30 Replies to “Fresh on the heels”

  1. Well there is a bit of a difference there. The Liberals want to ban free expression while Trump wants to keep the media honest. If the media would have been honest here in Canada we wouldn’t have near the number of ‘liberal’ governments we have had to endure.

  2. lance, go groom the dogs, before you do something stupid like suggest another 4 years of obungles or something. Oh, and try to quit acting like a GD lefty
    Trump is king of overstatement, but he does have a valid point, truth in news reporting. Next up he should for truth in campaigning, but that would hurt even hisself

  3. Slander has always been a litigious matter, even when the mediots do it.
    VanderZalm sued the mediots when they drew a picture of him pulling the wings off a fly, when he was Human resources (welfare) minister.
    More power to TRUMP!

  4. Not even remotely the same Lance.
    Why should the media, with their deep lawyerly pockets, get to fudge facts and destroy people?
    They need to be sued until they stop lying.

  5. guys,
    the ‘truth’ is relative.
    if trump gets his way people will get sued for saying that climate change is hoax
    or that islam is a backwards culture.
    As Ace says Trump is a huge threat to anyone who holds conservative views.

  6. Lance, am I correct that you do not like the idea of President Trump? Prey tell why, I think of him as doing for the US right in a year what took the PC here in Canada a decade. The old worn-out party must be torn down, Sampson-like, to build a-new.

  7. Truth is relative? That is a Progressive Lie!!!
    Truth is, what it is. That is why they call it truth.
    The problem is that all men and women are liers.
    Trump understands that the Progressives in the media, the government and the legal system have twisted speech into something that is relative and they make a LOT of money manipulating that speech.
    When people like you say statements like that, you have bought into their lies and are subjugated by them. Won’t be long and you will be a Dhimmi, because you are unable to recognize Truth!!

  8. Did I just stumble upon the National Review website?
    Jesus Christ, the media is probably the most dangerous institution in society. Why the hell shouldn’t they be sued for libel when they constantly lie, lie and lie some more? Libel would keep them honest. It has nothing to do with free speech.

  9. sorry, glacierman
    too many people confuse opinions and facts.
    wishing it was otherwise does not change reality.
    passing a law mandating ‘truth’ would only result in opinions that the mob agrees with being legal.
    that is why the right to express an opinion cannot depend on someone else’s opinion on the truth.
    no good can come from trump’s idea.
    if he believes that he is the worst possible candidate for conservative minded voters.
    read ace’s article. he is more eloquent than i.

  10. Those of you who are readers of AoS need to get a grip. I tend to agree with comments here that point out that there is a difference with silencing opinion with that of out right slander and lies like most of the media these days tend to report. Truth matters.

  11. Thanks for the ref to ACE.
    MHP has been relegated to weekend viewing only on PMSNBC, what a shame for that racist social justice warrior, hah, hah, hah.
    Another reprehensible wench from the left gets just desserts

  12. Hey lance,
    You seem like a reasonable guy. Be honest: having helped Kate to cultivate such a loyal SDA readership all these years, to construct a vibrant alternate space for a community of principled, like-minded conservatives, doesn’t it disappoint — if not alarm — you to see so many of them now showing their true stripes as uncritical sheeple, so readily seduced by the id-stroking and populist platitudes of a billionaire Man of the People?
    Who do you think they’ll all blame when the Trump campaign finally comes crumbling down, taking with it some small or large measure of the GOP, and handing the Democrats another term in the White House? Everyone but themselves, I imagine.

  13. yo. Donald. they’re not all ‘National Enquirer’. apparently they get sued successfully by celebs subjected to outrageous and blatant lies geared to upping sales. it would seem laws exist already to facilitate the suits.
    back off.
    threatening the 1st amendment could be your Achilles heel. it’s the first one for a reason.
    back off.

  14. In case you don’t know, there are two standards in the USA for liable with regard to the media.
    So, there is a germ of something in what Trump speaks about. Of course, he can’t just change laws, and I bet he knows that. Think of him as a real politician. He is pandering to the base he is collecting. Nothing new here. It is the reaction in the media that is hilarious, and on the net.
    Here are a couple of snippets from the article above:
    Proving Fault: Actual Malice and Negligence
    Unlike other countries that hold a publisher liable for every defamatory statement regardless of what steps he or she took prior to publication, under U.S. law a plaintiff must prove that the defendant was at fault when she published the defamatory statement. In other words, the plaintiff must prove that the publisher failed to do something she was required to do. Depending on the circumstances, the plaintiff will either need to prove that the defendant acted negligently, if the plaintiff is a private figure, or with actual malice, if the plaintiff is a public figure or official.
    Celebrities, politicians, high-ranking or powerful government officials, and others with power in society are generally considered public figures/officials and are required to prove actual malice. Unlike these well-known and powerful individuals, your shy neighbor is likely to be a private figure who is only required to prove negligence if you publish something defamatory about her. Determining who is a public or private figure is not always easy. In some instances, the categories may overlap. For example, a blogger who is a well-known authority on clinical research involving autism may be considered a public figure for purposes of controversies involving autism, but not for other purposes.
    We discuss both of these standards and when they apply in this section.

