49 Replies to “Changing channels”

  1. Say what you want Lance, but until the numbers come down (as the Trump haters wish for, but fail to see, again and again), but anotherr= thing has become clear.
    Rubio is a petulant little beatch.
    And, for what its worth, everybody HATES grammer nazis…..Rubio is sinking his own ship with his silly little rants, its pathetic

  2. Rubio’s job when he’s done politics?
    Hall Monitor……………
    This is the guy who is the GOP establishment pick? Sheesh, losing is preferable as long as its the Rube?……

  3. It is amazing how this showman owns the media.
    It is amusing to listen to Rubio, the establishment man has nearly every media outlet openly supporting him and still cannot get any traction.
    I guess the establishment has not realized the public actually hears the media narrative, reacting accordingly.
    Was trying to find Psychedelic Furs;President Gas” as it seems appropriate for these times.
    This is the “F.U ” election, if Trump is a trojan horse, then the citizens will have to clean house themselves, the progressives had better learn to pray, that Trump wins.
    For if the mob must reset the Kleptocracy, the French Revolutions will become hallmarks of civility.
    We ape the Americans with a time lag, as they throw off Obamanation, we embrace it.
    As the Liberals destroy our nation, we must wonder, do we want to save this nation?
    The taker, maker divide is stark, but that 61% of voters who voter taker, are they fixed on that concept or can they be educated before the nation implodes?
    Billion of debt, seems to mean nothing to our politicians, bureaus and eastern voters…Why?
    What makes these voters feel entitled to over 50% of the return on my labour?
    Would they feel the same if roles are reversed?

  4. Americans who don’t vote Democrat simply can’t vote for Trump, he’s not conservative, so the story goes.
    So, like a little boy sulking in his room, conservative voters will stay home,and as one blog commenter said,”then if Hillary is elected,you can’t blame me”.
    Are people really that stupid?
    As I’ve said many times, the big difference between liberals and conservatives is liberals will stand behind their candidate with all his/her faults and back that person 100%,while conservatives search in vain for the perfect candidate,who exists only in their imagination.
    Are American conservatives stupid enough to do it again, and turn the Nation over to Hillary Clinton?
    I hope not.

  5. As IF … Trump needed an attack-dog ? Well … he’s got one now. With a pretty good pedigree. Shrillary is gonna need to put some more padding in her pantsuits.

  6. Its no surprise Christie backed Trump, their relationship must go back decades.
    Look for Christie as AG or VP in a Trump administration, its a no brainer. And, unlike the OBarry kleptocracy, Christie is more than qualified for either job.

  7. It looks like Hillary is gonna have to double up on the Depends after todays announcement.
    Gawd this lining up to be a most interesting high stakes game bar none.
    The entertainment value is superlative.
    The moves intriguing!

  8. God damn, I have Fox on in the background, Rubio squeaks.
    Everything he levels at Trump, seems to be complete projection.
    He declaims Trump being possibly “The Commander in Chief” of the armed forces, yet fails to reflect as to how voters might feel to have a squeaking flyweight like himself with a finger on the button.
    Wraps himself in the Constitution, yet ignores the nations borders where convenient .
    Texas will be fascinating, as I sense “All hat no cattle” .
    Texans are not stupid, I can’t wait to see how they evaluate Rubio.
    Best election ever.
    Now Rubio is doing the “Best Plan” schtick .

  9. Oh no, Trump got hit hard in some debate in February that everyone forgot about 30 seconds after it ended. Oh no, some pundits are mocking Trump. Debacle. Circus. Yeargh! These debates are meaningless. If Americans were electing a debater in chief then Ted Cruz would have already won.
    The funny thing to me is that Trump is playing a rigged game and still beating all of the expert politicians and their hundreds of super consultants and doing it handily. If he’s such a stupid, moronic, clown with no substance and no idea what he is doing, then what does that make all of them?
    He isn’t running to be president of conservatives or evangelicals or the chamber of commerce, he’s running to be president of the United States and he’s doing it masterfully.

