rather than something, as Hillary would say was fully litigated, that happened 8 years ago. Hillary doesn’t need your help with bobbing & weaving with doublespeak, she’s a past master.
