21 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Exact same experience here, couldn’t make it past the 3:00 mark, or so.
    I have no doubt he was working towards a very valid point, but his methods are faaaar too annoying for me to sit through.

  2. Maybe you don’t have an interest in the US elections, so don’t read the postings, but it is an interesting election in the US. I go to another site where people from all over the world are interested in and comment on the US election — and many Canadians are interested. US politics always has an impact on Canada.

  3. Reality TV is real people pretending to be real actors pretending to be real people. It is so contrived, I guess that’s why it dovetails into politics so nicely.
    Reality Television is not completely without it’s merits though. I did learn on Ice Road Truckers that whenever a semi reaches the end of any ice road in N. America, there is a crescendo of violins.

  4. Trump is the beneficiary of a diffuse and divided opposition. THAT is the main takeaway from his rise to the top of the nominee pile. Were it just Rubio or just Cruz or even just kasich trump would likely be long gone.
    Ditto the ndp in Alberta. And the ten years of cpc in power in Canada.
    Were it just Rubio or just Cruz or even just kasich trump would likely be long gone.

  5. Because the U.S. election will be of great consequence in the future of the U.S.A. And the U.S.A. is of great consequence in the future of the world. That country is our closest neighbour, our biggest customer, the most important player in our national defence and security, the most significant national economy in the world (e.g. as a customer and debtor to China), and through its entertainment industry, the biggest influence on our culture.

  6. I did learn on Ice Road Truckers that whenever a semi reaches the end of any ice road in N. America, there is a crescendo of violins.
    Those Canada Arts Council grants had to go somewhere.

  7. Yes, no good comes of such musings. Despite how much better things could be if he weren’t President I have never thought getting rid of Barack Obama by assassination would be a good thing. (But if he klutzes out on the course and dies of a self-inflicted blow to the head with a golf club, I’ll say “we all have to die of something or other, and that’s appropriate for him.”)

  8. That video lasted 10 seconds for me. I assume this sort of presentation is designed for people who cannot read or think for themselves. Since neither of these apply to me, I just moved on.

  9. While I can appreciate the tone of the video isn’t to anyone’s tastes (it’s clickbait YouTube channel on pop culture, after all), this guy makes the most salient arguments on why Donald Trump is going to take the nomination that I’ve seen.
    If you find it to be too annoying to watch, you’re missing the point.

  10. You don’t have to watch some wacko video to understand why Trump is leading.
    I have never been enamored with the guy but he has absolutely nailed the three biggies that many many Americans detest about their current Ruling Class:
    1) Political correctness run amok.(Think migrants feelings ahead of children’s)
    2) Crony capitalism. (Think massive “green” subsidies)
    3) Mainstream media’s lies. (Think Hilldabeast still in the running)
    Am I wrong ??

  11. nope, you nailed it, and Gord Tulk completely misses it. Trump would still win against any of those who he mentions. Those who vote for Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich, encompass a lot of rightwing LIV’s, AKA, bibe bangers

  12. This is the best analogy regarding Trump and the GOP I’ve read in a while:
    “The problem for the GOP is that – unlike the voters – most of the people at the head of the party view Trump as nominee with the kind of horror with which I would react to hearing that Madonna was baby-sitting my children.”

  13. The bad news for Rubio and Cruz just keeps rolling in.
    Rubio, when pressed, says that the only state where he was assured of a win was his home state of Florida.
    A poll released this morning show that Trump has 44%, Rubio at 28% and Cruz at 12%.
    Florida is a winner-takes-all state and they vote on March 15.
    Cruz’s home state of Texas was supposed to be a slam-dunk for Cruz but the latest poll shows Cruz and Trump tied at 32% each with Rubio at 17%.
    Texas votes next Tuesday.
    For all of this, Cruz and Rubio are still confident that Trump has peaked and that one of them is destined to be the nominee.
    The way I see it is that Cruz and Rubio live in the basement and their confidence comes from the fact that they can’t go any lower so things can’t get any worse.
    And further, they are saying that Trump might live in the penthouse but he cannot go any higher.
    Trump, on the other hand, is smiling and is planning to flood the basement with sewer water.

