22 Replies to “Alberta oilfield workers!”

  1. How can one feed a family, pay a mortgage, take caribbean holiday at $17/hr? That’s terrible. These people are such hypocrites.

  2. Every 4 or 5 minutes that I keep one of these employees on the phone is one dollar less for the NDP.

  3. So when April 5 comes around and these workers are fired can the Sask Party then accuse the NDP of laying off workers. It seems that the dippers like to make that accusation of the government.

  4. No sympathy for the Newfs!!! They all voted Liberal in the federal General Election last Fall.

  5. I’m not looking for work but maybe I could help. A right wing libertarian should be able to contribute something to the ndp message….
    Probably have to join that union who hang those billboards around SK – reminding the prols that the Province would collapse without over paid lazy unionistas looking after them.
    I think I’d be okay going door to door but that union thing might do me in. Of course if I got off message and they fired me I could file a grievance through the union for dismissal without cause.
    Sign me up! Anybody else wanna help?

  6. abtrapper, I’d like to help.
    I could see this working if you showed up at my door. A couple (6 or 7) brewskies on me, lubricating a robust debate (maybe about the Oilers or the Riders, or even politics) on the NDP dime would make my day.

  7. I’m in.
    I’ll bet the SDA Nation could supply the entire NDP workforce. And man we’re motivated!

  8. However, they have seriously failed to consider the upward pressure on businesses from workers who are presently now comfortably above the minimum wage and who think – with NDP help – that their wages should rise commensurately. Have clients for whom this is a real concern.

  9. Don’t these people know how to properly proselytize the infidels ? Just say vote for Allah … or whatever the hell they believe in … or threaten to behead them, rape them, enslave them … or all of the above. After a while, you no longer have any opposition.

  10. Now where do you suppose the NDP found the money to pay for door knockers and face book trolls when the non-union party has to rely on volunteers for its political help?
    Hello compulsory union dues.

  11. I see the Saskatchewan NDP are so unpopular they can’t even find enough volunteers to do this, they have to pay people well above minimum wage for it.

  12. have a few barley sandwiches, some pickled eggs, chili and then go door to door for them. Just be careful if some one smoking answers a door!

  13. Good practical training reference when the temp hires try for other similar jobs later at the real fake charities.
    Or at least those that are also based on the hired mercenary knocking on doors model.
