Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

An excellent piece by Tucker Carlson;

All of which explains why almost nobody in Washington caught the significance of Trump’s finest moment in the first debate. One of the moderators asked, in effect: if you’re so opposed to Hillary Clinton, why did she come to your last wedding? It seemed like a revealing, even devastating question.
Trump’s response, delivered without pause or embarrassment: Because I paid her to be there. As if she was the wedding singer, or in charge of the catering.
Even then, I’ll confess, I didn’t get it. (Why would you pay someone to come to your wedding?) But the audience did.

48 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Trump knows what she is, the audience knows what she is, and I suspect that all of us here know what she is. The only question is, what is the price?

  2. Excellent article. Good points all. I started out disliking Trump. Now I see him as the only one standing between us and a Hillary Clinton presidency. Give ’em hell Donald!

  3. The biggest and only question is:
    Can he win the presidency?
    If he can’t And some other GOP candidate can then he needs to lose.
    I would love to see some good polling done in NY NJ and PA to see if he can win any or all of those states. If he can then he could romp to the presidency.

  4. Excellent observation, with one caveat: She is the only whore that you would request that she leave her clothes on.
    Hillary is certainly no sex kitten, still, no one should complain about paying her high prices. This high priestess of evil will cater to anyone’s worst instincts and moral perversions. For over 40 years she has refined her skills in the arts of pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth, and greed. Her bag of well practiced tricks keeps her clients drooling for more.

  5. “Now they’re telling their voters to shut up and obey, and if they don’t, they’re liberal.
    It turns out the GOP wasn’t simply out of touch with its voters; the party had no idea who its voters were or what they believed.”
    Canada’s Conservative party should take heed. They resemble this remark.

  6. “When was the last time you stopped yourself from saying something you believed to be true for fear of being punished or criticized for saying it? If you live in America, it probably hasn’t been long. That’s not just a talking point about political correctness. It’s the central problem with our national conversation, the main reason our debates are so stilted and useless. You can’t fix a problem if you don’t have the words to describe it. You can’t even think about it clearly.”
    It’s a white people problem.
    Nay, a white people characteristic.

  7. “Trump’s response, delivered without pause or embarrassment: Because I paid her to be there. As if she was the wedding singer, or in charge of the catering”
    as if he was supporting her campaign for the Democrat presidential nomination through a cash donation and visibility at a high profile event
    to be certain he had some connections in the future.
    Spin it anyway that you like. Doesn’t matter to me. I’m with the “any Republican” faction of the electorate.
    I actually think Bernie Sanders, that old timey socialist fool might out progressive that old timey “I’m a woman” fool and take the nomination anyway.

  8. kuzo, that is one of several money quotes in Carlson’s piece. I especially liked the last bit—“You can’t fix a problem if you don’t have the words to describe it. You can’t even think about it clearly.”—because it’s one of my hobby horses (sorry).
    The left, via the Frankfurt School, has been on to this gambit for decades. Call the phenomenon “The Left of Meaning”. Orwell saw to the heart of it, and warned us. We payed little heed. The way to control people is by controlling thought. The best way to control thought is by controlling meaning. The best way to do that is by controlling what codifies meaning. That’s language.
    This is transparently true of Obama. He thinks of himself as the postmodernists’ “Strong Poet”. He is the maker of meaning.
    Excellent Tucker Carlson!

  9. Brilliant piece! Carlson’s assessment of the GOP establishment is something I’ve also suspected for years. They talk and talk and talk … all the while society gets dragged further left.

  10. looks to me like Republicans are engaging in the behaviour seen with the British @ the beginning of the last century; resting on their laurels, dwelling on past glories, coasting on the momentum (a.k.a. inertia) of empire.
    anything is possible in politics. there is utterly NOTHING that guarantees the continued existence of the present manifestation of republicanism. all that has to happen is some outcome where, say, Trump takes the white house, and then runs for reelection in 2020 under the banner of a brand new party. there. done. adios old guard, all you elitist ‘aristocracy’ class in a country of ‘one person one vote’.

  11. So … you’ve pretty much described Satan (esp. as described by CS Lewis in The Screwtape Letters). Hillary fits the description perfectly. She tickles the ear with false pride and avarice. She promises much, like her advance dog Obama

  12. The Republican Party lost me when they ran McCain, who was more likely to praise Obama than he was to defend Republican values. He was supposed to be THE moderate candidate who would ‘”unify” Rep. and Dem. voters … aka the GREAT Rep. Party LIE

  13. Yep, same here. I think a lot of new support for Trump is going to come from people who think the same.
    ABC.(anybody but clinton)

  14. I wonder how much longer Tucker Carlson will remain employed by Fox ? It will probably get harder and harder to find him anywhere on-air.

  15. #PMselfie is Gerald Butts’ and rest of the Laurentian Elite’s paid escort, liberals make good whores. TRUMP 2016

  16. I sure Trump has paid out millions to politicians of all stripes. In a crony capitalist world, you need the goodwill, if not the actual help, of the gatekeepers who issue the permits, approve projects, smooth things over with environmental groups, and so on. If these people aren’t friendly to you, they can make your life miserable and delay or stop your projects. That’s why productive people have to give them money.

  17. I doubt very much that any other GOP candidate can win. As a group, they are just not that impressive. Neither are the Dems, but Hillary will have a lot of unthinking support and Bernie a lot of anti-Republican support. Trump is a wild card, but the only possible candidate to stop the Democratic take down of the US.

