The Seattle Experiment

Regardless of the metrics, socialists gonna socialist.

By both measures of employment, that April to December 2015 drop in Seattle employment was the biggest decline over any 9 month period since between April and December 2009 period during the Great Recession

Fortunately for the Alberta NDP, the job losses due to the minimum wage increase will be lost in the noise of Alberta’s other problems.
Via, The Bookworm Beat

10 Replies to “The Seattle Experiment”

  1. The remarkable unintended consequence,is that typical employers of lwer wage jobs, just move/open their businesses nearby, in Bellevue, Lynnwood, Mountlake Terrace, Shoreline, Tukwila, Redmond, Renton, Seatac, etc, etc, etc, where they can carry on business as usual, away from the social justice warriors of Seattle.
    Of course then they have to deal with the SJWs in those cities, but they can’t posture to the same extent as the Don Quixote’s of Seattle.
    At the end of the day, if employers pay the high wage, they pass it on to the customer, and it just makes life even more expensive for Seattle residents, and visitors/tourists alike.
    SJWs just don’t have any economic savvy whatsoever, its just gimme gimme gimme.

  2. Dan, most of the worst hit are small businesses that can’t afford a move, they can’t afford innovation, they just shut the door. There is also the possibility that some would flock to Seattle because they thought they would get hired at the same low level job at higher pay. Also it would be interesting to see if there is a shift to Greek it (under ground), it never ends well when professional politicians start to dictate business parameters.
    Here in Morontario the pols made it harder to fire ppl after 3 months service, and temp agencies sprouted every were, and the low employable just lost more ground.

  3. Seattle may be on the point of no return from the mess left by the various nut cases running loose in the city if its not smelting down guns into dumb peace bricks its prophiting the salting of streets becuase salt might contaminate a all ready salty Puget sound Yeah the green nuts are falling from the nut tree

  4. The author cites rising unemployment rates … like it was a bad thing ? The left is throughly pleased with this result ! Swelling the welfare rolls, and making even MORE people dependent on government handouts is actually the entire end game. In fact, I am really surprised the Seattle hasn’t already called for the nationalization of Starbucks.

  5. Further to that, if you follow the AEI link in the post, it confirms what I wrote, having not read the article prior to writing that.
    Its just simple math for employers, as they move from high cost (overpriced) labour markets, to competitive markets. Seattle might as well have raised min. wage to $30/hr, it will have the same effect of chasing away jobs and businesses.

  6. They are also doubling down on stupid. New labour laws include paying people anyway if you need to cut a shift. Paying OT if you add hours even if it’s still less than 40. Any deviation from a 2 week schedule will cost the employer

  7. How many middle classers earn only minimum wage? Get with the progressive playbook. Care about the poor? Well they just spend it on beer and popcorn so take even more of the little they have. It’s better we take it from them for others’ goodies. They’ll be better off. They probably don’t vote anyway. Hail to Statism!! For all you non pluralists and PC jackboot types, All Hail to Statism!
    Very few people in minimum wage jobs stay there; most are young students or adults still living with their parents, & some second family incomes.
    For their wisdom we get a proliferation of fast food drive-thru’s and higher unemployment. Limited intelligence calls for big government while big intelligence calls for limited government. Big government turns a non-problem into a problem, at 40% overhead to the taxpayer.
    Isn’t it enough to nail the working poor with even more carbon taxes and higher energy costs? Now they have to price them out of the job market with this kind of economic idiocy? The middle class who voted for this nonsense should be ashamed of themselves in their selfish support of free stuff at the expense of the most vulnerable in our society, something our new compassionate leaders have no time or thought for, except for their theories, social engineering and transformation. It’s hurting everyone in the end.
    When will we have our Trump moment?

  8. where does the 800 BILLION dollar bank bailout figure into this?
    the poor blow their money? good !! puts it back in circulation !!! betcha they don’t blow it on risky foreign derivatives etc etc.
    the root problem is no one seems to give a rat’s arse about anyone but themselves. wrapped up in equanimity fo’ da’ poo’ and da’ childrin and da’ refusees ohhhhh po’ unfortunates. (what’s in it for me me me me ? how can I get a gubbamint jzhob outta this?)

  9. Do the math. If a teenager approaches a small business to hire him on at the new minimum wage, the teenager’s efforts would have to bring in $120.00 per eight hour shift every shift simply for the business owner to break even on the new hire. That’s before talking benefits etc. There are very few entry level employees who can bring that kind of added value to a small business. Result: Johnny doesn’t get hired.
    It’s no surprise that two of the strongest economies in the world, i.e. Switzerland and Singapore have no minimum wage. Workers seem to do fine without it.

  10. The average left winger has no clue….NOT ONE, about the true cost of employees to a business. They have NO idea of the payroll tax burden and the other regulatory blankets that cost business a small fortune. And then they say that those employees “pay taxes”. Like hell they do. The business pays them because the business has to pay the gross payroll before it can begin to make any money.
