11 Replies to “Standard Operating Procedure”

  1. The really kewl thing about government medicine is that EVERY provider; Dr. Nurse, Administrator, Regulator, etc. get paid TWICE (or more) as much as they did in private medicine … cause the govt will just print more money to accommodate them ! And we ALL WIN ! … right ?
    You GO Nurses ! GRAB the biggest stack that you can ! … with both hands. Don’t give me none of that goody-good bullllshet !

  2. How much more could they want? The nurses make 100,000 a year now for showing a thermometer up your ass.

  3. There are many great nurses! However the bad ones become managers and really bad ones move up to be directors.
    The doctors are treated like gods and the nurses never say no to a doctor. That is why the system is dis-functional. Health regions hate being managed by real business people without medical credentials.
    It would be like a Ford dealership being run by the mechanics, they may know everything about a transmission, but they know shit about running a business.

  4. There should be a total media blackout on these public sector unions during election periods. Am I the only one who is totally disgusted by the barrage of public sector union TV advertising being hurled at us in Manitoba in the lead up to the April 19 election? All about “preserving” public services from un-named but clearly nefarious politicians who are supposedly threatening school funding and other public services.
    Public sector unions fear-mongering and misleading the public? Nah, that would never happen, would it?

  5. Amazing the airs/powers these leeches give themselves.
    The “independent arbitrator” scam is getting old, just like all these government funded NGO’s it is rent a scapegoat…buy a smokescreen.
    The elected thieves can say”We didn’t give them that. We did not violate our own rules…”
    Another double whammy to the taxpayers.
    As for non nurses deciding on healthcare…
    Nurses may as well just get their wages doubled,they will be administered by the fools and bandits.
    There is reason there are more administrators than functional staff in healthcare.
    Politicians appoint comptrollers who match their abilities, cover their ass being the preferred skill.
    Good enough for government.
    Nurses have always had my sympathy, they all start out caring compassionate people, then the administration forces them into being bureaucrats
    For the first thing to go, when a bureaucracy takes over is compassion.
    Check the box, no you may not go the extra mile, do anything beyond your union job description…
    Yup FREE healthcare from the public service, I wish it was worth what I have paid for it.

  6. People who are paid by the taxpayer should be required to divulge every aspect of negotiation along the way.

  7. “Public sector unions fear-mongering”
    I have a close relative who works for the local health region and could be described as the quintessential liv. She told me that her union is pushing hard for the workers to vote NDP in the Sask. election in April and have, once again, dusted off the old “hidden agenda” and “privatization” boogeymen in a lame attempt to intimidate and frighten. The union, knowing full well that the Sask Party has been providing good government for 8 plus years and that their beloved NDP has nothing to offer other than meaningless platitudes and an abysmal track record has been warning members of impending wholesale privatization of health care in the province. When I was asked if this was true I simply answered that Brad Wall has led two majority governments and has done little or nothing in the way of privatization. Why would he start now? The union has even gone so far as to provide a large supply of lawn signs for their members proclaiming “I vote for healthcare” or some such drivel and have been strongly encouraged to take them home and display them prominently. Apparently the pile of signs is dwindling very slowly, indicating that the members aren’t quite as gullible as their union thinks.
    It never ceases to amaze me what a low opinion of their membership that the unions hold. Passing off bullshit and fear-mongering as logical voting advice seems to have lost its lustre over the years which does not bode well for the NDP who specialize in this area.

  8. “It never ceases to amaze me what a low opinion of their membership that the unions hold. Passing off bullshit and fear-mongering as logical voting advice seems to have lost its lustre over the years which does not bode well for the NDP who specialize in this area.”
    Because in Manitoba they are allowed to advertise this perspective on television prior to a general provincial election, they are demonstrating the same low opinion, contempt really, of the entire voting population. I am hoping this time that the public sees through it.