  10. Bad news for non-Trumps, especially Rubio. Christie, whom I personally mistrust, will be the attack dog for Trump against Rubio, who is clearly now a false choice. He actually accused Trump of “repeating himself.” Trump remarked that’s all this guy has and is so stressed and sweaty he looks like he just got out of a pool. Anyway, check out Steyn as he describes how, in any AbT roll of the dice, Trump comes up a winner:
    “On the GOP side, there’s a frontrunner, two weakish second-place guys, and a fourth candidate who’ll hang in at least until Ohio. The exit-polling suggests Donald Trump is drawing his voters from across all demographic groups and ideological inclinations. If Ben Carson were to pull out, most of his support would go to Trump. If John Kasich were to pull out, most of his support would go to Rubio, but some to Trump. If Rubio were to pull out, more would go to Trump than to Ted Cruz. If Cruz were to pull out, most would go to Trump. That’s the problem for those demanding the race consolidate into Trump vs one all-powerful non-Trump.” (click top left story)

  11. “If Rubio were to pull out, more would go to Trump than to Ted Cruz. If Cruz were to pull out, most would go to Trump.”
    It’s just too bad Pierre didn’t pull out and save us all from the result.

  12. “Rubio is a petulant little beatch.”
    Rubio is a cocky amateur at this juncture. He’s been having backroom meetings with GOP donors, to try to sell the brokered convention, which is how regular voters get steamrolled. And now we’re reading that anti-Trump big wigs are seeking information on how to win through an Independent candidate.

  13. I’m not French speaking but: Comme un Chien dans un jeu de quilles. Like a dog in the bowling ally.
    My HB said Trump is like this. He’s the dog knocking down, pissing on and humping pins right off the base in the est GOPs lane.
    Thought I’d share! 😉 Also think he’s doing this to a few other ‘establishment lanes’.

  14. “The funny thing to me is that Trump is playing a rigged game and still beating all of the expert politicians and their hundreds of super consultants and doing it handily. If he’s such a stupid, moronic, clown with no substance and no idea what he is doing, then what does that make all of them?”
    Even David Limbaugh has joined the pleading chorus of “Oh, no, not Trump!” The Punditocracy plays puritan. They’re only elevated in their own minds. Meanwhile, the grinning street punk, Rubio, is The Establishment’s current favourite. Weird or what?

  15. You just described “party of stupid”.
    The GOP establishment, truly, is the pos…….they would rather lose elections, being pure of heart of course, than to actually win with their less than perfect nominee.

  16. It’s because they share the same big government ideology as Killary. Trump, at least ostensibly, doesn’t.

  17. I am a Cruz supporter. But I will be a Trump supporter if Trump wins.
    I look at it this way. A vote for Rubio is a vote for John Boehner, Mitch “Obama’s B–ch” McConnell, and Washington failure. The same people that did NOTHING to stop Obama.

  18. I was watching Megyn Kelly after the debate last night and I heard the best line of the night. There was a discussion about how the amount of coverage CNN has been giving to Trump and Chris Stirewalt said “He’s their missing plane.”

  19. Newt Gimgrich tweeting just now that the GOP Establishment should start getting used to the idea that Trump is inevitable. Now I’ve seen polling that Trump is poised to sweep the table on Super Tuesday, except Texas, Cruz’s hime state anyway. Trump is even way out in front in Florida, Rubio’s home state. Its over.
    The only thing left to happen now is to see which of Cruz or Rubio will bow out first. Which of these two is the smartest ro realize that the first to approach Trump will get the much sweeter deal?

  20. Cruz and Rubio will both hang on until the bitter end, ensuring a Trump win, which is likely inevitable anyway. Trump may yet beat Cruz in Texas; they are neck and neck in some polling and Trump continues to gain momentum. He won the debate except in the minds of partisans and talking heads, now he gets an unexpected headline with the Christie support. Rubio will be done after Trump drubs him in Florida in mid March.
    Meanwhile, Hillary sits down with her underlings to get their stories straight, I mean testimony. Didn’t Cruz make some ludicrous comment about Trump having to testify at a civil lawsuit to lump him with Hillary? This guy is a snake, his sneering persona gives me the creeps. Rubio looks more like a child stuck between earnestness and a temper tantrum. His and Cruz’ meanderings are hardly new; check google. Nobody cares, so he’s a failed billionaire, and you geniuses can do better?
    The GOP is dead without Trump. Hillary will have field day with anyone else, playing the victim of a vast right wing conspiracy (aka establishment frustration), of the obvious truth that emails can declassify themselves on the airwaves, or that everyone else is sexist, or racist or whatever but clearly unsuitable for POTUS, especially given her failures, I mean accomplishments at State. I maintain she hasn’t got the fortitude or stamina to take on Trump, assuming she’s not indicted and has to withdraw, leaving Joe Biden to carry the torch. What a wonderful thought!!

