27 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Rubio, backed by Koch brothers, aims to take out Trump, with Mitt Romney as the fall-back candidate:
    The Koch Bros. met with GOP millionaires and billionaires Thursday night to pool together over $75 million to stop Trump and are going to use Mitt Romney as ‘Plan B’ if Rubio fails to gain traction on Super Tuesday, according to moles who were inside the meeting.
    “$75 million to stop Trump and $25 million to Marco Rubio, but they gave Rubio a condition: he’s got to win the Florida primary or he’s out and Mitt Romney’s in,” Stone revealed. “That’s the plan.”
    “First they’ll ramp up an enormous, negative campaign on TV against Trump and they’re going to hit this phony Trump University issue,” he continued. “They claim to have personal dirt on Trump – I doubt that – and they are also going to try and delve into his business affairs, but if Rubio fails to grab the Florida primary, then Rubio’s out and Mitt Romney’s in.”
    “The plan is for Romney to file for the New Jersey, New York and California primaries in an all-out ditch effort to stop Donald Trump and you heard it here on Infowars.com.”
    Additionally, Marco Rubio’s wife called Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, to desperately beg Cruz to exit the race and aid Rubio, but Heidi said no, Stone said.
    “The power structure’s desperate, the Rubio and Cruz teams are going back and forth but they can’t agree as to who will be the candidate,” he added. “I still believe Mitt Romney is totally dressed up, already made up, waiting in the wings… to step in as the last, best hope of the ‘stop Trump’ movement, and frankly I think Trump will bulldoze him as well.”

  2. I am puzzled about why the Koch’s are so anti Trump. The Republican establishment is looking very bad on this.

  3. people need to stop projecting attributes on trump which he does not have.
    sure he is not afraid to say things that are not PC.
    but a president needs more depth than a frat boy willing to mouth off.
    he would be the ‘Rob Ford’ of US politics.
    constantly getting headlines for his crazy behavior while nothing gets done.
    what the US needs is a serious candidate with conservative values.

  4. What does Donald Trump really believe?
    By James Lewis. (American Thinker).

    Trouble is, how do you figure out what Trump really believes?  His two careers as a real estate deal-maker and reality show star both take a lot of savvy and guts.  Among Trump’s supporters, I like Rudy Giuliani, because we’ve seen Giuliani in action as a prosecutor and as the best mayor of New York since LaGuardia.  That gives us an important data point. 
    It can’t be said often enough that Trump is an intuitive thinker.  In making complicated deals, he studies the details, gets the best advice possible, goes to sleep, and then, in the morning, he comes up with a decision.  He may not know why, but executives with that style of thinking can be pretty successful.  Nobody scores 100%. 
    Trump isn’t Jefferson or Lincoln, who had the gift of thinking with brilliant clarity in tough situations.  He’s more like Harry Truman, who ran a haberdashery (clothing store) in Kansas City and got along well with people, including the Pendergast Democratic Machine.  FDR picked Truman as veep because he wouldn’t make any trouble.  Then FDR died, and Harry took over, to the horror and dismay of the Establishment, who were sure he’d be a disaster.

  5. Actually, it’s really very simple. Donald Trump will not take the Koch’s money and that angers them because money is the one thing that wealthy people use to control politicians and to get what they want.
    With Mr. Trump, the Koch’s and all the other wealthy won’t be able to walk into the Oval Room and demand a return on their “investment” and that really, REALLY ticks them off.

  6. Liberal Wynnetario.
    “Ontario budget takes aim at insurance fraud”
    “The government of Ontario has plans to establish a “serious fraud office” with a special focus on auto insurance fraud.”
    “600 TTC workers eyed in benefits fraud investigation
    Auditor general’s report says total claims in alleged scheme total $5.1 million.” (RedStar)

  7. No, Seriously, Trump is a Fascist.

    Hillary Clinton is a tyrant,” Walsh noted in an interview with television host Dana Loesch. “But she has to pretend, at least, that she’s not.” Indeed, American tyranny has always been piecemeal, the product of pitting one group against another, promising spoils while retaining a sense of freedom for a favored constituency. Trump promises only “greatness,” a vague concept defined by bombast and brute force.
    Consider Trump’s war with Apple. Trump has said regarding the company’s refusal to construct a backdoor to its products’ encryption, “I would come down so hard on [CEO Tim Cook] — you have no idea — his head would be spinning all of the way back to Silicon Valley.”
    It would be a mistake to brush off Trump’s fascist tendencies simply because they pale in comparison to history’s villains. Barack Obama is not Joseph Stalin, but both are socialists. Similarly, Donald Trump is not Adolf Hilter, but both are fascists. Each believes that the individual should be subordinated entirely to the state under the whim of an unbridled leader. That’s the relevant comparison, and one which should inform a voter’s decision.

    MND adds: Trump has tweeted his support for Michael Mann in his suit against Steyn.

  8. Yes, I read an article like that in the Toronto Sun, and you could well be right about him. So, if we reject him who does that leave?
    It may be asking too much but I want someone who will fire up the people to totalitarian danger we face if we continue on the road with incremental Marxism and in fact roll that back so we are a free people again. We are not far from there now. I want someone who will not turn over Canada to the UN and its thugs. I want someone who will keep Canada safe and not take the snake to our breast.
    Btw, thanks to Lance and bob for the video and Apologetics piece about Tyre. It is a fascinating story for a history buff.

  9. Nice to see you buy the Meme of the Mediots.
    Trump has the left terrified, and they are throwing every stick and stone at him right now, and he throws back boulders and logs, leaving them speechless.
    And the GOP, who is getting their panties in a knot? Haven’t they noticed?
    In the media, its Trump, Trump, Trump, with a side not on Hitlery…..
    The thought of Romney entering the race is laughable. The GOP wants to go with a past loser? Party of Ess Tee You Pee Eye Dee

  10. Har har har.
    Scroll on Toronto TV.
    Manitoba Government reports “Unprecedented” number of interactions between people and polar bears.
    Guess the “vanishing” bears are getting hungry.

  11. b3 nice to see romney enter the foray so Trump can squash him like the opportunistic bedbug he is.
    the man made his millions decimating businesses and shortchanging stockholders. looks like he needs the lesson of 2012 repeated. he is the vanguard of the process to impoverish America so as to enrich a minuscule minority. a classic establishment GOP boy.
