30 Replies to “Maxime”

  1. Bernier’s blog is always interesting.
    He actually explains why conservative ideas are good.
    What a concept!

  2. Maxime is my pick for cpc leader.
    As conservative as one can imagine – in favour of some form of gold standard among other things. Not afraid to take in the entitled elites in Quebec.
    And very electable.

  3. Reliable? I’ve got no problem with anyone who bangs biker chicks. My two choices are Bernier or MacKay. I just wish they would get Ambrose out of there before the Party disappears from boredom

  4. Bernier at the top of the CPC?
    crikey. feel free to google this woman’s name: Julie Couillard. maybe add ‘briefcase’ or ‘nato secrets’ to the search.
    no, conservatives could not do much worse than that, other then having some sort of lieberal mole in the runnung. that would sure make for delightful headlines. MPs have crossed the floor after all . . . .

  5. A party leader without the situational awareness to know that hanging around with biker chicks is a political liability would be a gift to the Liberals.

  6. “MPs have crossed the floor after all”
    An interesting thought. And who might be acceptable from the Liberals or NDP? Ralph Goodale perhaps. That would be enough to make me abstain from voting in the future.

  7. is that take *in* as ‘include this group’ or take ON as in oppose their vested interest approach? I’m sure either could apply he being a politishun. some do both depending on the audience.

  8. Agreed. Maxime may be just what is needed — and something is definitely needed to get rid of the “always-pandering-to-special-interest-groups” Liberals.

  9. I really like M. Bernier, respect his intellect, admire his courage and his dash (and perhaps envy his sex appeal), but I don’t think he would be able to sweep the whole country. He certainly deserves a prominent place on any CPC front bench. So, I’ll probably support whoever M. Bernier ends up supporting.
    And if one is looking in Québec, don’t overlook M. Blaney.

  10. We do not need to google it — we remember it. It was another excessive dust-up precipitated by Liberals. Careless, of course, but not earth shattering. Also — it happened some years back and Bernier probably had a good lesson from it.

  11. So what; he’s preaching to the choir.
    Outside the hive, nutbars line up to shut down conservative thoughts, ideas and certainly words. Remember, according the mediocracy all conservatives are “extreme right wingers,” that Justin says appeal to people’s worst instincts, in his unify by dividing shtick.
    Better to pretend to believe in modest deficits, 25,000 Syrians by Christmas, balanced budget in four years, governments create jobs, JT has the slightest clue what’s he doing and won’t turn us into the world’s laughing stock with his gonzo economics and naïve though arrogant cabin boy stupidity.
    Our infantilized society can’t handle reality, particularly economic reality. False narratives and chasing climate change pixies, rather than those inconvenient terrorists who are actually real doesn’t give them a hurty tum tum.
    It’s easier to get free stuff and let/watch the poor get screwed evermore. Is it true the sheeple of ON are taking a 10cent increase in gasoline, sans tarring and feathering? It must be comforting for them to know Wynne is JT’s mentor. Count me out on that.
    Too bad we all get what they deserve. I mean really too bad. All that good and limited government stuff under Harper. How important is that compared to economies from the heart without vengeance?

  12. I didn’t see the speech from Bernier today, but have seen him speak other times. He is photogenic, even charismatic and has that magic quality of being able to explain in terms of principle that touch how people actually live why his position on an issue is to be preferred. Harper was (likely) a conservative believer, but always seemed to flinch at explaining why others should believe in such principles or why principles of freedom, self-reliance, liberty and the rule of law. More often he just looked blandly and expected the media and populace to figure it out for themselves. The gift a politician needs is what Reagan had — be optimistic and tell people how conservative principles make their own lives better.

  13. Maxime’s a good guy, a bit of a stumble-bum now and then (in other words, a real human and not a metrosexual weenie from Toronto).
    He’s “un jarret noir” from the Beauce, which is honest-to-goodness traditional Québec at its very best.
    Il est bon comme le pain, ce gars-lô!

  14. I like Bernier. He would be a good choice for leader and very prime-ministerial. He would represent the conservative party well. He also has good conservative values which could help moving the grassroots across the country.
    In my crystal ball I see a lot of unhappy people in Canada’s next election. I can’t see Liberals winning many seats in Western-Canada. I see a lot of unhappy people in Central-Canada thanks to the new Trudeau-Peso. Quite frankly the only happy people might be aboriginals if enough money is sent their way over the next four years.
    The way for the conservatives to win would be to capture the public’s imagination with a few simple promises. I don’t know what those are right now but Maxime Bernier would be a good person to deliver that message. It is a question of being believable.

  15. Jay, you may be right. Or maybe Jason Kenny?
    Nowaymckay is right, as he is on the progressive side.

  16. I would support Bernier if I thought it was electable. I am not sure…. willing to give him a chance.
    It would be very hard to accept McKay

  17. No one from Quebec.
    It never ends well.
    Sorry Bernier.
    Red Tories have enough places to hang their hat, not here.
    Brad Wall.
    Or present a good case…..

  18. For all Brad Wall’s attributes, and he has many, I don’t think he could tolerate all the bullshit that goes on in Ottawa without blowing a gasket. He has far too much common sense which is not a valued commodity in federal politics and speaking his mind, political correctness be damned, would cause a serious shit-storm (pardon the Laheyism) with the media.
    Besides …. Mr. Wall’s presence is required in Sask. Even though his party has a huge mandate, the socialists are always lurking in the background like hyenas waiting to pounce on a lion’s latest kill.

  19. McKay has been a political schemer since the merger. He has come to our Kootenay riding 3 times in the past 5 years in an attempt to build support, for what? It was obvious then as now. Progressives are what they are. Appealing, for far to many.
    I doubt it will make much dif as I see a split coming within the CPC as true conservatives will leave. The CPC can resume their PC direction in the east and western conservatives can rediscover their real direction of a united western voice inside or outside of confederation.

  20. What is Bernier’s position wrt immigration? Hopefully he wants to lower it and is not a typical open-borders libertardian.

  21. One of the best things Harper did was prove to voters that you could have a majority government with little to no input from quebec.

  22. I AM
    Joe Molnar, Woodstock , Ontario, Canada, ( a former Ontario “REFORMER” ) and I want OSOYOOS BC FIRST NATION CHIEF CLARENCE LOUIE to lead the CANADIAN CONSERVATIVE PARTY.
    Is the CONSERVATIVE PARTY HIERARCHY paying attention to the GRASSROOTS members from ONTARIO?
    I AM

  23. Hey if I were Maxi Bangier and the question came up, I would just say, “So, Liberals, you’re making an issue of banging chicks? Really? Think about it.”
