Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

Watch, and learn.

Donald Trump has been blowing up the traditional GOP certainties left and right, and this week he overturned another one. In what seemed like an embarrassing rebuke, on February 1, Adele told the Republican front-runner that he didn’t have her permission to use her songs at his massive campaign events. Adele might just be the world’s most popular singer at the moment, and any normal candidate would have folded his tent, chastened. Not Trump.


33 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. While I realize that what Tevi Troy is writing his version of facts, if indeed the copyright to the song is Adele’s, and she doesn’t want Trump to use it in public, then he should respect that. Trampling on a popular figure like Adele is not wise. Then later on when the Chinese or the Russians rob the patent to an American idea, trump will go on another tangent in a different direction!! The guy is a total idiot! If I were Trump, I would worry about Putin instead of Cruz!

  2. The Republicans have been beaten and abused by the MSM and the pop culture icons so many times, they just cower and whimper when they are shown the back of a hand.
    Along comes Trump, who just doesn’t give a hang. He will go toe to toe with them, because he wants to win, but is willing to lose if he must. He is the Donald, and half the fun for him is the battle. Look at it from his view. After it is over, Adele might be a now popular music star, but in ten years she may be a trivia question, and he knows that HE will still be Donald Trump. (It also helps he has the license in hand and the law on his side.)
    It is easy to understand his popularity. He puts it out there, and says take me as I am; don’t like it? GFY

  3. well, speaking of spinning LPs and spinning CDs, no shortage of ‘spin’ in this article.
    esp. this tidbit: “a swaggering example of how it’s really done”
    swagger? it’s been a very, very, very long time I started having the urge any time someone ‘swaggers’ in, to kick them really really hard in the balls.
    don’t ‘swagger’ in front of me. use reasoned points albeit enveloped in caustic rhetoric, but with sufficient truth to file it under ‘that’s politics’.
    but don’t godd**m swagger in front of me because I don’t like ANYTHING about where THAT ‘attitude’ comes from.

  4. PZ,
    Adele made a mistake. Don’t like it, ask Trump privately, don’t issue a press release.
    As our host opines, Trump won’t be shamed. He will get in your face, and usually has what it takes to win.
    “Here, tell these people something they don’t know about me!” Mic drop!

  5. Considering that Mr. Trump is paying for his own campaign, that none of the other candidates are doing, he can swagger all he wants.
    He’s been highly successful.
    Are you a bit envious perhaps? Just perhaps?

  6. Gotta read the column, P. If the candidate buys a blanket license to an organization (CBS, Deep Elm, Ruthless, etc.), he gets carte blanche to use whatever he chooses. Rest assured, Trump will use her stuff just as a STFU to her as often as possible.
    Because he doesn’t care. The right has begged and pleaded with its nominees to play rough and, now that one appears, he’s just not Republican enough. No wonder they deserve to lose.
    Trump/Petraeus or Mattis 2016.

  7. Consider the running battle between Rosie O'(truther) Donnell and Mr. Trump. A very public war of words. Now ask yourself …. where is Rosie about now ? and is she enjoying the sh*tpile her life has become (just ask her adopted daughter who got out ASAP). And where is Donald Trump ? and is he enjoying his wealth, and commanding lead in the Republican Primary race ? Let this be a cautionary tale for Adele. Esp. considering the fragility of her voice. She may not want to be making enemies she cannot afford. On the other hand, Adele’s body form is quite similar to Rosie’s … so perhaps they can swap dirty sweatshirts with one-another.
    Yes, it is high time that a Republican candidate grew a pair when insulted by musicians. For Gods sake … is Rush Limbaugh the ONLY conservative who had the stones to politely tell Chrissie Hynde that YES he WILL keep using The Pretenders “Ohio” (My city was Gone) as his theme song. After a while she finally stopped whining like a little spoiled leftist child. And, yeah, he’s paid for the rights. Ain’t the free market kind to artists intellectual property ?

