15 Replies to ““Well, we had a choice of steak or fish.””

  1. sounds like hysteria , thank goodness there were no witches on board and it wasn’t salem airlines…..

  2. Another case of a disconnect between the headline and the story.
    Didn’t find any mention of panic on board.

  3. 4 known things:
    1. The classified information that HRC allowed to be breached by putting it on her personal server means without any doubt those who wish to do harm to the US have had access to it. Only a naïve child would deny the Chinese, North Korean and other intelligence agencies regularly troll personal residences of senior officials for this very reason, easily poaching info from unclas servers, which is also why what she did is most certainly prohibited. She did this in spite of being given a security warning like other government employees against precisely this type of unconscionable conduct.
    Sorry underlings, having already taken the 5th, removing the classification labels before sending them to her home email doesn’t cut it.
    2. Hillary has most likely gotten away with illegal crap before and no doubt is sure she will get away with this gross breach of security.
    3. The White House will not allow her to be indicted, being good Dems. OTOH they are quite uncomfortable right now. It is quite possible though, their refusal to indict and the reasons behind that recommendation will be leaked/made public. No matter she will still run for POTUS, telling us what a good job she’s done. So no Sanders and no Bloomberg.
    4. Neither Cruz nor Rubio have the parts to take her on in a presidential election because of her non-empathy and conscience free pathology masquerading as a personality, especially with media running interference for her. Only media savvy Trump can overcome those Hillary and her media allies.
    Then there is her BS “what difference does it make” attitude around Benghazi. Coming soon.

  4. How many millions would Americas enemies pay to a money worshiping witch, for unfettered access to secret emails?
    Name your price, methinks.