  18. Why does the GOP Establishment hate Trump?
    He might break their rice bowls. Donald Trump might actually solve a lot of problems permanently. He might actually get rid of Obamacare. He might secure the border. He might build up the US Military. If he does that, how will the GOPe endlessly fundraise off of these “issues”???
    The answer is that they won’t, and if they can’t fundraise, they might lose their cushy jobs. They need those dollars and those votes from the stupid rubes in flyover country to live their lives of luxury. What would you do if someone threarened your job? Especially a fantastic job that will make you a very rich,rich person?
    Damned right the Establishment Republicans HATE Donald Trump!
    And they hate Ted Cruz even more.

  19. Good article by Carlson.
    Only Trump can stop Trump.
    The RINO’s and CINO’s have successfully diverted the rational vote for decades.
    They are professional parasites, who stay fat and happy by speaking as if the citizen matters, while acting to enrich and protect their own.
    When they collapse the real economy, their cover blows away.
    Times are tough, the grandchildren are already sold, the useless feeders are exposed.
    Trump is something other, those who pin their hopes onto someone else to save them, will come to hate Trump.

  20. Perhaps the offer of a job in his administration. Perhaps nothing. I think she sincerely believes her country needs its current political system turned upside down and thoroughly shaken out and would sooner or later endorse whoever seems likely to do that. Trump has been looking like that for a while.

  21. I only hope Trump, who will be the next president, can get the RINO’s to start acting like conservative republicans and follow his lead in legislation. If the RINO’s really hate him they can forestall any progress he wants to make.

  22. Excellent article, It’s what’s I have been saying all along. He is and was the FIRST candidate to openly tell Christians they will be able to say merry Christmas again . I have told many people who hate trump that he will do a better job protecting Christians both here and abroad than any other candidate.

  23. Don’t think he paid Palin. She needed the publicity and he needed a true conservative endorsement.

  24. One might also add that those Repubs elected in 2012 and 2014 have simply genuflected to Obomber’s will (as week as it is).

  25. “If the RINO’s really hate him they can forestall any progress he wants to make”
    Good article by Tucker.. he is half-way there
    Trump is a successful New-Yorker and that alone should warn the Republican Establishment that they can’t screw with him….He is the worst Nightmare to the nose pickers…
    BTW: I think he is toying with the RNC because he knows how to hurt them.. The Meghan issue is not about her, but those that put her up to the HIT job…He is playing with them to see how far they will go.. they can’t fire her because she would tell all.. The RNC squirms every time Donald criticizes Meghan. He is a master button pusher…

  26. Yes. Palin, like most conservatives, have given up on the seemingly ever-corrupting Washington \beltway. The capitulation of Boehner and Ryan were for them the last straw. It’s now bring the house down. Pitchforks.

  27. Denis Coderre as much as said it flat out. That’s why Energy East is blocked, but the current pipeline supplying Saudi oil to Montreal via Portland is peachy.

  28. And just as Trump has exposed the gop, he has also exposed fox news, as their mouth piece. When rupert’s son was threaten with jail they sold out. Don’t watch them anymore, get my news on line.

  29. Exactly! The same situation exists in Canada and while Harper’s Conservatives moved the goalposts slightly back to right, we are already experiencing the roll back of every Conservative initiative and the move further to the left has already begun simultaneously.
    No link at the moment, but yesterday Trudeau tabled legislation to rescind the two Harper bills that made union certification or decertification votes secret. It will now go back to any union members that vote against the union will be publicly known. We know how that works.

  30. Prediction: Keystone XL will be the first new pipeline in years to carry Alberta oil to tidewater. It’ll get the go ahead about this time next year from President Donald J. Trump. Not sure how long the construction will take but It has to be faster than the other routes through the occupied territories of BC and Quebec.

  31. W. Buffet (Obama’s pet billionaire) will not be happy. His railroad will lose much money. Too bad. Too sad.

  32. If trump gets 1 thing done, it will be more than any of us could hope for since bush WON the Iraq war.
    Trump 2016

  33. Trump will not kristian out, he’ll call the ugly old (hitlery) bitch, an ugly old bitch
    don’t fergit girls, it was Preston Manning that sold the Wildrose supporters out. Lay down yer bibles and be counted as real people!!!

  34. It is clear that Trump understands the frustration of the American people, and can use it brilliantly for his own ends.
    The question is, do the people have the guts to insist he stays faithful to his campaign promises?
    If they are not willing to throw out at least half the RINOs in Congress this cycle, nothing will change: the Repubs learned 20 years ago when they abandoned their platform for Clinton’s offer of a balanced budget, that the base is terribly gullible and very reluctant to kick Republicans who have betrayed tgem time and again from office.
    The people have to stop hoping that their leaders will do the right thing, and instead remove them from office by recall, by strategic voting, by demonstrating, by, as Kate says, showing up to riot. Neither Trump, nor any other man on a white horse is gonna ride into Washington and do it for them.

  35. What? Please provide additional information on your opinion regarding Conservative Policies/Approach/Insight or what ever? Regarding Donald Trump I agree with Ken Kulak; Trump has sucker punched the media every time including Fox on the Last Debate.

  36. When Hillary is considered the pinnacle of female success and a candidate for the highest office in the land, then I know the people of the US have lost their collective minds.

  37. I can make the list as long as you like.
    But here, riddle me this, Mikesr:
    What ongoing Conservative changes/effects did 10 years plus of Harper bring?
    Were you deafened by the federal/provincial Conservative voices clamoring why socialist Norway has a $800 Billion oil fund and Conservative Alberta has a few coins under the cushions?
    Yep, Conservatives done such a good job of being Conservative that they elected the Communists in Conservative Alberta and the emptiest of empty suits as PM, accompanied by his feminist, socialist sisters.
    I suppose next you’ll be claiming the Leafs are legit Stanley contenders this year:)