  8. Whether or not Adele wants Trump to use her songs is pretty much immaterial. The music copyright industry is quite complicated, and in most cases, the artist has surrendered all rights to the use and distribution of their work to the music label and its distrbution affiliates, in order to get their work distributed. In return they’re paid a royalty for their songs based on the type and frequency and venue of use. Beyond that, most artists don’t write all of their material in its entirety, which creates additional issues as to ownership. Beyond that, a musical release is a manufactured product, not a solely created creative work of an individual artist, made under contract to the music distribution and production companies. The artist may retain creative control of the style of the musical piece, but typically has little to say about its distribution. Trump will know the legalities of this inside and out. The artist may have a hissy fit, but that’s equivalent to a petulant child, not a legal deal.

  9. Rock Stars can make 10-30 million a year?
    M. C. Hammer earned 35 million the year he went bankrupt,
    I enjoyed- ‘You Cant Touch This.’
    Trump is worth what 3.5- 4 billion?
    They could sue him for using their music,
    but it would be like a piss ant suing an elephant for stomping around the jungle.

  10. ‘You Cant Touch This.’ Laughing…..perfect for Donald Trump. He should use it.

  11. “If I were Trump, I would worry about Putin instead of Cruz!”
    Not much use worrying about Putin until you’re actually the POTUS.
    And if you don’t focus on your competition, you’re not going to be POTUS.

  12. Adele and others should suck it up. They make their living in the public domain and mostly a d@mn fine one.
    If they don’t like where their product ends up then they should find a day job and stick to playing music to their friends only.

  13. Trampling on a popular figure like Adele is not wise.
    Trampling ? Don’t you think that is being just a tad histrionic, and why is it “not wise” to upset another autotune pop-idol diva du jour ? Are her legions of equally histrionic fans who weren’t going to vote for Trump anyway not vote for him even if they were old enough to vote ?
    What anonymous critter said, she should suck it up and enjoy the free publicity while her 15 minutes lasts.

  14. Adele should suck it up, she is a good singer but any publicity is helpful to a useless musician and actors, yes useless, if there were no art or music tomorrow we would survive, so it is useless, and I’m a musician but to much emphasis and time is wasted on music and art. So what if Donald used your song sweetie, just think of it as insurance that a man, who might, once president, just protect your right to sing like a bird and make millions. All these bloated and self aggrandizing musicians and artists should do a 5 year stint in say Iran or North Korea and see how bloviating works.

  15. Despite what Adele or Neil Young says, anyone can get a blanket license to play most of the songs in the world at a public event for all of $100, give or take. ASCAP and others in the US, or SOCAN, in Canada represent composers and newer organizations representing performers are assigned to collect royalties on the copyright. Organizations I have been involved in regularly paid SOCAN. I really don’t think SOCAN would concern themselves with nit picking on licenses.

  16. Until Trump they’ve been able to have their cake and eat it too. They get rich on royalties and then get free publicity and advertising by protesting legal use of their commercial product.
    Trump should consider the following:
    1) Suggest that people boycott artists like Adele because they don’t play by their rules.
    2) Invite Adele to perform live at one of his campaign stops. When she refuses, he can use it as an example of another way that America is broken. A bakery can be fined for not baking a cake — a musician should be fined for not performing.

  17. I’m now curious if Trump will play a Dixie Chicks song…that could well start another civil war.
    Seeing the Chick’s heads’ exploding would be worth the $100 paid to ASCAP.
    The Don could even make a reality TV show out of it and make back the C-note.

  18. So what is this spoiled brat bit@hing about? She’s just another Limey making a fool of herself. Look after your own country sweetie. It’s further down the rabbit hole (just ask Alice) then America is.

  19. I guess it’s another of those ’eminent domain-like’ things…force is god.
    If it walks like a duck…

  20. GAD, I love these warblers who think they get to control who can play their recordings after they’ve sold them to ASCAP or one of the other fee-collecting entities.
    Sorry, hon, but you SOLD the rights. you no longer own that song. Ask Prince about that.

  21. Forcing someone to associate with you shows a lack of character…bully in the schoolyard stuff. No different than those who force others to bake cakes for them.

  22. Buying a product (music) and using that product is not forcing someone to associate with you. Trying to keep someone from using a product they have purchased legally is being a bully and theft.

