32 Replies to “No!”

  1. There is never a good time to raise, or to begin a new tax, or to throw more straw into the engine of the economy.
    You can be more free, or you can have more government, which would you prefer?
    make the choice.

  2. Reading that article it sounds as if McKenna has already decided on a national levy (tax) on carbon so why bother with the Working Groups? Or is because she can blame the Provinces if things go south?

  3. On Feb. 19, he said any scheme that involves imposing a carbon levy or tax would be ill-timed due to the current state of the industry.
    ‘ill timed’, until after the election, anyway…he’s already on board with all the carbon nonsense. Actions speak louder than words. Windmills and CO2 sequestration…
    Saskatchewan and socialism are never far apart.

  4. Carbon TAXES, in every way shape and form, are the most cynical – regressive TAX on the POOR ever devised by the LEFT. The ONLY way to avoid hurting the POOR is to subsidize the cost increases by raising the TAXES even further on the working class. Shameful that these TOOLS get away with it. I spit on them. Their smug elitism makes me vomit.

  5. Wall is the the only one who resembles a good apple in a barrel full of rot. Sometimes you
    need to humor but not succumb to idiocy.

  6. I would like to know how much carbon dioxide we will avoid putting in the atmosphere because of this scheme and how much will the earths average temperature be “reduced” as a result. The answer is zero but no MSM will ask the question.

  7. That’s the question. If we drank the AGW kook aid and determined that CO2 is the cause, how does raising taxes reverse that? All that revenue the government collects will go into general revenue and get pissed away like all the other government programs. If there was a seriousness about climate change then China, India, Russia would have trade embargoes put upon them until they got in line. To let them continue to do whatever they want and simply punish us is the height of cowardess and hypocrisy. The budget won’t balance itself. It will be on the backs of working Canadians. Just like Martin and Chrétien. Steal money from the EI fund, tax those who can’t do anything about it, all the while padding their friends bank accounts. These people are evil.

  8. “Sometimes you need to humor but not succumb to idiocy.”
    Agreed. Just humour the morons and give the appearance of doing something in line with their idiotic cause. Just so long as it doesn’t cost a pile of money to stroke their gigantic egos maybe, just maybe, they will stfu and leave us alone. Throw together a few windmills and capture a bit of carbon and hey, look at us. We’re doing our part. Now bugger off.

  9. Putting a tax on the base element opens the door to putting a tax on all the rest of it. This is redefining of all things, opens the door to tyranny!
    The skool children are being re-ejukated with lies and a whole new paradigm of looking at the world. And the MSM keep telling us they are our future. They are unable to tell the facts from fiction and are learning to scream and stomp and bully when they don’t get their collective way.
    Brad is the only one at the pointy end of the political stick who right now seems to get it.

  10. Wall has a spine and a pair. In Alberta our premier has neither; it’s not because of her having the XX chromosomes either.

  11. There is ‘carbon’ in almost everything we buy. A so-called ‘carbon tax’ is nothing but a thinly veiled increase in the GST.
    If they wanted a ‘carbon tax’ that was effective in addressing the actual problem of which countries pollute the most, then it would be based on the amount of toxic coal fired pollution spewed by the country the product came from. Products from China would be taxed at 30%, products from the USSA at 15%, products made in Canada at 2%.
    Any other CT scheme is noting but a blatant tax grab.

  12. Our beloved federal government wants to form “working groups” on climate change!!!
    Now, would I be cynical to suggest these WG’s will be stacked with like-minded people who are all proponents of CAGW?
    Will people like Dr.Tim Ball,Judith Curry,Anthony Watts be part of one of those groups, or will our even more beloved,”most trusted man in Canada”, Dr.David Suzuki head one of those groups?
    Greens,Dippers, enviro-freaks,psuedo-scoientists, earth mothers, and political hacks are about to get nice comfy positions on the taxpayer to tell the Press and the government exactly what they want to hear.

  13. I’ll do everything I possibly can to avoid paying the carbon tax. No more recycling in my household either. All that stuff will go in the burning barrel with the rest of the garbage.

  14. Brad rules!!
    If you want to piss a socialist off, refer to Brad Wall as ”Premier Brad!!” It sends them in a total seizure!

  15. Speaking of BURNING garbage … I separate out each and every bit of paper, cardboard, etc. from my trash. It all goes directly into my fireplace, and gets burned. And horror of all horrors … I even burn on “Non-burn” days here in the SF Bay Area. I DARE my neighbors to turn me into the local Air Resources Quality Board block captain. They say they will issue a WARNING on my first violation ? Ha. WRONG … I will give THEM … MY … first warning to keep their F-ing noses out of my business. The second notice won’t be a FINE either. Nope, I’ll BURN them … in some creative way 🙂

  16. My late mother jokingly said one time that soon the government would be taxing the air we breathe. Little did she know the wisdom of those words.

  17. Except that she did not decide.I am pretty sure Liberal policy is being shaped at the UN. Of course it is, and the globalists at the UN want Canada to have a carbon tax — even though nothing we do will make any difference to the planet. The globalists are also responsible for blocking the pipelines. The idea there is to decrease Alberta’s wealth and thereby their political strength. Can’t have a wealthy province that is unwilling to go along with the international socialists’ plan.

  18. Should we tax toxic pollution?
    ie. pollution that causes measurable harm to ourselves and the environment.

  19. I’ll humour them, for a fee, I am more than happy to “Decarbonize” the haters.
    To prove their ideological purity, those who demand we tax and demonize carbon, should have all carbon removed from themselves.
    Being as how it is hugely hypocritical to be dependent upon the compounds you preach against.
    Prior to the “cleansing” ritual is would be imperative they sign over all their worldly goods and a disclaimer agreeing to be Decarbonized,acknowledging their status as a carbon based life form.
    Plasma arc seems like a fine ritual to start with.

  20. We put it all curb side. Our taxes pay for garbage removal and that’s what it is, garbage. Blue box houses the kindling, perfect size for this.

  21. EXACTLY , … but your plan would be labeled a tariff … and rejected as anti-trade. That way, the RED Eco-brigade can protect their brethren in China

  22. So I will bring it up again .The government will be taxing Bombadier for the carbon output of the jets they build , right before they give them that next billion . Yes ,right we know that is going to happen. I have news for you the carbon tax is just the beginning . The Liberals will also want to institute a capital tax. As well get ready for an increase in the GST . After all we have look after that deficit that is going to balance its self. Oh yeah , they are going to create such a great country that the money will be just flowing in. I would expect that to work about the same way all the other things they said they were going to do have. What could possibly go wrong.

  23. Except a lot of municipalities like mine only allow two garbage cans or two bags. For any surplus you have to put on a sticker and pay a dollar or so for each sticker. And don’t some cities now go after you if you throw out stuff in the regular garbage that is recyclable?
