34 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Prime Minister!”

  1. I think we all suspect why. Might just have something to do with all the photos of him in a mosque.

  2. adding that Canada honors “those who survived atrocities at the hands of the Nazi regime, and welcome their courageous stories of hope and perseverance”
    Uh No. What is he talking about? The day is for remembering those who were murdered.

  3. Did I detect a teensy weentsy “microaggression” in your tweet back to Coyne?
    Good………. it made for a good laugh.

  4. If I don’t posting these discoveries about Trudeau, I will have lost all my friends on Facebook. They’re fading fast.

  5. Caught my attention too. Was this a “shout out” to George Soros and thanks for his support?

  6. “Odd” that Coyne can’t find his balls long enough to actually criticize his imbecilic hero. I always suspected Coyne was a prancing eunuch of the “Liberal” court, clearly those suspicions were accurate.

  7. *
    apparently prime minister selfie has time on his schedule for a
    photo op at the latest aboriginal serial murder. stalin was right…
    four dead is a tragedy… six million is a statistic.

  8. Are Trudeau’s speeches being vetted by the M.B.?
    Remember, he’s about to open an Embassy agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
    Every time you wonder what other stupid comment can he come up with, he outdoes himself with something he failed to say.
    Remember this is the P.M., who rushed to a mosque to give a tribute to two groups of Canadians, including those who’d been on a Catholic humanitarian mission in Burkina Faso, who’d been assassinated in two Islamist terror attacks.
    Muslim voters outnumber Jewish voters in Canada, and for Liberals, that is what counts. Trudeau is committed to see that spread increases. No matter what.

  9. Are they still cheering in the Westmount synagogues?
    Anybody heard from Bernie Farber?

  10. Wonder if they’re still cheering in the Westmount synagogues?
    Anybody heard from Bernie Farber?

  11. Westmount synagogues?
    Canadian PM will bring the Jewish and Muslim voters together…. ha.

  12. Not odd…intentional.
    Neo nailed it.
    Speaking of biased, lazy MSM…has anyone noticed any ‘reaction’ to the ‘dithguthting’ video/parody/ad the was made by the wife of the present PM?

  13. Our PM continues his lead dramatic role as Grand Avatar of Nothing-Much-At-All of the Great White North.
    To quote Shakespeare by modifying a line from Macbeth: “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound, signifying nothing”. Notice I removed “fury” (“full of sound and fury”) for there is no fury – either feigned or sincere – in any of the current government’s vapourings and mediocrities on this, that or anything else.

  14. I’m sure Omar Alghabra made some ‘suggestions”……..
    Pretty sure he (and the tent wearing citizenship oath cow) are/were members of the ICNA, a MB affiliate.

  15. The joke is on the Canadian Jews who voted Liberal. Hope you enjoy it, boys and girls. And yes, he is antiSemitic.

  16. They are vetted by somebody. Trudeau (and the Liberal Party) are owned by the UN globalists. Too bad the media did not pay any attention to this in the election. NOW we are the first “post nationalist” country — at least according to Trudeau. More “post-nationalism” to come in terms of supporting the globalist one-world government agenda.

  17. Heh, things are getting bad when even leftists have forgotten how to have a proper pity party…

  18. Maybe Justy thought they were talking about the other holocaust. You know, the one when Sophie used the last of the hairspray and neither of the nannies were available to run out and get some more.

  19. Ah yes, Andrew Coyne.
    Did his best to skewer Prime Minister Stephen Harper and now wonders about Justine?
    Where were you before the election, Andrew?
    Leftists all!

  20. Could this possibly be a clue about the deliberations of a media whore who is slowly trying to reinvent himself; finally coming to the full realization that selfie-boy is indefensible in the extreme? Coyne’s concocted intellectual persona with all its CBC-acceptable accoutrements, confined to a credo that saturates the media, perhaps feels cumbersome and uninteresting to him now. Maybe even unprofitable. Time to break loose thinks Coyne, but don’t make it look too much like a jump ship. Maybe he’s just growing up.

  21. C’mon cut the guy some slack, look at the fiscal crisis he inherited: “Ottawa runs $400M surplus in November.”
    “The Finance Department’s monthly fiscal monitor also says Ottawa had a surplus of $1 billion over the first nine months of the 2015-16 fiscal year.”
    A closer look at the numbers shows that government revenues were up 8.2 per cent — or $14.2 billion — this fiscal year compared to last year.”
    Corporate tax revenues were up 23.1 per cent over that span, while customs import duties rose 18.3 per cent.”
    Ottawa’s total expenses were up 5.6 per cent between April and November compared to the same period last year — pushed up in part by an 11.1-per-cent increase in major transfers to individuals.”
    I know on Harper all news is bad news, on Trudeau all news is good news; sort of like bear/bull markets, but then again the media always gets that one wrong too.
    No worries, that will “change;” for the worse no doubt. To them it’s a good time to increase taxes while borrowing ever more to “invest” in the economy, while simultaneously screwing the poor six ways to Sunday. But then taking a surplus to a $20+b deficit in one year while reducing output is wise stewardship of the economy. Look how well it’s worked in Greece, California and ON, our current prototype statist entitlement model, along with watermelons paid by our competition to kill off our oil industry that is.
    Harper shows once again the best investment government can make is to get out of the way.

  22. Yes but did he make the little valentine heart sign with his hands and hold it to his chest and then make the baby preying sign as he walked off?
    Substitute “Drama” for statesmanship.

  23. I see another young boy and several other refugees drowned this month but unlike the media hype when Harper was PM, no news outlet has yet to blame Justin Trudeau. Strange.

  24. Coyne used to be soooooo angry… the man hated “Harper” for everything, real or imagined, especially when “Harper” got rid of the mandatory long form census, boy was Coyne angry at that… Coyne is much calmer now, more relaxed, content, his anger has completely disappeared, just like his journalistic integrity, big Government is back, cliche’s and empty rhetoric fill the air “because its 2015”, obviously the substitute drama teacher and son of Coynes favorite PM has had a soothing effect on Coynes tortured existence. Coyne loves cradling PM Clownypants balls, it reminds him of Pierre, Coynes first and only love. You go girl!

  25. Junior T, still buying muslim votes but his anti semetic roots have been visible for some time. Anti semetism, one of the most recognizable hall marks of the left.