  21. I hear what you are saying; there is a good chance that there will be a brokered convention. It is the ONLY possible reason that Rubio, who hasn’t won a single state and has a good shot of losing even his own, will hang on. The thing is though, that if he does that, he will end up with absolutley no future in Trump’s administration; indeed even with no future in the Senate as he isn’t running again. Now is the best time for Rubio to do a deal. But now that I muse more upon it, there is really nothing Rubio can offer Trump. He doesn’t need him for the Latino support, he won’t be in the Senate so he can’t be a bulwark there, and his blatant lies about amnesty via his tryst with the Gang Of Eight makes him toxic.
    Rubio is done like dinner. And he has no where left to go. No wonder his hung his shingle at the Establishment doorstep.

  22. Well, duh, TimR. CNN, MSNBC, et all want Trump to win. Who do you think they’re backing? Really, who?
    1. It all but guarantees their candidate wins.
    2. They can actually use all the crap Rubio and Cruz have been feeding them instead of sitting on it.
    They’re going to eviscerate him.
    But, if the right wants to trust the media this one time, might as well go big, eh?

  23. Mentioning Trump and Reagan in the same context is an insult to both conservatism and Reagan.
    If some doofus like Trump ends up winning the leadership of the CPC, I’d be tearing up my membership.
    I can just see him delivering the “State of the Union Address” now. America will be the laughing stock of the world, nobody will take them serious ever again.

  24. If Trump wins the primaries and is not the candidate, there will be hell to pay for the GOP.

  25. That’s what we all thought in the UK about Reagan, then he became President and we all stopped snarking.

  26. If Trump wins the primaries and is not the candidate, he will run as an independent. It will take a lot of scrambling to get on the ballot and it may hand Hillary the presidency but I’m hoping the Republicans aren’t that stupid.

  27. If Trump wins the primaries and is not the candidate, there will be hell to pay for the GOP.

  28. I wasn’t sure about Trump but then CBC wrote an article about how “he” would never happen in Canada and then Obama (who may be in the anyone but Hillary camp) said “he” would never be President.
    Go Trump / Rubio 2016!
    Every Bull Dog needs a Chihuahua.
    What Christie did was send Trump his resume.

  29. The next president may well appoint 3 Supreme Court justices. That alone will determine the fate of America.
    Trump has mused about his sister as a possibility who, among other things, supports partial birth abortion. Exactly what are are core values of Donald Trump? Can any of of his cheerleaders here say one thing about the substance of his character that may indicate he can make a decision without first assessing how it may affect his personal empire?
    Ya I know, character is not a quality that is required to be president. Heard that before.

  30. The Limbaugh theorum is that you let the Dems and the media pick your candidate – they will attack who they are most afraid of.
    This cycle though I think the telltale is (sadly) who is it that the Republicans are attacking.
    The Republicans have been exposed as the just another arm of the Democrat Party. Despite the fact the electorate has handed them to tools (seats) to fight Obama, they continue to roll over, finding new and inventive ways to do so while appearing to attempt to stop Obama.
    Ace (Ace of Spades) call this Republican “failure theatre”.
    The pigs at the trough inside the Beltway Republicans aka the Republican Party, are afraid of Trump because he cannot be controlled by them.
    I don’t know what kind of President Trump would make, but I do know that he will be better for rank and file Americans that the GOP favorite son Rubio.

  31. Joe? Really?
    In your scenario, the Dumbos are more likely to recruit Bloomberg, after all, he’s a good old NY crony capitalist totalitarian. He’s Mr Small Soda Pop.
    Now THAT’s a race!

  32. Al, the real world is not named UTOPIA.
    CLEARLY, the base is talking to the establishment. As well, you have to recognize that TRUMP is appealing to all those that either of the parties need to WIN. To turn your back on that is, the epitome of the Party of, well, its been named earlier.
    Glenn Beck isn’t right about everything, by the way. He’s always been a deep end kinda guy.
    Going with another candidate ELECTS SHRILLARY, hands down.
    Is Trump a real, true blue, “conservative for life with the secret handshake” conservative? No, BUT, he is the most appealing to a broad spectrum of the electorate, and he’s conservative enough to win.
    Enjoy the small victories in life.

  33. With Obama and Kerry in charge, the U.S. is already the laughing stock of the world. At least Trump will invite real heroes as guests at the State of the Union speech instead of black lives matter representatives and Syrian so-called refugees.
    And Trump has already said he won’t appoint his well-qualified sister to the Supreme Court.