    Negligence Standard and Private Figures
    Those who are not classified as public figures are considered private figures. To support a claim for defamation, in most states a private figure need only show negligence by the publisher, a much lower standard than “actual malice.” Some states, however, impose a higher standard on private figures, especially if the statement concerns a matter of public importance. You should review your state’s specific law in the State Law: Defamation section of this guide for more information.
    So, perhaps he isn’t the boob the media is trying to make him out to be, eh? The more you know.

  15. Rolling Stone rape..

    Don’t forget my hometown Duke University Lacrosse Team Rapes.
    Prostitute went into a Frat house and tried to screw the members for money,
    When they rejected her, she cried Bloody Rape, and All the men were arrested..
    News Media Bastards were sued and never did reveal how much monies they had to pay out for False and Misleading Stories..

  16. I know many people hate Donald Trump..
    I would not buy an Apple from the son of a bitch..
    But when it comes down to Hillary[Dishonest-Criminal], Bernie Sanders [Lenin-Socialists], Rubio[show us your taxes], or Cruz,
    Cruz being the best in the bunch.
    If Cruz beats Teflon Don in the nomination, I will vote for him,
    But it is looking more and more every day like the Donald will take it all..
    Even if he wins the Presidency,
    I still would not buy an Apple from the son of a bitch..

  17. It’s hilarious to watch Conservatives like Lance try and down play or dismiss the meteoric rise of Trump. If you think that this latest announcement is going to sink his chances at the oval office, then you’re kidding yourself.
    This is what Trump haters just don’t understand – the silent majority is sick and f*cking tired of the status quo and that includes the MSM. I predict that Trump will become even more popular after he crushes it on Tuesday and steam rolls his way to the nomination.

  18. Let the f…..g media die on their own. Anyone who believes the most litigious nation on the planet will somehow find juries of intelligent people who will decide “truth” (in reporting and opinion pieces) would vote for a loose cannon populist who says anything for votes. Trump, as POTUS, would have to work with Congress for all significant legislation. It’s why Obama and the GOP Congress are in legislative stasis. Voting for Trump means voting for his negotiating skills with the despised political class and faith in his Commander-in-Chief judgement rather than a laundry list of populist wet dreams.

  19. http://www.blacklistednews.com/France_Moves_to_Make_%E2%80%98Conspiracy_Theories%E2%80%99_Illegal_by_Government_Decree/48756/0/38/38/Y/M.html
    Although France has taken the lead in this inter-governmental effort (see below), the preliminary assault began this past fall with British Prime Minster David Cameron publicly announcing on two separate occasions, that all of these so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ (anything which challenges the official orthodoxy) should be deemed as “extremist” and equivalent to “terrorist” and should be purged from society on the grounds of ‘national security’. The first came with Cameron’s warped speech at the UN, and afterwards, a similar charge was made by the UK leader against anyone who dares press the issue of institutional paedophilia and child abuse.

  20. The idea is spreading…and why Trump is talking about it. Some form of this will take shape no matter who is elected, Trump included.
    IDF demands popular Israeli bloggers submit posts to censor
    Israel’s new chief military censor has demanded that popular bloggers writing on security-related issues submit their posts to her before publication. Failure to do so will be considered a crime.

  21. “This is what Trump haters just don’t understand – the silent majority is sick and f*cking tired of the status quo and that includes the MSM.”
    You nailed it. People shouldn’t forget that it’s a big popularity contest, and Trump’s anti-establishment views are VERY popular.

  22. Freedom of the press and media is one thing, libel and slander is another. And if it’s “purposely false”, they should be held to account.
    Looking forward to Trump kicking a$$ on Super Tuesday. But I’m sure after this happens Lance and the all the other people smarter than us will double down on their anti-Trump stances once again. Popcorn time!

  23. Is this the same Ace (of Ace o Spades blog fame), who went to a secret meeting of bloggers/media types with the Romney campaign in 2012 and came out boostering for Mitt? (prior to that the blog had been lukewarm at best, after it and some other notable ones started mentioning Mitt increasingly as “a good and decent man, an excellent business man who could set the country straight, and finally, and the best bit of comedy, insinuating that Romney was definitely going to be victorious).
    Until of course he didn’t, not by a long shot, and this would have been obvious to anyone who had actually talked to an actual average American at some point.
    And since then this same Ace of Spades blog has been very careful to be “balanced” in their reportage of Mitt, but they make sure to call him a “good decent man, an accomplished man who would have been a great president” in every write up of him.
    All the while somehow not realizing that the Dems have well, binders full of oppo on Mitt — and that he is a 3 time loser and father of Obamacare (and the only business he actually tried to run was indeed to make dolls — and it went bust).
    Long story short: Ace o Spades is one of the bought and sold media sites that is perhaps not telling the truth to people. (and neither is Hot Air)

  24. Trump is popular because he challenges the establishment and appears to be winning. If he crushes the establishment he will be even more powerful to crush the little guy. It’s just that right now he needs the little guy to crush the elements of establishment that doesn’t support him.
    I pray that when he gains power he will be a benevolent dictator.
