35 Replies to “Ontario’s Oil Supplier”

  1. I wonder if his twitter account will be revoked for insulting the pedophile prophet (bees pee upon him)?

  2. On the other hand, it is redressing to note that differences between Denmark and Saudi Retardia are only in degree.

  3. That was not punishment, it was rehabilitation. It will make him a better person.

  4. Give that poor man a free JT selfie embossed “I Feel Your Pain” official Liberal Party of Canada T-shirt. Machine washable of course… Now it’s time to gas up the PM’s limo for the wine ‘n cheese selfie-rich media party!

  5. The Conservative politician who could bring that argument to Ontario and east, (a la Trump) would take the political narrative out the hands of the Liberals/MSM.
    In this case both the economic and moral high ground coincide nicely.
    Canadians don’t so much need a new leader, as we need a champion of our cause, our culture and our way of life.

  6. Hate to spoil all the Ontario-bashing but can I point out that just about everything manufactured you have in your house whether in Calgary or Toronto was probably made in the People’s Republic of China?
    (No one knows how many people are executed in China annually – it’s a state secret – but it is believed to run into the thousands.)

  7. “just about everything manufactured you have in your house… was probably made in the People’s Republic of China”
    …and that happened because of our insatiable lust for the cheapest consumer products. Canadians would rather buy cheap Chinese goods than more expensive, better quality products that would keep Canadians employed making them.
    We did this to ourselves.

  8. “..and that happened because of ” taxes, and labour and environmental regulations.
    There FTFY

  9. “An accident on the ST. Lawrence with an oil spill and we in western Canada will laugh…”
    There has already been a horrific incident that underlines the advantage of a cross-Canada pipeline: Lac-Mégantic 6 July 2013.
    You in “western Canada” can certainly laugh yourselves silly over that if you wish.

  10. “our cause, our culture and our way of life”
    It would go a long way actually defining what any of those mean.

  11. Leftists mock Christians by labeling them FUNDIES (fundamentalists) … yet NEVER mock MAINSTREAM Islam (as practiced in Saudi Arabia) as FUNDIES … or call them ANYTHING … except the “Religion of Peace”. There isn’t a Christian church on the planet that would PUNISH an atheist in this barbaric manner. Yet the Christians are “FUNDIES”. Leftists and their lapdog MSM are sick in the head. Islam is stuck in the 6th century … speaking of “FUNDIES” … Pathetic.

  12. An obnoxious SJW, Saudi variety. Note the mention of “hundreds of tweets.” If he had kept his views to himself, likely nothing would have happened.

  13. Trust me when I say that those criminals that are executed in China, you would not want in Canada or the USA!

  14. I wonder if in the morning, when the Saudis go for coffee at the local Tim Hortons, do they talk about getting tougher on crime, and handing out harsher sentences, or do they talk about gas being cheaper at the Aramaco station near the refinery!! Or do they talk about the old days when they crossed the desert on a camel??

  15. Yes but China has too many people, and there are also too many Muslims in the world. The Chinese killing Chinese and the Muslims killing Muslims shouldn’t necessarily be seen as a bad thing. Hopefully they will bring their own population numbers down, saving us the trouble later on.

  16. Why are we buying oil from Saudi Arabia in the first place, Canada has nearly as much oil as the Saudi s do and it does not need to be transported half way around the world. Why can t we drill and refine our own oil for domestic consumption? Why is it that the Laurentian Mafia AKA the Laurentian elite oppose any pipe line that would move Alberta oil east or west? Was Confederation designed to benefit only the Provinces east of Manitoba, sure seems like it to me.

  17. with a great deal of help from brian mulruin and then monsieur cretien.
    they’re all politishuns, all the same once you peel back the layers of agenda, ideology, tricksterism, propaganda. one could assert voters are all the same, falling for the same old same old, wishful thinking, self interests, naivete, hero worship.
    how else do such idjits get to run things? we voters are the biggest idjits of all.

  18. Ontario Lefties love self flagellation in any form, no stopping the support of Saudi Human Rights abuses there!

  19. “just about everything manufactured you have in your house… was probably made in the People’s Republic of China”
    Not mine, well aside from some small appliances that you can’t buy elsewhere and some cheaper around the house cloths. Otherwise all large appliances and most definitely furniture & art that was not specifically purchased abroad is US & Canadian made.
    We make a point of it.

  20. I’m looking forwards to NME telling us how it’s all the Catholics and Joos fault. This should be an interesting warp of reality.

  21. abtrapper >
    “Nobody laughs when oil spills.”
    Actually you should read CBC/ Global comments whenever there’s an Oilfield problem in Alberta.
    Including the current economic downturn with many tens of thousands of Alberta oilfield workers out of work. The Eastern Canadians are holding their guts with glee & laughter at Alberta misfortunes, and writing about it.
    No wonder Albertan’s are driving to end the equalization program while talk of separation abounds.

  22. I bought two products yesterday that stated made in the USA. I actively go out of my way to avoid Chinese goods when possible.

  23. “all large appliances and most definitely furniture & art that was not specifically purchased abroad is US & Canadian made. We make a point of it.”
    Yes, same here. I specifically avoid buying Chinese products, and will gladly pay more for better quality products made in North America. For those products which are only available from Asian sources, I choose better quality more durable items if I can’t avoid purchasing them altogether.
