35 Replies to “A heck of a wedge issue.”

  1. Someone commented here that these issues are, for an intellectually and fiscally bankrupt welfare state, weapons of mass distraction. They have zero impact on climate and just delay the day of fiscal reckoning. Few politicians are not moral cowards on CAGW and instead go along with the Lysenko consensus in perhaps a lower gear than the Spawn’s brain-trust.

  2. Isn’t it amazing how for the entire Harper term there was virtually no separation talk and in the few month of the Shiny Pony everywhere you turn someone is suggesting that we go our separate ways? I miss Harper.

  3. I hope this, along with the crashing western oil economies are enough to build a wedge issue worth voting for.
    Please, Justin, bring it on…
    Canada, at times it’s been nice, but that time is past.

  4. Another energy tax! Whooppee! Just like Ontario! Now, what could be the link, Mr. Butts?
    Message to Boy Wonder: “Get off your butts, put the butts out”.

  5. Yup and the wannabes in the new and improved PCPC, PCP for short will lap it up.
    Naturally the progressive conservatives will fasten onto a myth just as it implodes.
    Are there any conservatives in Eastern Canada?
    Any who can separate BS from fact?
    Any who can add?
    Any capable of utilizing the scientific method?
    Any capable of explaining to voters,that debt,deficits and crapping in your own nest are not serving their, the citizens, self interests?
    Or any capable of actually reducing theft by force of government to a sustainable level, like a maximin of 10% total?
    Drinking the coolaide,to convince the LIV of your Gangrene Credentials, for sure that will convince voters of your common sense and ethics.
    If I am forced to act,I will not give a shit when clubbing a thieving parasite,whether they be Red or Blue tinged .
    A pestilence is still a live threatening nasty plague, you do not suck up to it to impress children.

  6. I was curious about where Trump stood on the issue of climate change and I found this
    He may tone down the rhetoric, but he will not be doing anything damaging to the US economy on this — in contrast to our own Justin. I think Trump has the potential to change the dialogue on this issue. Trump certainly must have all the globalists nervous. I am worried he may be prevented from taking office even if he wins.

  7. I didn’t realize how much Stephen Harper was holding back the climate change warriors.
    Ever since he was defeated it’s been full tilt on with more g**damned carbon taxes.
    Bastards raised the OAP by 57 cents per month recently, while throwing money at every trendy cause in reach to the tune of billions.
    We need a revolution, but lack a leader.
    And good for Brad Wall, the only Premier who seems aware of what the people want.

  8. I guess the real answer is to buy yourself a little island near the equator and sell your carbon credits to one of these “exchanges” for good old cash. Next thing you7 know everyone of the islanders will drive a Tesla all the way to the bank and back.
    This whole thing is bull excrement.

  9. “We need a revolution, but lack a leader.”
    Actually we still have a leader,he is just refusing to lead a bunch of power-hungry back stabbers,if we could get him to return to the hate filled area,elect some real conservatives and get off our asses to ram the Media Parties Lies down their throats.
    Face it we backed off and left Harper out to dry.
    Admittedly his inner circle suggested this was good strategy.
    Lesson one, power attracts sycophants.
    Unwatched parties holding power are taken over by the power-hungry .
    And a resurrected Harper would make progressives heads explode.
    A more focused happy warrior Steven Harper would be priceless theatre.
    I admit at first blush it seems it seems counter productive, however consider this, how is it possible to Slime,smear and slander Steven Harper any further?
    Especially as every statement,act and idiocy of the Liberals,bureaucrats and media party , our entitled kleptocracy,shows voters exactly who was speaking truth to them.
    If the CPC insists on going Libtard lite, then they will cease to have any value .
    Avoid Separation, bring back Steven.

