35 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. The government going after the government! I think there are a lot of details missing to yet another CBC ”let’s get Harper story.”

  2. NEP2 has put the Energy East pipeline on hold until 2018.
    Lets see…. 2019 looks like an election year for both bongo and Rachael. Just sayin’. Naw to cynical.

  3. Pro Canada East Pipeline rant
    I gave up on Rick Mercer a few years ago for his flaming anti everything rhetoric, especially anti CPC. As smart as he is, he can be a brainless idiot sometimes. Not this week. He acts like he actually “gets it.”
    This week’s rant is very good. He defends Alberta’s right to ship oil east and rips PQ a new one.
    Worth two minutes. It is good.

  4. Rick’s Right On with the pipeline issue.
    Canadian Oil feeds our families, puts a roof over their head, pays their taxes, and it’s significantly cleaner than coal. Those who don’t like that, don’t have to live here and benefit from all that Canadian oil which pays for universal health care, and revenue equalization among a confederation of provinces. Only a stupid person bites the hand that feeds them.

    TRUMP 51.45% (93,793 votes)
    CRUZ 23.2% (42,298 votes)
    PAUL 9.12% (16,624 votes)
    RUBIO 9.08% (16,547 votes)
    KASICH 1.48% (2,696 votes)
    CARSON 1.41% (2,579 votes)
    CHRISTIE 1.3% (2,376 votes)
    BUSH 1.23% (2,248 votes)
    FIORINA 1.14% (2,077 votes)
    HUCKABEE 0.29% (532 votes)
    SANTORUM 0.29% (532 votes)
    Total Votes: 182,302

  6. Listening to people sing like Peter Hollens convinces me beyond a shadow of a doubt that the human singing voice is one of THE most beautiful of God’s creations.

  7. INteresting:
    (the whole article)
    What’s interesting, however, is that these people, who claim to be journalists—Wallace, Baier, Kelly, Stirewalt, Kurtz, and pretty much everyone else at the Fox News Channel, especially Sammon—all committed what is pretty much a cardinal sin in journalism: They didn’t disclose a major conflict of interest ahead of a presidential debate. That conflict, of course, is that Brooke Sammon—Rubio’s national press secretary—is the daughter of Fox News executive Bill Sammon.
    Brooke Sammon is no small player in Rubio’s orbit, either. She’s second in command to Rubio communications chief Alex Conant, and has worked for the senator for years.

    TRUMP 61% (197,895 votes)
    CRUZ 18.43% (59,778 votes)
    RUBIO 7.44% (24,137 votes)
    PAUL 7.1% (23,033 votes)
    CARSON 1.26% (4,101 votes)
    KASICH 1.24% (4,029 votes)
    CHRISTIE 1.05% (3,401 votes)
    BUSH 1% (3,252 votes)
    FIORINA 0.95% (3,093 votes)
    SANTORUM 0.26% (854 votes)
    HUCKABEE 0.25% (819 votes)
    Total Votes: 324,392

  9. In Friday’s National Post, John Ivison mentions that on the same day that the Liberals reversed Tory legislation re Unions, certification, voting etc, the federal elections commissioner found that a plumbing union made an illegal contribtion to the Liberals.

  10. In Friday’s National Post, John Ivison mentions that on the same day that the Liberals reversed Tory legislation re Unions, certification, voting etc, the federal elections commissioner found that a plumbing union made an illegal contribtion to the Liberals.

  11. Mao* Strong Report.
    “China denies spy charge against Canadian is retribution against Ottawa”
    “The Chinese government has denied claims it has charged a Canadian man with spying as an act of retribution against the arrest and extradition proceedings against a Chinese man wanted by the U.S.” (G-M)
    “Glory days of Chinese steel leave behind abandoned mills and broken lives”
    “The full effect of China’s economic decline on the world is unclear, but for the steel city of Tangshan the future already looks decidedly bleak”
    *Liberal Justine’s favourite dictator.