  34. Donald Trump is an original.
    His focus on illegal immigration, terrorism, border security and fair trade has shaped the Republican message for this election.
    Trump’s family is a credit to him.

  35. Al, you’d tear up your membership if the Tories run a more “progressive” leader the next time around? So, it would be more preferable just to throw ANOTHER four years Trudeau is just because our candidate isn’t pur laine enough for you?
    When are you “purists” ecer going to learn that half of something is NOT half of nothing being nothing? Ohhhhhh, your conservative princcccccipiles. Well, there goes Trudeau again with your “principles” LOl

  36. Trump is a NY upper case LIBERAL. Has he ever demonstrated anything else? He’s been a card carrying Democrat most of his life.
    Can he become POTUS? Possibly, but without the black or latino vote it’s gonna be tough.
    Clinton’s support looks to be a mile wide but an inch thick. In the end the Dems will hold their nose and deliver the vote.
    Trump is a Beltway outsider. If somehow he wins, he will need an insider (VP) in order to get anything done. The system will eat him alive if the Dems win back the house or senate. The Art of the Deal wont mean shit on Pennsylvania Ave.

  37. I don’t think so Al. Trump is not stupid (unlike another recently elected leader I could name) and I think his candidacy will attract some heavy hitter support. I have no idea why you think he is a laughing stock.

  38. Trump!! Because nothing else will fix an ailing nation better than replacing a narcissistic, unapologetic, left-leaning, stubborn, blowhard, power-hungry Democrat president than electing a narcissistic, unapologetic, left-leaning, stubborn, blowhard, power-hungry Republican president.

  39. See Linda, those comments are from those who are buying the media narrative, without any analysis.
    Trump is a master at the bluff and bravado, getting people off their game, focusing on the superficial, while he then carries on with his game.
    And they are all talking about Trump…….

  40. Trump is an embarrassing gasbag. I can’t believe “Conservatism” has come down to a clown like this. It’s depressing, frankly.
    Reagan’s address to the GOP convention in ’64…
    What’s most ironic about his words is how applicable they are this day in America.
    Anyone who compares Reagan to Trump hasn’t a foggy clue in hell.

  41. Al – should Trump take the Republican nomination and even win the Presidency, would you be sufficiently piqued to forgo your regular trips to Spokane (assuming, of course, our dollar bounces back)?

  42. Truth is, I’ve never been to Spokane. In fact, in the last 20 years I’ve crossed the border once for a weekend in Coeur D’alene, long time ago now.
    Lots from around here do, just no appeal to me personally.
    Again, I watch Trump, and I’m thinking, “What the hell is this world coming to???” It’s as though Republicans have decided that the best revenge for Democrats inflicting Obama upon the nation is to double down with an even bigger a**hole. Bizarre beyond words, IMHO.
    The most confounding part of all of it is, how astonishingly quickly so called “Christians” ditch their morals, values and principles to line up behind the living antithesis of just about everything their religion is supposed to stand for.
    And to be clear, I don’t do religion…in good part because of this kind of shameless duplicity that is all too common to all of it.
    As the old saying puts it: Talk is cheap; it takes real money to buy good whiskey.

  43. I’m perplexed as to why Trump has to be a ‘conservative.’
    Far as I understand, the president is supposed to be above the partisan fray.
    Congress is trending toward an even higher ‘conservative’ representation.
    The president’s constitutional role, far as I can understand from my limited Canadian viewpoint, would be to find a way to iron out the partisan differences in Congress and the Senate.
    What Trump is doing, other than avoiding the usual criticism by funding his own campaign, is taking the issues that appeal to both partisan sides and articulating what is best for the American people.
    Remember the term Reagan Democrats? That referred to usually partisan voters who switched their traditional vote from Democrat to Republican.
    And, why did they do that? Because Reagan articulated policies that appealed to them better than the Democrat candidate did.
    Which, far as I can figure out, is exactly the tactic Trump is employing on the issues.
    Sure, you can put the rap on him for name-calling, but he’s not the only one name-calling, so we can put that down to business as usual on an election campaign.
    In review, Trump self-finances and therefore is not beholden to Big Money. He articulates the best ideas from both partisan sides and therefore builds up his support among undecided voters. His candidacy comes at a time where business-as-usual is under total disdain.
    After marginalizing a dynastic candidate in Jeb!, he can now appeal to the American voter’s disdain for the Clinton dynasty, another attempt to infuse royalty, something the country rebelled against during the Revolutionary War.
    Where am I wrong?