  10. Boom Cap N Trade entirely new huge tax within two freakin months.
    New department or new “Ministry of” in two months..
    Thousands more hired and attached for life to the STATE to work this scam, lowering tax payers standard of living further and benefitting and enlarging the elite class
    Remember when we were told incrementa-Bwaaahahah sorry, Incrementalism is important because us Canadians won’t stand for just doing stuff and getting it done.
    It took the conservatives almost 7 years to deep six the long gun registry, watch how fast it’s going to be rammed back down our throats AGAIN!
    The conservatives should have been reducing and destroying the STATE as quick as they could.
    Two months to sell the CBC three for the long gun registry, 4 to disappear a “Ministry of”
    Instead the government grew under Prime Minister Steve and he was the most conservative and small government Canadian politician on the map; we are so screwed.
    Canada and Ontario will never recover we’ll always have Liberals or NDP as our overlords, there are tpo many people that vote for a living now.
    How was Russia, Kate?

  11. A tax on absolutely nothing entirely based on junk science. Perfectly normal in a world that’s going insane.

  12. I doubt the “dear leader” in Ottawa will ask the peoples opinion on anything for 5 years. Like Obama he is out to destroy this country and remold it in his own warped image and the people will not be given a say until the very end and by then he’ll have rammed through his electoral changes and Canada will have become a permanent socialist dictatorship. His father was a communist and this little cretin wants to out do his father.

  13. Canada should start charging other countries for the use of our forests in absorbing their CO2……and I wonder why the Liberals aren’t imposing a HUGE carbon tax on oil imported INTO Canada from Saudi Arabia, et al, yet are salivating at the chance to impose a carbon tax on Canadian oil.

  14. So who has the hidden agenda now? Unfortunately, if all of this comes to pass we are doomed because no politician – Liberal, Con, Dipper or Martian will ever abandon a tax grab once it’s implemented. And what happens if none of these measures work? Raise the rates of course but for the sake of the planet and not your pocketbooks. And what are the performance metrics here? Well, the beauty of this scheme is that we’ll never really know, at least not in our lifetime.
    I have to admit that this scam is pure genius. Y’know, more and more I am coming to the conclusion that we really do have to get rid of our “first past the post” system. Yes, it is a democratic system, but it produces an electoral dictatorship. Trudope can do whatever he pleases with impunity and without opposition for the next four years and there is nothing, nothing that the Canadian electorate can do about it.

  15. However in a recent piece Steyn said that Trump “screwed him over” with a tweet supporting Michael Mann in his vicious suit against him. He added that he could be in a difficult spot with a “sitting president” being on the other side of this bogus suit which could cost him “high seven figures”.
    I’ve kinda tentatively swung back into the Trump camp but I have to confess that I’m very nervous and fearful that he’ll be all over the map with contradictory views and policies on most issues.
    We live in interesting times as the Chinese say.

  16. Re to the media printing lies in the prior post here is a prime example of it. AGW is so easily disproven yet the entire canadian media complex promotes it as a fact ( save for a couple of journos)
    The fraud is going to be used not just cynically to plug budget gaps but to ultimately control humanity. And the media know the endgame. As do the likes of turncoat manning and the current Republican Party as well as a good number of the CPC.
    There will be a ruling class and the ruled. Forget about the freedoms we take for granted today.
    Harper saw it and did his best to keep us out of its clutches. He played the game and actually reduced co2 emissions so he could legitimately say there was no need for us to sign onto binding international agreements. So he had to go and media did their job in making that happen.
    I fully agree Harper should return. He is about the only person I would trust to lead the CPC.
    Trudeau was not banished from running again when he lost an election.

  17. All this garbage from governments that Climate Change is “settled science” or a fact is completely self-serving.
    Turdo doesn’t give a rat’s behind whether Climate Change is true or not. He just sees another opportunity to force more money out of people’s pockets for his gold-plated salary, benefits, and pension plan.
    Just wait until the money starts running out. Then we’ll see what is meant by “all hell breaking loose”.

  18. You see folks….I work currently 12/hrs a day….6 days a week…my mortgage will be done in August ….and at that point I will quit working that much and purposely drop my house hold income to around 40-50 k a year. Why ? Because all of the benefits to me are around that income level . I get the most gov cheddar that way.
    No I don’t like it but I will not be viewed by the hair as evil or bad for making good money ..I will also not work hard to pay the gov salary’s instead I will make the gov pay mine. Heh heh . 2 can play that game and yes I know a lot of my friends that are going to do the same essentially starve the gov by not producing . I encourage all to do this for as long as possible.
    I mean it. If you can you should oh and by the way working part time at Home Depot will give me lots of family time to teach and train my kids how to hunt fish shoot and survive in the bushes and through winters.
    It’s the hardest thing I will do but I am so done with this country just going along to get along its crazy .
    It would be very hard but I would like Alberta to separate I know I know our pipelines will never be built then I understand. But I’m just saying if we could get the west to separate from Manitoba to the west coast it would be awesome. Tough as heck but we could use our knowledge to build the best country we could hen pick from the USA, and the likes to build a constitution that would keep gov small and on a short leash. It can be done .

