23 Replies to “Vanity”

  1. Take a gander at Zoomer magazine before you judge the millenials too harshly. You should have no difficulty figuring out why millenials are what they are and who’s to blame.

  2. Actually read the salary negotiation article, it does make sense, maybe millenials should read it!

  3. Oh boy ! I am going to join a “Community Gardening Collective” … just like Michelle Obama told me to! Then, I can spend vast amounts of my “free” time (hey, I’m on govt. assistance, bro.) preparing the soil, turning my compost heap, planting my seeds, hand watering, weeding, trimming for the 6 month growing season. As IF the average Millennial has the attention span for THIS endeavor. Surrrreee, that will be lots more “efficient” than the economies of scale employed by agribusiness. Sure, my tomatoes will be MUCH tastier … but at what cost of materials and time ? If I wanted to live like this … I would move to VietNam, rural China, or Cuba. No thanks.

  4. Here’s a possible explanation:
    I used to teach at a certain post-secondary institution. The first millennials started attending by the time I quit more than 10 years ago. Some of them were the worst students I ever had.
    I thought it was bad when I left. I’ve heard it’s much worse than that now.

  5. It’s about 50% useful content for twenty-somethings from broken homes who didn’t have anyone to teach them this stuff growing up, and 50% “Monorail of the Week, by Mahogany”

  6. Ha ! I actually read it UNCHANGED as a hilarious ONION publication. Complete with GIANT pictures … and minimal words. Kinda like a kiddies picture book. I kept waiting for the pop-up page …

  7. i gave up drinking 10 years ago in January.
    Had I not, you’d owe me for a new iPad mini and a glass of Pinot Grigio.

  8. Look at all the articles about food.
    The ‘food thing’ amazes me and it’s not just from millenials.
    We live in an era here in the west where our food and water supplies have never been more plentiful and safe and yet the obsession with food never ends.
    Next to our religion of ‘tolerance’ mostly talking about healthy food while not necessarily adopting healthy eating habits is one of our most important articles of faith.

  9. These kids are fortunate to live in a time and place where they can define themselves by what they won’t eat. Not sure they can see that though

  10. and what they don’t hear
    and what they don’t know
    and what they will not do
    and what they will not learn

  11. Poor little lost sheep. Who’s going to help them when the world economy collapses and they have to roast rats over an open tire ? Parents were weenies and these lost souls have never had even a minimum education on anything useful that could be passed off to their offspring. Even one generation ago they might have had a sense of self reliance but now if the battery on their cell phone goes dead their world as they know it comes to a full stop. Seems like the progressive train has not only jumped the tracks but is also heading over the cliff. Kind of strange how Paul Harvey saw all this coming over 50 years ago.

  12. So in pretty short order, we have gone from “the greatest generation” to “the most self absorbed and ignorant generation”.

  13. Am parent to a senior “millenial”. Trust me, said offspring has NEVER exhibited any of the millenial symptoms. Au contraire, offspring, having obtained a decent degree in a marketable area (as in combining accounting and drama) and having gone on to further certifications, is doing well. Interesting, though, offspring does have problems being adequately empathetic to the snowflakes now coming within purview and supervision. I blame the siblings: number three has to have sharp elbows, and those elbows don’t disappear in adulthood. Or, it just could be we brought our kids up in the old-fashioned way: you will get a training, you will apply said training to support yourself in an adult manner, and you will also – as you can – donate your time and talents to the community at large.

  14. Before we judge Millennial too harshly, remember this. My generation read ”Mad Magazine.”
    My favorite was ”Spy vs Spy.”

  15. Down here in Florida and it is just stunning how little actual news there is. Watched Fox for 2 hours while at the gym and they covered nothing beyond the political campaigns and scouts, just disgusting. My friends who live down here say this is typical and we wonder about low information voters!
