26 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Thanks for the video.
    I’ve been a homebrewer for more than 20 years and I’ve never seen this before. The channel where it came from is:
    That video prompted me to look up the name Charlie Papazian, who wrote “The New Complete Joy of Home Brewing” (regarded by many as the definitive work on the subject). This resulted in my finding this channel:

  2. The 2016 Teddy Awards. What are they putting in the water in Saskatoon?
    OTTAWA — Congratulations, Prince Edward Island!
    Canada’s tiniest province was a hands-down winner in the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation annual government waste awards.
    The province won after it printed up a 180,000 copies of a tourism guide with a front cover that featured a nice beach scene with a woman and man, who was sporting an erection.

  3. Markup H R 3892 the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act…
    If it passes. It will be the first U.S. ideological victory since the 9/11 attacks.
    Nearly 15 years after 9/11 some are beginning to understand the enemy, the Caliphate Curve, Sharia Law, and the M.B. role in subverting the West from within.
    Hopefully, this will be President Donald Trumps first official act of office.

  4. Justine Liberal government crashes on POT.
    Number of election promises shot down = 135.
    “Canada to stay in program of F-35 jet buyers despite pledge to withdraw”
    “The Canadian government intends to make a payment this spring to remain part of the consortium of F-35 Lightning fighter-jet buyers, despite a Liberal election promise to exclude the aircraft when selecting this country’s next warplane.
    The move raises questions about whether the Liberal government is reconsidering its ban on purchasing the controversial F-35 jet.”

  5. Re: Zimbabwe and the Chinese colonizing
    Green Acres is the place for me
    Zimbabwe is where I want to be
    Land stretching out so far and wide
    Keep Beijing and give me the countryside.
    When the first 10,000 chinese colonists arrive let me know.
    China is buying influence in a number of 3rd world sh*t holes. For example, let’s not forget that new canal across Nicaragua.
    Really, Chinese in Zimbabwe ….. so what. The Chinese are every bit as racist as the evil “whitey” and with a lot fewer SJWs to whine about everything they do. They need some African resources and allies. So they buy some influence in Zimbabwe on the cheap and push for use of their currency. If they can help this basket case of a country I say go for it. But keep in mind that they’ll decamp in a flash if it gets to complicated. They’re really not that caring.

  6. Actually, Chretien started the ball rolling on this one in 1997, so he’s duty bound to keep the LPOC gravy going. Maybe Bombardier can scoop a contract for doing the windshields daily. Union chobs!

  7. I can’t vouch for this but there’s a rumor going around that the photo on the pamphlet was
    deliberate. The company that was awarded the contract for it is apparently “gay friendly”
    ( if you get what I mean.) It was a subtle way of appealing to gays to visit PEI and enjoy the “fruits” of the island.
    Just sayin’

  8. Dear Trump fan:
    So You Want Someone To ‘Tell It Like It Is’? OK, Here You Go.

    Right down the list, you are blithely embracing every single thing you say you’re so angry about. Trump is the very embodiment of corruption, deception, cowardice, and elitism. He is precisely the sort of man you supposedly detest. Trump is exploiting America’s frustration with men like Trump. Trump is running against Trump. You are voting for Trump because you hate Trump. You are angry at politicians because they act like Trump and make deals like Trump and go to cocktail parties with men like Trump and look down on the little guy like Trump and possess the integrity of Trump, and so you’re solution is to elect Trump. Your anger at Trump leads you to Trump. Perhaps this explains why you’re so worried about politicians who are “controlled by donors,” but you aren’t at all concerned about a politicians who is the very donor you didn’t want controlling the political process. “I’m sick of these donors influencing the government! I have an idea: let’s make one president!” 

  9. Narcissists Inc.: O & J.
    “The unsettling precedent: How Barack Obama killed Nasser al-Awlaki”
    “The cleric was — at least since the Civil War — the first American citizen to be hunted down and deliberately killed by his own government” (NP)
    “Toronto 18 terrorist would regain citizenship in Liberal bill reversing Tory changes”
    “Immigration Minister John McCallum has introduced a bill that, if passed, would remove terrorism as grounds for revoking citizenship from people such as Zakaria Amara”

  10. Yup, Glenn Beck hit his head, diving into the deepend of his pool.
    Isn’t Beck still rooting for Rand Paul. Go Rand, LOL………….
    Beck has just gone WAY too far off the far end of the scale. His preferred candidate would never get elected, but he’s pure of heart, dontcha know?
    The object, as stated in another thread, is to KICK THE DEMS OUT and PREVENT HITLERY from getting in the WH with Bill the Molester.
    Trump is clearly, the candidate

  11. In that short paragraph you highlighted there are 12 “you”s. You think this, you think that, you believe this, you are voting for Trump because you hate Trump, blah, blah, blah, you’re an idiot if you don’t accept everything I say, blah, blah.
    Some guy on the internet telling me what I believe and why I do things…… is that a joke? Consider, it’s such boilerplate verbiage and so devoid of actual facts that simply by changing the name it would apply equally well to Cruz, Rubio, and Clinton and just about any other politician.

  12. PET Cemetery Report.
    Liberal off to jail “to begin her 18-month term for fraud and breach of trust.”
    Liberal Thibault was a Liberal Ad$cam Jeancula Chretien’s appointee.
    “Ex-lieutenant-governor Lise Thibault begins prison sentence in Quebec City”
    “Lise Thibault’s partner says the former Quebec lieutenant-governor will not go to the Supreme Court after losing her bid to serve her 18-month jail term in the community.”

  13. “Energy price war spreads to gas as US shale storms global market, stalks Russia”
    “The emergence of the US as a gas superpower is a geopolitical earthquake, said the US energy secretary”
    “The US has exported its first shipment of natural gas in a historic move that shifts the balance of power in the global energy market and kicks off a struggle with Russia for market share.
    Surging US supply over the next five years threatens to break the Kremlin’s dominance over Europe’s gas market, and is already provoking talk of a “Saudi-style” counter attack by Moscow to drive US shale gas frackers out of business before they gain a footing.
    At the very least, it sharpens a global price war as liquefied natural gas (LNG) bursts onto the scene, and closes the chapter on the 20th century system of pipeline monopolies. Gas is starting to resemble the spot market for crude oil, with the same wild swings in prices and boom-bust cycles.”

  14. I think this has been out there for a while, but I just saw it last night on TVO: Big Wind. If you want to know what a nasty piece of legislation the Ontario “Green Energy Act” is — check out the online video. http://tvo.org/video/documentaries/big-wind
    Someone (I think someone from the Alberta NDP) was recently suggesting that Alberta could reinvent itself, diversify and be a “leader” by getting into wind turbines or solar. These people are complete simpletons. The green energy scam is stealing jobs and prosperity from Canadians. In Ontario it is the exorbitant cost of hydro — a carbon tax will add to the already high cost of everything.

  15. We own a parrot, and that was sad, parrots mimic, and respond to stimulus. For instance, when the phone rings, Buddi will say “Hello”. The bird in the video was responding to violence with what it has heard in the past. It wasn’t swearing to voice it’s opinion on the cage, parrots aren’t fluent in English,it was just reliving violent episodes it has experienced. The fact people find this amusing disgusts me, I am seriously concerned this video was from a parrot rescue organisation, it wasn’t funny at all, if you like that, buy a parrot and yell, scream, break stuff and swear at your wife, and then you can make a youtube video about round cages.
