20 Replies to “See, easy.”

  1. Maybe this is happening but I haven’t heard of Hollywood narcissists attacking Trump. I suspect they’re somewhat scared of the reprisal.

  2. Did anyone read the whole thing??
    And yes Obama and Trudeau are self absorbed, self centred narcissists.

  3. Yes and O’Bizmal has said Trump is not qualified for the job. This from a “community organiser”.. That POS should keep his worthless nose away from the fray.

  4. A good read. Anyway, they’re all narcissists. The question is: which ones are pathological? Or malignant? Or deadly?
    I’ll take my chances with Trump. He is the only current political narcissist in these parts with common sense. He actually knows what success is; just promising doesn’t cut it in the private sector. He knows how to work hard and smart. Most of all, he’s a dealmaker of good deals, that’s what’s badly needed, which Trump rightly points out in his sometimes incoherent way. Have any of you listened to Hillary lately; cognitive dissonance in action.
    Watch for a more presidential Trump soon, less retaliation; now he’ll pick his spots. The fact the guy constantly talks about himself is a dead giveaway btw. Effective people have high powered egos. Too bad too many ineffective people have high powered egos too.
    Maybe a fresh look at the state of their nation is a good thing. The GOP establishment, having sabotaged their last two POTUS elections courtesy of milquetoast conservatism, now this time have no candidates, but seem determined to ruin another campaign for their ideological sakes. They all need to pull together under the GOP banner, very soon as it becomes clear soon, likely after Super Tuesday, Trump will win the nomination.
    At least the moribund Dems have enough sense to avoid all out attacks on each other; ammunition for their opponents in the general election. Would RINO and real conservatives and tea partiers rather a HRC presidency? They act like they would. This is why they lost two presidential elections.
    Now Romney spouts off about tax returns, reeking of desperation. This is the guy who, as a poster here noted, should have mushroom clouded debate “moderator” Candy Crowley, instead he was polite, played it safe, ending up as the latest GOP deer in the Dem/media headlights, his rack their trophy.
    Trump is the archetype opponent for Clinton. What if he took NY? I wouldn’t put it past him. He takes no prisoners, challenges obfuscation & charges of racism, who is media savvy himself. The Demmedia can easily handle Cruz or Rubio imho. Trump breaks all the rules because he runs on his track, is not cowered at all by PC shoutouts, and self-funds, not all that narcissistic imho.
    His deal, to be POTUS, is still in negotiation, quite soon with the general electorate. He’s a SOB, butthat and narcissist rolled up into one; unlike the others he can point to achievement, of bringing people together.
    Isn’t anything better than statist morons wasting our money? Besides, who would want to miss the giant free stuff temper tantrum “protests” when Trump campaigns against Hillary.

  5. “Yes and O’Bizmal has said Trump is not qualified for the job. …” Well, if anyone knows what it is to be not qualified for his job, he should.

  6. it’s not complicated…
    only trump can beat Shrillary.
    No Trump, no America?
    fortunately, Hubbell’s hag will be getting fitted for Kankle Irons during President Trump’s first term.
    Trumps gonna be great.
    Americas gonna be great.
    It’s gonna be great!

  7. Sure hope Trump knows how to stall the democrat,s graveyard vote in the coming election.
    They usually manage a 120 % turnout without any official questioning.

  8. Exactly. The Donald is sure shaking everything up in the US political world. Looks good on them. So loser Romney is giving advice on how to win this fall’s election. Ha, ha.
    Everyone aspiring to higher political office or in upper management of any sort has to be at least a little narcissistic. A very few are like Carson.

  9. one simple fact that bears repeating is that a president Trump will not be tempted to build up a network of money boys around him, sacrificing integrity and purpose to enrich himself while in office. Ever notice that phenomenon? Cretien comes to minds. and the Clintons.
    Donald’s personal wealth insulates him from that.

  10. Trump also artfully brought up the notion that if he wins, he will have HRC charged.
    You know why this is brilliant? Because the MSM and HRC’s team are trying desperately to cover up this email scandal, and for the most part, they are succeeding. It is clear that she is getting a pass. Now Trump comes along and flushes it out by saying he is going to pursue charges when he becomes POTUS. If Trump is the Republican nominee, he’ll NEVER let this story die because he’ll talk about it everyday, and since the MSM wil always cover him, this scandal with keep getting oxygen. It is bloody brilliant.

  11. It is not necessarily a “belief” that one is better, it may just be a fact. Of course politicians never fall into the factual category.

  12. All I know is Trump’s comment about how he loves the uneducated brought out the usual vitriol from the elites.

  13. If I knew nothing else about Trump, and I heard ONLY that promise from him … that he will prosecute Hillary’s emailgate to the full extent of the law … I would vote for him. Why ? Because the Republican Establishment would NEVER make such a statement in a Presidential election … EVER. The last two Republican elections have been so milquetoast as to alienate vast numbers of the “base”. It is about time we had a muscular candidate who didn’t whimper in the shadows.

  14. The mark of a man is in the calibre of both his friends and enemies.
    Given the type of persons railing against Trump..
    Might be the highest calibre candidate we have seen in decades.
    About the only way they could stop Trump is to proclaim their love for him.
    Look at the Romney attack, demanding the tax records of a private citizen, sleazy, shows what a progressive in RINO dress Romney was.
    Tax records of government employees/trough feeders are public property,private records not so, Trumps tax records will be common knowledge of all the power brokers thanks to the corruption of the IRS.
    Through his refusal to release tax records, he will use to force the elites to “leak” them, then attack the IRS cronyism.
    Trump is so far ahead of these Kleptos it is almost comical.

  15. Trump has every intention of releasing his tax returns. He is just playing the fools who think there’s something juicy there for Trump haters. He has been politically stalked for so long now; would he be stupid enough to play fast and loose with his taxes. Of course not. This chess player is many moves ahead of his opponents. He is also well aware of the near criminal bias of our media delivering cabin boy in our disastrous Cdn federal election.
    I don’t think any candidate of any party has his energy, drive and enthusiasm; that will also be telling going forward.
    BTW when do the Clintons plan on releasing their tax returns? Obama’s is a one liner – 100% courtesy of taxpayers, with a little given back to them. He’ll probably leave office “broke” like the Clintons who had to survive on $12m income the year after Bill left office.
    The only question is which will sink Hillary first, her email scandal or the Clinton Foundation influence peddling and co-mingling of State business?