  12. PET Cemetery Report.
    The Justine government promises no selfies with the Indians.
    “With Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expected to visit on Friday, residents are growing wary of the media’s presence. Reporters only seem to take an interest in La Loche when something bad happens, they complain.”
    “‘Oh my God, this is real’; Inside the deadly school shooting that shattered La Loche”

  13. Well, I did not have any hopes that the Liberals would be focusing on the interests of Canadians — so most of their moves do not come as a surprise. But surely they might have thought a bit about the issue of union transparency, and had they done so it would have been obvious that this is in the interests of Canadians. Their reversals on this and the transparency for Native groups is a step backwards for everyone — including those who pay into unions and most natives who suffer at the hands of abusive leaders. As always, Liberals simply favour their special interest groups. Canadians have bought a pig in a poke. Fairness, balance and justice will suffer at the hands of the Liberal party.

  14. Oh right, graft line forms to the left:
    “Chiefs from B.C., Manitoba and Quebec reject Liberal pipeline reforms.”
    I assume they reject all tax transfers, especially from petro taxes, as bad for their civilization? No?
    “Grand Chief Derek Nepinak from the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs said the threat of climate changes means that the government must consider whether “we will survive as a civilization” and whether there will be any economy left to salvage in the future.”
    If climate change and state welfare is a threat to their civilization, then it’s time for reflection on their part. Anyway we all know what this is really about. Hint: it has nothing to do with either their civilization or making lives better for their people. Think corruption, think nepotism, think their personal power. Show them the money.

  15. PET Cemetery Report.
    “Federal Liberals eye little-known cash relief program to help Alberta” (redstar)
    “World Bank and IMF in emergency BAILOUT talks to save countries from bankruptcy over oil”
    “TUMBLING oil prices are plunging emerging economies into financial crisis, sparking what could be the start of a global economy meltdown.”
    “The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are extremely worried about the financial stability of Brazil, Venezuela and Ecuador, which are heavily reliant upon oil profits.
    And the two organisations are now set to discuss an emergency fund of a possible $4billion emergency to bailout Azerbaijan in what risks to become the first bailout of a country due to oil.”

  16. Kelly McParland has an interesting article about the dire situation in Europe regarding the refugees and the overall stresses on the EU. There is rising resistance to refugees based on stories and experiences regarding rape, attacks and other anti-social behaviour. Interestingly, none of this is related in the Canadian media. Sweden is now planning to deport up to 80,000 refugees . . . well this should certainly help Mr. McCallum make his quotas.
    McParland`s piece: http://news.nationalpost.com/full-comment/kelly-mcparland-the-refugee-crisis-is-shredding-the-cords-that-bind-europe

    Last year, former Assembly Speaker Sheldon and ex-Senate Leader Dean Skelos, R-Long Island, were convicted of corruption. Silver, a Manhattan Democrat, was found guilty of taking more than $4 million in bribes. Skelos, a Long Island Republican, was convicted of extorting payments and jobs for his son.

  18. AGW RIP.
    “Snowstorm to bury Atlantic Canada, brush Maine into Saturday”
    “Election 2016: Snowstorm to unfold as thousands gather for Iowa Caucuses”
    “Groundhog Day blizzard to whip Colorado to Iowa, Wisconsin”
    “El Nino-driven rain, snow to blast California”
    “Weekly wrap-up: Blizzard of 2016 ranks 4th among worst winter storms of past 100 years”
    “German Gov’t Mulling Over Giving $5K Subsidy For Electric Vehicles”
    “To counteract the effect sagging crude prices are having on Germany’s electric vehicle market, leaders in Merkel’s ruling coalition are considering using public dollars to boost electric car sales,…”
    “Germany plans on bringing one million electric vehicles to market by 2020. But because oil prices are so low and cheap gas-powered cars so ubiquitous, it’s been a rough go for German automakers to deliver on that plan.”