  19. Preach it, brother! Just don’t work at Deep Homo P/T: it’ll bump your income up too much. Work a cash only/barter gig instead.
    I’ve been trying to come up with enough scratch to buy a business recently but now I can’t be bothered. Not willing to go into six figure debt amidst Queen Selfie’s reign in Canada. No, I’ll go farm my small acreage, grow enough to sell/trade after my own consumption and then just enjoy my current middle class dream job until it goes away.

  20. So, if Alberta separated what would be the minimum requirements of a Constitution? A separate Alberta might work for a while but politics is the perfect environment for sociopaths and psychopaths. An unnegotiable starting point should be bona fide property rights.

  21. The Canadian Conservative Party would be well advised to seek to enlist CHIEF CLARENCE LOUIE , FIRST NATIONS CHIEF IN OSOYOOS BC to lead the Canadian Conservative Party!
    All efforts in that regard would put a new face on ABORIGINAL and ALBERTA OIL SANDS OIL getting to tide water markets IN ONE HELL OF A HURRY!

  22. “Trump certainly must have all the globalists nervous. I am worried he may be prevented from taking office even if he wins.”
    He may very well be assassinated.
    If not he may very well be the one to save the west from itself. Guilty white liberals may finally get what they deserve, repeated hard kicks to the balls until they denounce their BS, climate change being one.

  23. “Are there any conservatives in Eastern Canada?
    Any who can separate BS from fact?
    Any who can add?”
    There are tons of them.
    But our Conservatives are just like your Conservatives.
    Party first.
    Add self interest, greed, lies and the usual politics and you’ll find, like we have…
    Liberal, Tory, same old story. Two sides..etc…
    Shame on you for being so easily manipulated.
    Now tell me, other than some boutique tax cuts for re-election purposes, just WHAT and HOW did Harper and you pure laine Western Cons show us the way to Con Utopia.
    Other than the fact that our current government is.. ugh…..Liberal(I possess no stronger epithet), and Harper was reasonably competent, his reign was more a missed opportunity than anything.
    Now keep blaming those Eastern biztards and electing the NDP.
    My fool is less foolish than your fool.
    That’ll show em.

  24. Someone has to pay for all those Refuges coming into Canada,
    and all the damage you have done to world oil prices and world banks, by having started your own fracking Revolution..
    A price on carbon helps shift the burden for the damage back to those who are responsible for it, and who can reduce/pay for it.

    Never forget,
    We are from the Liberal Government and We are here to help you…

  25. Don’t think that Brad Wall is not like the other socialists. He blew $1.5 billion on his carbon capture scheme and that, plus operating and maintenance costs, we will be paying for one way or another for a very long time.
    Not a hell of a lot of choice for voters in Sask now. Vote Sask Party or NDP and you end up with the same thing.

