10 Replies to “Dumbing Down Universities”

  1. And our politicians keep striving to make universities affordable (or in Bernie’s case, free) so one and all can attend at the expense of the trades and other, can I say this…. blue collar careers… Along with this higher education comes an expectation of a 6-figure starting salary, a Lexus and a condo downtown where all the man-bun metros live and play… But, then again, look at the entitled Canadian Prime Minister….enough.

  2. My God, there are some absolutely brilliant (and purely Pat Condell) phrases and descriptions in this piece. Relentless, fire-breathing, and SPOT-ON.

  3. His assessment very clearly describes recent events at American & Canadian universities. I wonder if the same infections have hit UK universities?

  4. Found at Maggie’s Farm:
    Academia UK: A Dictatorship of the Righteous

  5. Gawd … I LOVE Brit-slang … esp. when delivered with the staccato report of an “Immigrants” Uzi. Every word spoken in totally defensible TRUTH ! With ONE exception … “Muppetry” can actually prove to be a highly $$lucrative profession$$, when said Muppeteer works for a Nationally-funded (straight out of MY pocket) PBS television program. A program that is dedicated to BASHING every conservative characteristic and personality possible. It is a way for the average liberal “artist” to employ their FULL (re)education in a single professional endeavor. Just think of all the new Muppet characters that can be formed from the pages of just a single gender studies course curriculum !!

  6. Uggh … just IMAGINE the $$$$$cash cow$$$$$ that Federally guaranteed FREE “education” will become for the leftist cabal. MEET the NEW 1%-ers !! Isn’t this the way it ALWAYS goes with Communism/Socialism/Marxism ? They don’t want “equality” … they want THEIR turn at SUPERIORITY. They couldn’t EARN it in the competitive REAL world … so they go to invent their own.
    BTW … my hair is currently ALMOST long-enough for a man-bun. D’ya think it can still work for a mid-tier baby boomer ? Or has that ship sailed ?

  7. Having been inside the post-secondary system both as a student and as an educator, I can rightfully say that it is corrupt and damaged.
    It’s concerned only about money-harvesting and getting butts in seats. The pursuit of truth, knowledge, and wisdom has little meaning any more.
    Just how bad it is can be seen from this book:
    Australian Universities-A Portrait of Decline
    Change a few place names and titles and much the same could be said about the Canadian post-secondary system. The book, by the way, may still be available as a downloadable PDF file. Just search for the title on the Internet.

  8. He is English. He lives in England. Yes, he’s talking about the U.K.’s institutions of Higher Indoctrination.

  9. I keep thinking the free market will correct this problem. No employers in their right minds would knowingly hire an SJW, so why would people spend good time and money becoming one?

  10. Tooner, just a small point, Pat does live in England but he is actually Irish, doesn’t matter a damn of course.