  14. Ron; as nme666 has said you have the established the reason the much more sophisticated voters in the U.S.A. understand. The much more sophisticated voters are in comparison to the Special Interest Voters in Canada-formerly GREAT britain; Europe especially Germany/France/Spain/Italy/Ireland/ etc. etc.—–
    As I mentioned probably far too much my relationship with Americans in Business; Travel; Friends (Good Friends); Acquaintances etc. etc. and beleive I am able to bring a bit more insight to the average Sovereign American Citizens’ Character.
    First; being Sovereign is a BIG DEAL to American Citizens as it should. There is not another Nation/Country in the world which can legitimately claim this distinction. Canada being the greatest example of the difference.
    Possibly Australia is closer to becoming the only other Nation/Country which could qualify.
    The Average American understands;— living in the Third or Fourth Largest Nation with the greatest intermixing of colours/tribes/languages/cultures will be a very difficult hill to climb to the top of the Dirty-Mean-Dangerous-pile of super-ego types doing so; will rather find their fulfillment otherwise in this much too short life span.
    This understandably Politics is for the super-ego types who will play Dirty-be mean- etc. etc. as long as they don’t screw up and don’t kill too many of the Average American Sovereign Citizens’ Children. But the Sovereign gets P.O.ed with unaccountability and lying and slowly, surely coalesces over a decade or so and then they move in a group to correct the situation.
    Trump is a very intuitive; intelligent male with Cojones of Iron from making decisions at the mega loss level of arriving at plans to face down lesser combatants. The Political Class in the U.S.A are group of Sinecure seekers whether; Elected; Appointed; Bureacratic; Academic or just Family. If any of them faced a Billion Dollar Bankruptcy and whether Male or Female would need to start wearing Sanitary Napkins backwards to control their diarrhea.
    Trump has suffered many wins and possibly several Bankruptcy situations. There are several Hundred Thousand if not Millions of the Political Class in Washington and across the U.S.A. who will provide all the “You Can’t Do This” or “This is What YOU must Do”. Donald Trump probably already knows the Good; the Bad; and the Really Ugly; “Clintonians) will be finally gone.
    The Average American Sovereign Citizen will then return to their more comfortable existances.

  15. Some conservatives still don’t get it, this November,it’s either Trump or Hillary. Doesn’t matter if you don’t like Trump,if he’s not your idea of the perfect candidate, it only matters that he can defeat Clinton, and try to get America back on track.
    Democrats DO understand this, yet conservatives always refer to them as “stupid”. Stupid they may be, but they do understand something too many conservatives fail to, it’s US or THEM,and Democrats will always vote for US, no matter who represents them.
    They don’t care if their candidate has faults,or is a narcissist,psychopath,or is afflicted with any other personality disorder, they only know the their only chance to retain power is to vote for their candidate.They don’t care if their candidate is Hillary,Bernie,Bozo the clown, or the Mad Hatter, she/he’s their candidate,and that’s all they need to know.
    And that is who they’ll vote for.
    It is a hair-tearing moment to have to read SO many conservatives who claim they “can’t” vote for Trump,or will stay home and not vote at all.
    These are the “stupid” voters, not the Democrats. It’s WAR folks, that’s how the progressives see it,and that’s the way we have to view it,or we’ll lose AGAIN!
    America has to get rid of the Democrats in the White House,and if they have to embrace the Devil himself to do so, had better, or it’ll be a lot hotter in the Hell Clinton will make of America.

  16. The globalist’s zero end game is so determined and corrupt that I may have become too cynical.
    I want to believe that this election is a revolution; that it is truly a battle between (US) Sovereignty vs. Globalism and that Trump is the man to break the Globalist agenda…But what if the Globalists are already ahead of the game and that the Donald is just another cleverly manufactured manipulation?
    I have posted here a few years ago on what I thought at the time was a pure orchestrated show Alinski style, to defuse the very real unanswered questions about Obama’s past where Trump had brought up the Birth Certificate and “his own investigation team” on the issue and was literally laughed out of a Gala where Obama himself made fun of it and Trump. Trump was always stubbornly staying on the same script and never elaborated on the facts which brought out alarm bells in me at the time. There was so much meat that was never elaborated including the unresolved Connecticut SSN.
    Also the fact that Trump worked many years receiving money for his TV show via NBC, a known Obama/Democrat bias Network supporter.
    Also that he supported the Clintons.
    I want to believe Trump is the man to:
    – Put political correctness in it’s proper place.
    – Set up borders where they should be.
    – Destroy the Global warming scam.
    – Etc…
    But the Globalists (UN, Banksters, organized crime syndicates including drug overlords and all) are being really threatened here and they are truly powerful.
    So far Pope Francis the False (First Pope to stick his nose in an election since Henry the 8th), The Chinese Government and even El Chapo ( Offers Millions for Trump’s assassination) with even s NYT reporter joking about a Trump assassination “Like in the movie “The Dead Zone”.
    I want to believe but I am prepared for a disappointment. The biggest of all being that we will only continue to complain on our computer keys whatever happens.
    So it always boils down to: “Have we truly suffered enough yet?”

  17. You are absolutely right as are Don Morris @ 1:53 PM and Terry Tory @ 2:03 PM.
    I also want to believe that Trump is the guy to shake things up and give the country back to the people. I am not sure if the analogy is appropriate, but I feel we are become nations of Eloi being used as food by the Morlocks.
    Take our last federal election, everything the Conservative Party under PM Harper legislated is being rolled back one piece of legislation a week. Today the Liberals announced that they are rolling back the immigration and citizenship changes Harper made to eject and or protect us from terrorists. Why did I bother to support financially and vote for the Conservative Party for ten years or so only to see everything undone in a couple of months. This country is totally under the control of and for the benefit of the Laurentian Elite. If Trump can somehow get rid of the similar slime in the US all the better.