  26. I agree, same parasites different teams.
    My emphasis on Eastern Canada is based on the vote split.And history.
    The west still votes for people claiming to be conservative and fiscally responsible.
    That Ontario still has a majority provincial liberal party and was the power base for Chretien’s Rump party as it looted our pockets, points to an acceptance of kleptocracy.
    After 10 years of CPC, the eastern MP’s looked more Liberal than the Liberals, incrementalist was the wisdom.
    I stopped contributing,2011,demanding an investigation into the government corruption obvious in Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming, CPC fund raisers hang up on me.
    I believed in reform, never saw a ghost of that concept after the merger, wait they said…we need to be seen as moderate.to.FOOL the Eastern Voter.
    Displaying the same contempt for canadian citizens the Liberals thrive on.
    Yet questioning this foolishness was “undermining the party”.
    Then the MPs left over from Reform all left office, leaving the Incrementalist Party, stay the course, don’t rock the boat..even bigger bureaucracy, ever less accountability..
    So if there are tons of conservatives in Eastern canada, what is it gonna take for them to make a convincing case for conservative living?
    The tax take on”the average income earner”, another imaginary beast of burden, is pegged at 48% by the taxpayers federation of Canada.
    Government has never seen a tax they can’t perpetuate for ever.
    Kleptocracy is solidly established and seems to be impossible to restrain,reform or correct
    Too many whose self interest is in looting the rest of us.
    And there are way too many living at our expense.
    The current parasitic load is unsustainable,the wisdom of our lords and masters is to increase this load into the foreseeable future.
    So is reform even possible?
    Can anyone locate Steven harper and ask him?
    I am serious, Harper has had time for a rest and holiday finally free of the focused hate campaign.
    What analysis does he have for the CPC’s failure to return property rights,equality before our laws and ethics in government?
    Given the actions of the current ruling blocs, what does he think of incrementalism now?
    Is a parasitic organism, as entrenched as our kleptocrats, able to be reduced?
    Without killing the host?
    I am leaning toward Reset.
    No parasites ,however grand their intentions/help,gets more than 10% total and maximum.But that is a different rant.
    So can we continue as Federated Canada?
    I have been working over 4 decades, I can fix almost anything machine like, given time…I cannot fix stupid.
    I do not intend to try.
    Cash is king , metal not fiat savings, dry goods,medicine and good neighbours.

  27. I agree with most of what you say , but the mention of Steven Harper is likely to create a fire storm that we haven’t seen the likes of. They really haven’ forgotten him or let up even though he has acted with descentcy and class that is unmatched in my recollection.

  28. That is why I say bring Steve back.
    If we are going to fight the liars, then that firestorm is exactly where we need to start.
    The media sold voters Harper derangement syndrome and then The Pretty Vacant Party.
    Now as the old thieves and their shiny new cover blunder from idiocy to idiocy, Steve looks accurate and honest.
    Because he is and was.
    Even the dumbest citizen can see somebody was lying.
    The media party is easily exposed and should be listed by elections canada as LPC contributors, but that will never happen unless citizens do it..
    If there is no difference between the philosophies of those who wish to “act on our behalf”, why bother?

  29. John:
    Simply a superior post.
    I often get the feeling I am being played and I don’t like it. I get a riding notice of a meeting to select delegates for the leadership convention 13 DAYS before the meeting. Sorry but I won’t be going to either meeting. I simply don’t know whether the CPC represents my values anymore.

  30. “I will quit working that much and purposely drop my house hold income to around 40-50 k a year.”
    Smart move — Go Galt and join the cash-only society. I did that years ago, and now I have more time, no debt, and enough money for what’s important to me. The less govt. intrusion in my life, the better it is.

  31. The hypothesis of AGW has been disproven, In 167 years from 1850 to now, we have doubled C02. According to the hypothesis, that should have raised the planet’s temperature by 1.2 C but it has only risen .6 C. Since 1850 was the coldest part of the Little Ice Age, the IPCC says that .3 is recovery from the LIA. That means only. 3 C. I would suggest that the ,3 C is Urban Heat Effect but it still negates the hypothesis. There is no proof. I don’t think that a government can tax it’s citizens with no proof but I will find out. Yes Stephen Harper was right and we tried hard in Ontario but since the average citizen has an IQ of 80, it is difficult. We really need better schooling but since the province owns that also, no chance. I personally think the only way out is to leave. Let PM Le Fluff sit there with no income.

  32. Paul,
    “Tough as heck but we could use our knowledge to build the best country we could hen pick from the USA, and the likes to build a constitution that would keep gov small and on a short leash. It can be done”
    It can be done, and I am with you on that, The Republic of Western Canada is a possibility, property rights entrenched, gun rights , US style constitution. That would piss the eastern liberals right off.
    The UN would not be amused at their liberal toady failure.
    Manitoba would be wa wa wa wa over equalization payments but Northern Ontario would be all over it. West Coast to Sudbury.
    See ya laurentians, say hello to the wife…..
    oh she’s here…