  23. The difference.
    Addie bakes a cake. She sells the cake to Joe for ten dollars. Joe owns the cake. Joe cuts the cake into ten pieces and starts selling them. Addie sees that Donnie bought a piece of cake. She hates Donnie. She says I don’t like you Donnie so you can’t eat my cake.
    Let’s say that Donnie knows that Addie can bake good cakes and write songs. He goes to Addie and says you bake cakes and write songs for a living I want to pay you to bake me a cake and write me a song. She says no. At this point there is no cake and no song. Does Donnie own Addie’s life, time, thoughts ect and can he force her to bake him a cake or write him a song?

  24. In the US it’s law that you can be obliged to bake a cake for someone, so that should also apply to songs.
    Common sense would say neither should be an obligation.

  25. I wonder if Adele is prepared to refund all Republicans for their purchase of her Songs, the childish
    whining gets tiresome…. If she does not want Republicans to play her songs she needs to make that a condition of SALE, otherwise class action time in the adult world….
    It would be unethical to play her songs if she finds your use offensive,BUT she is also saying screw you sucker…

  26. I have a hard time believing that he can buy a license to legally use a copyrighted song against the artist’s will!! I may be wrong but…….!

  27. Trump has a lot of skeletons in his past. Have you Trump supporters ever asked yourselves why the MSM or the Democrat candidates aren’t bringing up these skeletons? Only Conservatives like the “insane” Beck, Levin, Klavan, Malkin, Crowder, Shapiro, etc are.
    Because they’re saving them for later should Trump become the Republican nominee. They want Trump to be the Republican nominee. Then they’ll use those skeletons at full throttle, and they won’t stop. You’ll be able to dismiss them them for awhile, but as these skeletons keep piling up one on top of the other they’ll become more and more difficult to ignore.
    The result of course will be a great falling away of Trump support, leaving the American people with a president that’s even more socialist than Obama. Then Trump supporters will be left sitting there wondering WTF happened? You should support Cruz. He’s the real alternative. He doesn’t have the skeletons that Trump has, and he’s a genuine conservative. Plus the democrats are scared to death of him.
    Don’t believe me? Then keep going the way you’re going.

  28. American here: the whole Trump/eminent domain thing is a big nothingburger: he offered to pay the woman over market value for her property in that parking lot deal. She refused, he backed down. She later sold to Carl Ichan for a lesser amount.
    But Jeb Bush shouldn’t have brought it up because he does have some issues with eminent domain — ask people in FL who had their orange trees chopped down, with no compensation, and threats of arrest on top of it. All of which is now been deemed unconstitutional and is costing the state of FL (aka. the taxpayers) millions of dollars…and still isn’t completely rectified yet.
    Oh, and Rubio was working in the state capitol while this was happening too.
    It’s kinda like the Adele thing: she has her stash, fair and square, and he has the song.
    PS. Of course Cruz doesn’t have skeletons in his closet; he’s been anointed by God to save America, punish the sinners, and bring rewards/wealth/power to the priesthood, just ask his dad and Glenn Beck. (by the way, I’m Christian, just not of the kind who goes around saying or believing in things like that, and yeah, I was being sarcastic about him not having skeletons)

  29. Anyone with life experience has “skeletons” in their past, it is called growing up.
    The difference is Trump the showman will turn his past indiscretions into reasons to trust him,use the “revelations” as an excuse to further mock the media, where as our RINO’s will whimper and slink away from the blatant bias and hatred of the media tools.
    President Trump sells itself, businessman, veteran of succeeding in a corrupt society, proven as capable of using and bending politicians to serve his own ends.
    Politics is the art of the deal, better to jaw,jaw than open war.
    Trump has claimed the mastery of the “Art of the Deal”, the media helped create him and he owns them.
    Every competent citizen can relate to Trump.
    Success in USA is measured in greenbacks, career politicians come into power poor and leave bloated, Washington DC is the richest region of the nation.
    A Trump comes in bloated and does not give a wet toss for the “needs” of the professional parasites.
